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Everything posted by ProudDrunkIrish

  1. Its on a match to match basis, I have experienced some that end very quick while others go at about the right speed.. To be honest the scores could be increased a bit due to the speed of the game but in some maps where teams have a habit of hanging back they can go full length so its hard to say what is best.
  2. Cannot say i have heard of this one personally but there have been a number of glitches with the game so far so this may be little more than that. Just a quick question due you get the stuff eventually when you lvl up or does it never appear?? Also this is a fan based community forum and although the members will help in every way possible the direct contact site for 343 is the halo waypoint forum. Hope you get it sorted and happy gaming.
  3. Hahaha wow the trolls took this one over big time...... Have to agree with fleshback above ^^ although there are some differences between care packages and ordinance they are essentially kill rewards. They give you an advantage over the enemy. Halo never had this the essence of the game was to control the map and thus the power weapons, it made you go out and fight, this gave the game an aggressive edge that few others had. The addition of a reward feature (yes CoD has a reward feature) has ultimatley changed the game and made it more a hang back game (exactly what CoD is). The things like sprint, perks, loadouts, SR system, instant respawn are all CoD like (may exist elsewhere but all exist in CoD before introduction to Halo), each has its clear advantage and disadvantage in this game, for me they have made the game inferior. Now I have played Halo since it existed and it was my addiction until Reach, I had hoped for a revival of my old sentiment but it does not seem to be happening. Things like fixed weapon start, fixed weapon spawn, respawn times, friendly fire, true skill ranking system were in my opinion part of the very essence of Halo, they forced a smarter and more aggressive style of play, team work was more automatic as people all had the same goals (power weapons, map control, win for rank). Now I am happy to say change is good but it has to be the right change, they had to maintain what made the game great while adding things, at this at least for me they failed, they seemed to mash in features that succeeded for other games (yes people may have asked for them) without really considering what made the game so special.. So trolls unless you have a legit argument against what is stated in the topic, please stop yapping it gets tiresome........
  4. Thats a bit unfair... there are lots of nades in Halo 4 and amount used to time played would prob be higher than previous Halo games.. As said above in just 1 example 38 nades on Haven from the start (not including grenadier), then if resupply is on and with instant respawn this can actually increase lol, Lots of nades that cause lots of damage, changing play style will help, its not smarter its just different lol..
  5. Cannot say I have experienced too much of what you mention in the first paragraph and I am often in games with yanks, eastern blocs and west europe at once!!! guess I have somehow been lucky. some lag but nothing that makes any difference in reality. Honestly I am sure many here and playing the game do not give a S*** about MLG, I for one do not, games are for fun and anyone can and should play any playlist. You would be amazed at the different expenses of connection across the world and how much what you call meagre money means to some people. Maybe on this one you can climb down from that throne way up yonder and let the plebs have some bread, or maybe you think they all eat cake!!!
  6. The perks (Grenadier and Resupply) have a lot to do with the amount of grenades available, also the perk explosives makes them easier to use, in normal slayer I use resupply/exposives and it is a very good combo. The instant respawn probably makes it seem like there are more grenades being thrown that was the norm in previous games. Its not really a problem as far as I can see but I can see how one may think they are too common. Haven for example has 12 grenades for pickup and each player starts with 2 so thats 38 nades from the getgo not including possible grenadier use. This kind of play is not new just that the normal slayer maps lend themselves to grenade use quite well, so it really is something you have to just learn to play around, there are many tips and tricks to help..
  7. Haha I love how an insane topic turned into an argument over people playing XBL, First of OP you make no sense at all in the first post.... would pick out problems but since the entire thing is wolly i'll just leave it at that. Then the argument about XBL players, well to be honest nowadays to have the ability to play online but choose not to while buying a game designed for it seems silly to me. Modern FPS games are now often more about online play than the game, Halo 4 had a capaign that took me a whole 8 hrs of non rushed play and I might play it 2 or 3 times ever (lets be honest thats how many times till you know it off by heart). It just seems senseless to pay and not to play. Time on a forum really has nothing to do with info, people are here discussing opinions and all are valid if they are backed up, I love how people tell others they are wrong when their is some legitimacy to what they say lol.. Oh well another meaningful topic for the forum
  8. Yup to my saddness I have to admit while being a challenge there is no medal for perfection in H4, both my last 2 were in slayer and enither time did I get a medal but did have them added to my commendation challenge thingy..
