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  1. Absofrickenlutely agree, whats with the invisible walls too? It all looks ok until you plasma grenade yourself off an invis wall. Good thread, i myself was a massuve halo fan but i am insulted by this game. Campaign 7/10 Multiplayer 5/10 Overall its a cosmetic game with average game play, almost like from N64 - with better gfx. I cling to hope they fix thus as what you have noted leads me to believe they released a half finished game (multiplayer)
  2. I agree that this game is way too noob friendly. There are many things that are unenjoyable about the game too. For instance remove or nerf promethian vison. Usually other players spam it when its up and im an active camo kinda guy so i then use the vision to roll my opponent, which isnt fun either because im taking all the effort out of the game. Also agree with the point to reduce radar range suggestion, possibly even make the radar show players shooting, spotted by a team mate or sprinting only and for 5 seconds there after?? Map default starting weapons is a good idea but that is a game change that is too drastic considering there is so much emphasis on customisation. Latency issues are almost every match, that is generally where all the 1 for 1 kills/deaths come from and the kill cams that make you rage. Put a recoil on scoping. Increase the size of the dmr recticle to reduce its close range effectiveness. Br seems ok tbh, cov carbine needs a buff as it is terrible. Reduce magnum pistol spread slightly for close/medium range battles. Functions as it should at longer ranges Remove this terrible ordinance and place rockets and snipers in very exposed locations so that they are always contested to eliminate base campers. The thing that annoys me most of all is that after 2 weeks since purchasing this game EB games will only give me $30 trade in value...that says something about the game rep too?
  3. What about rocketball, odd ball with rockets only - would be sick as, reduce gravity to allow for some higher jumps etc.
  4. Ass rifle and magnum, even dmr works at close quarters. Choose the armor perks to suit your style, i personally use the active camo.
  5. The last point is good however heavy weapons like snipers and rockets etc are a no no. I believe that shotguns should be in load outs though, if the needler combine count was increased (needler shots requirement to explode) that would be an idea. I just want some weapon variety, there really arent many weapon drops so its mostly dmr vs battle rifle.
  6. I see what you are saying fishsticks01 and i use the assualt rifle and dmr, the pistol also gets a lot of use and tops the dmr for speed (of killing) if in the right hands. I have a rather high kdr compared to most i would say near 2 (maybe 1.7?). I guess my main concern is i dont want this game to get boring, lol i dont tend to show up on radars because of the way i move, but other players do and i feel that it is over powered. I am an australian and the lag is bad, quite often you will melee someone 3 times and they hit you once and thats it. Or its a 1 for 1. It would be nice to see a locational match maker? Doorway camping with shotguns occur in most games, you die from a single shot in others. This game is definately missing something i say add shotguns to loadouts, intro weapon recoil for snipers and dmr for balance otherwise. I didnt really open the thread because im losing, i am killing people so easily but there is just no variety. Even if u sacrifice your primary weapon to dual weild 2 secondaries that would be awesome ( plasma pistol and magnum would be op so you cant scope )
  7. I hope that you are right about future improvements even if they implemented crosshair recoil to some guns it would make the game more skillful and increase the results of assualt rifles. Maybe nerf the carbines except covenant carbine, that thing takes like 10 shots to kill
  8. The match making is poor, constant lag and delays. Have you ever watched the kill cam at all? Does it make you rage that you arent even on screen sometimes in that kill cam or they are shootin the wall Number 2, the guns lack variety from the load outs lack. Pistols are good the way they are but the primary weapons suck. Ok so i have a choice between 3 single shot riles and 3 assault rifles. Weapon drops are good, some nice stuff there and good original style stuff. Battle rifle, woah 3 round burst but crap compared to dmr really 3, such a low level of skill required for this game, you move like a snail, slower when shot, when the crosshairs are red its a guaranteed hit so weapons like dmr stomp at all ranges. Nerf the god damn radar for crying out loud, make it refresh every 3 seconds or somethig 4 to increase variety dual wield should be implemented, halo 2 was the best r for multiplayer and duels arent as mundane as oh i got the 1st shot on you so i will kill you or you both end up dead raging forgettig your mic is jot muted. Remove promethian vision from multiplayer, just adds to that lack of skill. All the other perks seem ok, camo jet pack etc Except sentry turret thingo, terrible - increase its cool down and make it like a suppressor or something lasting 15 sec Include shotguns in starting loads for purchase for variety, they suck past about 10 meters anyway. Open to suggestions and opinions. Feel that this is a commonly spoke. About topic amongst friends Commence flaming and trolling
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