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Everything posted by ProudDrunkIrish

  1. I have to agree with pretty much all the OP's points and could add a few. The only one I disagree with is that the sword might be able to beat a hammer, from previous Halo games the sword always loses, in griffball the sword is for killing the carrier really nothing else. Lag is an issue with alomost all FPS games due to host connetions and locations, just a fact of life. Also good to see you posted a thread, people look for new threads and ignore new posts in old ones.
  2. Nobody dies from 2 shots, the only possible reason is that you are having connection problems and are lagging so you are being shot the normal amount but to you it seems like only a couple hit and you die. Not much you can do just back out whenever this seems to be happening, and look for another game, avoid BTB is another thing
  3. You missunderstand it has nothing to do with them on a 1 to 1 lvl but the impression they hold that any game that does not devote itself to conforming with what they class as the best MLG layout is bad or wrong in some way, oh and yes most of em take some moral unjustified high ground in arguing this and telling others their opinions are invalid. So in short its their mindset towards gaming that I describe and nothing more personal than that. Sure maybe the few I have ever had the displeasure of having anything to do with (well game with) were ***** but we all know that there are good people in all walks of life. In the end my comment was simply stating that its a mixture of both Halo/MLG/players fault that this separation has occured. Oh well alls well that ends well.
  4. Yeah it is confirmed the exact date not set but it should not be too long as the first 2 were dropped in January. So the next major update or else go to the nearest game store and ask politely if they have any codes left for them, worth a shot worked for me..
  5. I do not get this replacing playlists!!! Why not just keep em all, I mean lets face it the company can afford it if its a cost issue and its the least they can do after the mess they have created so far.
  6. Well it was sad to see that they took away more on the vehicle and aircraft front than they added, unfortunatley all these things can only be added to Halo 5 and lets hope that they are at least. A hornet or equivalent for the UNSC and some new promethean vehicles and a flyer would be great. Lets just hope they get inventive and we get something.
  7. Its sad to see that MLG has no place in Halo anymore or visa versa but it became of less than secondary importance, the interest in MLG from the wider community has faded and those who play MLG have become ever more engrossed in their own self importance. Its a pity that these flaws combine to bring an end to what was in its time a good thing, but it had become more obvious that this was on the way as games and their audience change. Well goodbye MLG, you meant nothing to me but at least I can appreciate what it meant to others. Still the MLG community should take their heads out from between their legs and realise they are just gamers like everyone else, self granted self glorifying titles do not make you more important!!!! NOTE: edited to correct spelling lol.;.
  8. Well I would love to share some of the enthusiasm about this however they essentially confirmed it for the January 21st update and well that did not happen. Also they have made it clear that it will not be visible in game which is a little unfortunate. Still it will be nice to have a true skill system but without visible ranks it will not have the effect it should, speaking personally I cannot ever see myself bothering to go to the waypoint forum just to find out some stat lol.. If it were in game I would work hard on it but as it stands it will have no meaning for me. That said I am sure many will watch it and care for it so glad they are adding it.
  9. Well being that i play in Ireland and my connection is run over boosted copper signal and I can play just fine in 98% of games even with american hosts I dare say you are exagerating just a little on this one, though if you are having connection issues I am sorry to hear it. Pick a time to play when most of the states are offline then you have a better chance of getting a more localised host. I have not heard of this happening for anyone else and my connection to the servers has been fine, this is not an official 343 forum just a fan run one (yes the name is confusing) so I would say head to the halo waypoint forum and someone with more expertise may be able to help you from there. Good luck and I hope you get it sorted. Discussions on things like this are best done by opening a thread for them and you will get people to reply to them. All the above have been brought up but feel free to open a thread for these particular things. Not many people visit this topic as it is an old stickied one and more for actual connection and game issues than for recommendations.
  10. Well first few games of snipers done (and only a few as it was never really a favourite of mine) and I have to say all in all not too bad, I still despise the way your scope kicks when you are shot but that is just a feature of the game so no point whining about it. Did not find any campy shotty rounds but then again as I said I only played a few, and I also did not see ragnarok at all which was a dissapointment as I for one think it one of the best available lvl's for sniper battles. All in all its getting a thumbs up from me for now..
  11. Fair enough so the OP is just flaming away and there is no justification to make any change. Not that anyone could really justify removing the original Swat weapon from the gametype anyway.