  9. I had to give up reading the responses as they all seem a little narrow minded... did they copy stuff? well yes they did.. from who?? probably more than one place... most likely source??? most likely CoD being the biggest fps seller... Now that is a mixture of fact and logic, yes many people called for many things, I asked for them to include big pink rabbits that we could ride into battle but them not being there proves they do not have to include every recommendation. I believe the statement made by the poster has a lot to do with the loss of individuality that was Halo, it had its own features that were made and designed specifically for the game and they really worked... Now we see the addition of many new things (new to halo, old from some other game) and yes people who played other games a lot may have said I wish halo had this but we can forget they were designed for a different type of game. Now people said the game had to evolve and maybe it did but not all branches of evolution end in success (history has taught us this over and over). The simple fact is some of the features are good and some are bad while some were just not necessary! Halo has now become a game made up of the good, the bad and the ugly features of halo and other games mashed together. Halo was unique and that made it special, features like respawn times, fixed weapon spawns, friendly fire and skill based ranking systems were the essence of the game, they all in their own way made it great and are now all gone!! The addition of kill cams, SR system made no odds and were not needed. Sprint was a good addition but now means never again will we see some of the greatest types of maps made (guardian, the pit), ordinance drops was good on paper but has made a campy fps, this is more due to players style than 343 but meh. Custom loadouts with perks are so so in my opinion, they have good and bad aspects to them, personally I would prefer the fixed weapon starts (perks could be included by all means). Stop hating the poster for stating facts and accept changes were made some were copied and some failed to improve the game at all. Now something copied that works is ok by me but to defend additions that make the game less in any way is just being stubborn.
  10. Exile/Ragnarok = best Meltdown = worst (really cannot get to like this lvl)
  11. Everyone keeps spouting the same things yet they do not mention the % sales to current players, this is what matters as it shows the decline in the game. The sales figures were great but it had nothing to do with 343 it was the brand name and bungies hard work that sold H4, now however in my opinion th elegacy has been tarred somewhat, more by either negligence/inability/stupidity or whatever you want to call it. Lets be honest all they added to H4 was some things they stole from CoD, they may have changed em a bit but thats about it. They reduced playlists/gametypes, took out the traditional ranking system, the current ranking system is meaningless it about time played with few only a few points separating winner and loser. They also removed the heart of the game which was locking down maps and controlling them, with ordinance this is pointless and thus we have a new play style. They have less vehicles, maps etc. than previous Halo's, they have made promises time and again only for the date to come and nothing be delivered. So far they have been a shambles when dealing with this game. 343 and their inability to get it right are killing Halo and many have left and may never come back (many diehard fans that is), a lot of people returned for the jan 21st update only to find that nothing really changed and they have left again. Its sad to see as a fan of the games but it is happening nonetheless without no real effort to stop it.
  12. I have to say been playing big team lately so did nnot come across the BS much but having started playing the forge test maps its in full force there and by god my initial thoughts about the range were understated, I was killed at about 3 times melee distance by one which is more than a shotty lol. Now it is fine having it a 1HK but it has to be less distance than the 1HK of a shotty/scattershot or else it is OP, at the moment its like a mini handcannon and I hate to say it but considering 343 are struggling to get out what they promise I dare say it may remain unchanged.
  13. Well the main issue with this is the drop itself, I have experienced this where a ordinance drops nowhere near where you pointed it to, sometimes it lands way out in the open or if your in a relativley confined area it drops the other side of a wall. This has caused me to lose quite a few, some I have never even found lol. It is something they could look at say set it to 3 feet in front where you a facing. The actual time it takes to steal one is about right IMO as the enemy can pretty much kill you during that time so any longer and say if your teammate dies you will not be able to get his ordinance (thus risking the enemy getting it)
  14. They had team snipers, KOH and slayer pro at the start but then they removed them for fixing or some other reason, they said they would be abck soon but nobody has heard a peep since. Personally KOH was the biggest loss for me, its sad to see its a gametype in DLC and forge yet the main playlist is gone...
