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Everything posted by sch1smarch

  1. well thats what i meant and uh good typing to ya
  2. i forgot, sry i forget thing alot i think i might have short term memory loss
  3. i bet no many know what you are saying by you saying arcade multiplayer just like me and zzxx4
  4. sch1smarch

    Halo 4

    who were u tlkin to i was talking to infinty
  5. im not really sure that that would work
  6. thats not really what i meant i meant that whenever you post you like lol everything
  7. sorry if i couldnt read you bad typing
  8. yeah could you explain arcade multiplayer?
  9. oh well i didn't know for sure so i just figured that the organization that was going to be in charge of halo would be the people that would make it if it was true
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