  12. Yeah its not so much a case of the realism, sure with teleportation they may not need vehicles but why not throw a few into the game, it was a great chance to make the addition and one that was missed. Maybe they will add some in Halo 5 as said above, it would be nice. Its a case of not asking WHY? but rather asking WHY NOT?
  13. The whole argument of not running around corners is null envoyed as many people just run around with the Boltshot as their primary, its 1HK range is greater than either type of shotty which is just wrong. Comparing it to a plasma pistol is not justified as even when you emp a vehicle you still have to go kill it and they have a perk (wheelman) that reduces that to very little time. The 1HK is not the issue with the BS its simply its range, reduce the range and hey presto people will mostly not be too bothered. As it stands it beats shotguns for range, it has a very wide release time, even when not a 1HK it removes shields leaving you a 1 shot kill from any other gun. So all in all its sounds more like the attributes of a primary than a secondary. Will they nerf it??? well lets be realistic probably not any time soon...
  14. ProudDrunkIrish


    Yeah size for the gametype is an issue, it really does not fit any particular no. of players available at the moment. Who knows maybe a future game mode will make use of it, I guess they tried for something new, pity it did not work out.
  15. I had the same thing happen to me, that said it only happened once, well at least I only noticed it happen once. It is just an unfortunate glitch and there is nothing to be done for it. I see how its a bit annoying but as the challenge points are set at the moment your weekly's will get you back that xp so no harm done. Sorry to hear it happened and I hope it doesn't happen again but this seems to be an ongoing issue that has yet to be resolved.
  16. I would have thought Ragnarok would be a garunteed snipes lvl, being as it is one of the best laid out lvl's for the gametype. Surprised to hear that haven has been included!! It seems to defeat the purpose of the game mode. Well I suppose I will have to give it a good run before I can really make an educated decision on it, although from what is said above my initial joy at the idea of shotty/snipes has been somewhat diminished.
  17. Although I do not get betrayed too often, just the odd time by someone running me over by accident I assume, I have seen it happen for power weapons, I watched a guy kill someone in our base in ragnarok for his sniper (ran him over in a mongoose), he did this twice that I saw for power weapons and did not get kicked. The system seems a bit silly the old one worked and should still be there friendly fire or not. The option to boot should be given on anyones second betrayal, then it might stop this but even then you lose nothing by being booted so people will probably still chance it.
  18. If I remember right you could talk to an enemy in game while in a gun fight with them in Halo 3!! I do remember having a go at the enemy in griffball and hearing the abuse when I killed them lol.. This is something I loved and something I miss, it was novel and great as you could almost put a player off or visa versa and it was fun. Now as it is people do not talk much in this game and in doubles I imagine that most teams are together so leave as they wish (both at once), the old conversation and abuse comes and goes every now and then in BTB, my gamertag always seems to get attention from any americans so I get to have a bit of fun, but it is rare. Its a pity as many people on my friends list were people I played with in Halo 3, I have yet to add one from Halo 4.
  19. Cannot say I have ever experienced this, I assume it must be something in your settings though it seems you have checked all that I could have mentioned. If its a glitch of some sort the best place to bring it up would be the waypoint forums as you may get help from 343 directly there. Best of luck .
  20. 4 x 2 was just epic, so many enemies to kill. Yeah they really let the side down on the playlist front but they have now released 3 gametypes in 2 weeks if I am not mistaken so they are working on fixing that issue. We can just hope that they keep at it and soon we will have a game we can all enjoy.
  21. Not been playing it yet but glad to hear that shotty snipes is back, this is the best thing I have heard in a while, that said I still do not like the kick form being shot and it has changed sniping a lot, I guess the moral is never go full zoom unless you have to and when you do get back out of it as soon as possible. Goin to have to play me some as soon as I get back from work.
  22. Its only one of many game types not available yet but they are adding some so we can hope for the future. The slayer version will always be more popular but they could add in the objective and nobody would complain. Heavies would also be nice, all that said first thing for BTB would be more maps and good ones not the last DLC where they were poor at best..
  23. As above you can get perfections but you still get no medal for them, they just get seen in the commendation for them. As for the lack of medals well it seems a bit nuts, they make a generic kill medal and have 2 for headshots yet things like weapon spree, perfection and others are gone!!
  24. I do not think there is any need to nerf it, your radar actually tells you if someone is camo and gives you a good idea of location, also it works well at very slow movement but outside of that people are really easy to see. All in all I think they got it right, any major change would pretty much kill it off.
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