  15. My thoughts are they need to add playlists not replace them, and most of this was promised for January 21st so until its actually in I am not going to hold my breath.. They needed at least that much done for this month, there are so many more things being asked for that at this rate they will take about 5yrs. to get to where halo is.
  16. Wow back to April, well that is some change of mind, really if they just promised one thing then delivered it instead of 10 and delivering none the community would be much mor happy. It just seems a never ending tale of its on the way or will be back soon but yet I have not seen anything worth mentioning added or changed. I do say the forge addition has been fun so far but all the other things are still missing or unchanged so dissapointed is all I can say.
  17. Truth is the scorpion is not the machine it used to be as people spawn with PP these days its an easy target to emp and kill.
  18. The pull I describe is not confined the the criteria you attach to your description of aim assist which leaves me thinking that either they have an added feature or your beautifully detailed description is somewhat inaccurate.. Thanks for the general info though. It has way too much effect on the game in comparison to other games indicating that the ability to alter it is there without damaging the game and peoples interest in it.
  19. Well I could accept that if they did it in the days after xmas day then this may have been true as I dare say a lot of kids got the game for christmas and that would easily account for the increase (temporary as it seems to have been), its a pity they did not do a few more at different dates, then again who wants to show bad number Nobody here can really be sure of no's per day but considering playlist numbers at different times it was just hard to believe. What is an issue is that if they had 1 million playing and the avergae play time was say 2hrs each a day then there should be at least 83k on at any time which is more than the max that I have seen most of the times I am on. If they had even that number it would be great for everyone. But somehow they seem to lose a lot to other games, maybe I am changing but it seems they are missing the xfactor or something. Sorry if this is a little off topic lol.
  20. Right the method I use is the following: First off I play Big Team a lot and the loadout setup is as follows: DMR Plasma Pistol Plasma Grenades Active Camo Ammo ????? (for my other perk I use fastrack but if you do not have it then pick whichever sounds best to you) Now on all BTB games the trick is to get a power weapon or vehicle (not a machine gun hog), most people go for the obvious ones so go for the less likely or off track ones, say banshee in exile (this way you have a good chance of getting sniper or banshee as both are in that direction), or spartan laser in ragnarok (most people go sniper/mantis), ghosts are good in many lvl's (do not be afraid to just shoot people with the gun it is really good), In Ragnarok try to stay on centre hill (best place for kills and running back over your side means cover if needed), in exile try to hold banshee spawn (first banshee spawns there, gauss is just down to one side, you have good view and sniper spawns on gauss side so lots of stuff in that area), In longbow try to hold the main upper building stay on the roof and fire down on enemies trying to come up to you. In the other lvl with the wraith tank (cannot remember name) use ghosts and just keep roaming the lvl. The joy of the class above is that you can take up a position at distance and just bang away with the knowledge of not running out of ammo (in other words no need to rush in), if you are not doing well then keep in the area of your teammates rather than going lone wolf. If a vehicle is travelling around the map crouch in/ or just next to its path with camo on and stick it with a plasma as it passes (good for vehicle and double kills in the case of hogs. Make use of your loadout selection, for example the best loadout option is not always the best for your situation, I often pick say speed boost or damage over many weapons as they are hard to use on the map I am playing. If your team has a mantis or tank etc. staying in the vicinity of the vehicle can be a good idea as enemies trying to kill it will often be blind to you so you get an easy kill and at the same time protect an important vehicle for the team. All of these are part of my general play but I am an aggressive player who always tries to take the areas I speak of, this may not suit you but give it a go. Also when in a gun fight it is important to move from side to side or jump (just do not run in a straight line), also in tight areas throw grenades before you come into view of the enemy.
  21. Just curious as to where you got the 1 million figure from it seems a little high based on player no's I mean for it to be true then the average time played would be around 1hr per player (that sounds even worse than the player loss lol, lose interest that quick!!) Just basing this on the general player populations
  22. Well I have to disagree in the most part, aim assist helps players this I do agree with. Does it mean less skill required, Yes is the answer to this Does lowering sensitivity equate to same as aim assist, hell no where did you find that rubbish lol.. Does reducing aim assist work, yes it would work just fine. Aim assist just reduces sensitivity, no there is an autoaim built in I am sure you have all had you scope leave your target cause another enemy ran past and it followed him!!!! So yes autoaim/aim assist does mean less skill and could be toned down, any player develops their shooting style in a game based on the game features, as long as it was impemented from the start then players would adapt quite easily. Saying it would have nothing to do with skill just hand eye coordination, is like saying a race car driver hasn't got more skill than another he just has faster reactions!! In FPS hand eye coordination is the most important skill. Now Aim assist present in a more reduced way than we see in H4 would be a good thing in my opinion, not the total removal of it however. But thats just my opinion and it is open to scrutiny..
