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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Wack

    MLG Playlist

    Drop the DMR. Smaller Maps. No Boltshot. Fix Spawn Timers. No Jetpacks/Invis/Sentry/Regen(Shield & Promethean to be determined based on Self Chosen or forced Loadouts). (Shield forces conservation of grenades) Alternately make the BR an 11 bullet kill. Sick of every single person 5 shotting the DMR all the time. If you don't have this problem, fix your internet. BR Battles are more interesting to watch anyways. Oh and the boltshot is a joke. Getting 1 dropped from greater than a body length away as a starting weapon? RIDICULOUS. Jetpacks: Instant map control/high ground (blatant retardation) I'd sooner have the entire community standing still invis with snipers. If ordnance is to be used has to be static, based on game timers, 1 per team to random player. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH LETTING PEOPLE CHOOSE THEIR OWN LOADOUTS AS LONG AS CERTAIN BUFFS ARE OMITTED
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