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  1. They have fixed the terminals, it now says I have 7 terminals and when I went into waypoint on the XBOX it unlocked them all. Just waiting for a commendation fix now.
  2. Ah okay, so just need to wait for a fix. Fair enough. Hopefully gets fixed in the next TU.
  3. I beat Legendary on co-op with my friend over system link at his place on launch night, now we have bought live to play Spartan ops and war games. I read somewhere that you get the Mark IV helmet for finishing Legendary, I don't have it in my armory though. What else do you need to do to get it? Second thing, We both collected all of the terminals and I read that you can unlock certain armor through Halo waypoint. I tried to do the code for the Wiseguy emblem which says you require all terminals and it doesn't work. When I click on the intel thing it has all of the terminals locked even though when I got them in-game it said it unlocked the content for use on Halo Waypoint. Has anyone else experienced these glitches? To confirm, my gamertag is PyromaniacPanda and you can view my achievements to see I have finished on Legendary and have all Terminals. Thanks.
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