  23. No what he is saying is that now even if he and his team control the power weapon spawns through better play, the enemy can quickly end up with more power weapons than them, so say your in a vehicle and you have killed their vehicles and have the map locked down well now you should be able to assualt (you deserve to be able to assault) but then some guy who has no more than some assists can get a spartan laser or incineration cannon dropped at his feet and hey presto the player without a kill can end your spree of good play. This is the issue the ordinance is random so the better team may get little while a weak team can get the best weapons in the game. I cannot count the amount of times I am doing well on the winning team in Ragnarok and I get needler/frags/overshield repeatedly while the enemy has 3+ snipers on the go. This means that the better player is at a dissadvantage, thus we are here discussing the lack of a skill gap. The old school Halo where all started with same weapons and all power weapons were to be fought for was a true skill based game, it made you come out and fight and it rewarded the winner of said fights.
  24. If you managed to get banned for this on Halo 4 then you definitley deserved it lol, the limit is so excessive even serial quitters never reach it. There is never any reason for quitting that many games so you can go on and on about your rights etc. but your quitting has an impact on others gaming experience, if you have not considered tha you should. Your comaplint about owning the game is like someone saying I own my car so why can't I drive at whatever speed I see fit? Well like you do not own the roads you do not own the online system on which Halo is played. Maybe you should just learn to play through a game instead then this will not happen, I dare say most people have no sysmpathy for you as in truth with the current system you definitley deserved the ban.
  25. Well having gone through the list of issues in this thread and many others I have to say they are many and varied. Discussions on the lack of playlists, maps, ranking system, balance issues, ordinance, loadouts, OP starting weapons, player attitudes etc. etc. Now every game has its haters and complainers, they all have the right to do so... Halo 4 has quite possibly more than others, 343 made big changes to a game that had just undergone a big change in its previous release. They took a few risks and tried to take what they thought would be good parts of other games (well CoD) and introduced them to Halo. Their intentions may have been good and they have succeeded in the views of some (possible many I have no figures). That said the numbers do not lie!! Halo 4 has had possibly the biggest drop off in online players of any major FPS title well ever!! We all heard how many bought it, we all could see the 400K+ users (this does not include those who got it for xmas which should have been a huge boost) and we can all see the current population. I work shift and thus have the liberty of playing all across the 24hr's during every 3 week period. The numbers range from less than 30K to 70K or just above. Now should we compare this to say Halo 3 well its could be called the death of Halo... Not even that but many of us know Halo fans who would rather put in some other game than H4, they are on everyones friends list. Halo used to be an addiction for many reasons lots of which have been stated, it had a cult following that was in love with certain aspects of the game, the things that defined it from others.. Many of these things were scrapped by 343 in favour of things from other games. This is one of the reasons many core fans have left. That said where the core fans left I am sure 343 expected new players to fill the gap, unfortunatley this does not seem to have happened, mostly due to them releasing an unfinished game that was very limited. The campaign was ready and was good, but even things like showing bits of the chiefs face gives the feel of taking the easy road in an attempt to be memorable. The online gaming part has been a shock horror story. They had to remove playlists to fix them they were so bad, then they removed others for no good reason, they spoke of things to come that never came.. The January 21st update has come and gone yet where is the ranking system, where is team doubles, where are the updates to the guns, where is what they promised. They may have been first timers, but they had a good number of ex bungie workers as well as the backing of microsoft so they have no excuse they were not alone lol, they took away traditional playlists and did not really give us any new ones, they took away the battle for the power weapons and gave us something like killstreaks, they had so many good maps they could have just redone and rereleased yet we only got 1. There are issues the game is suffering and let us not forget many bought this game based on the name and the wight it carried and I question after this release will it carry the same weight?
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