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Everything posted by XXxKingxMexXX

  1. lols sorry bout that I was typing really fast and you didnt disharten me XD Thanks for posting [update] getting those pics in
  2. Hey THFE!Im presenting to you a map I made called WeSurvive.It is a linear progression map and a free roam at the same time.[Mainly Linear at the end a bit of free roam]This map is basically A space station map and it plays in a way that you will need weapons more than you will need most anything else.It plays dfferent than most flood maps Ive played so that is a new way to go about flood maps.the gametype resembles a more Linear style flood map so you'll need to download the custom gametype.I messed up and I cant get pics so im just going to go in depth about the map:As you start off you will be dropped a ton of ordinance drops so as you pick those up the alpha flood will make there way over to you.Next your going to scrounge into the first building and continue to the outside again.After that you will be getting to the sliding door to the next building picking up tons of weapons as you go. the 2nd building is the largest it is the main space station control.It is probably the hardest to holdout and the shortest time limit,yet this is the best part for the zombies to get some kills in close quarters.Nexxt you will go again to the outside where you will get a building to holdout in and more outdoor areas.You will get a mantis and a ghost with turrets.Zombies will be give speed boosts so watch out. Fileshare XXxKingxMexXX Map: WeSurvive Gametype: WeSurvive Key elements: 4minutes plays with !8-14 players! 12 is best or higher. 3 main buildings MASS KILL SPREES One other thing I think is unique about this map is that you are given a mantis at the end.It was really hard to impliment that in a flood map and it still being balanced. Other unique things: Sliding doors lots of weapons and its not annoying with all the tracers on your screen Linear with a bit of free roam at the end and your given a ghost and a mantis pretty epic. Gravity traits change inside and outside.
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