The match making is poor, constant lag and delays. Have you ever watched the kill cam at all? Does it make you rage that you arent even on screen sometimes in that kill cam or they are shootin the wall
Number 2, the guns lack variety from the load outs lack. Pistols are good the way they are but the primary weapons suck. Ok so i have a choice between 3 single shot riles and 3 assault rifles. Weapon drops are good, some nice stuff there and good original style stuff. Battle rifle, woah 3 round burst but crap compared to dmr really
3, such a low level of skill required for this game, you move like a snail, slower when shot, when the crosshairs are red its a guaranteed hit so weapons like dmr stomp at all ranges. Nerf the god damn radar for crying out loud, make it refresh every 3 seconds or somethig
4 to increase variety dual wield should be implemented, halo 2 was the best r for multiplayer and duels arent as mundane as oh i got the 1st shot on you so i will kill you or you both end up dead raging forgettig your mic is jot muted.
Remove promethian vision from multiplayer, just adds to that lack of skill.
All the other perks seem ok, camo jet pack etc
Except sentry turret thingo, terrible - increase its cool down and make it like a suppressor or something lasting 15 sec
Include shotguns in starting loads for purchase for variety, they suck past about 10 meters anyway.
Open to suggestions and opinions. Feel that this is a commonly spoke. About topic amongst friends
Commence flaming and trolling