It is awesome im still f2p but im gonna pay the 5 bucks to become preferred (Its a one time fee and is really worth it). And if you like star wars it will be 10 times better.
Hmm you made some good points but elder scrolls is what sets it apart imo and the graphics look INSANE i think it should be able to dethrone WoW. And i LOVE swtor thats all ive been playing lately.
I think it gonna be amazing BUT i dont want to play subscriber fees every month so i think it should be a one time payment like Guild Wars 2 (which ive never played btw). Discuss
there is a guide on youtube that will show you how to beat each level in under 20 minuets if you do have to do it over again, make sure ur connected to at least xbl silver first.
I need help choosing between Jedi guardian and jedi sentinel. I also need help choosing between Imperial sniper and Bounty hunter. any input would be awesome.