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Everything posted by Grif.

  1. It is awesome im still f2p but im gonna pay the 5 bucks to become preferred (Its a one time fee and is really worth it). And if you like star wars it will be 10 times better.
  2. Agreed and also im SO suprised swtor is suffering so bad i havent played pvp yet but pve is AMAZING it should be doing amazing off of that alone.
  3. Hmm you made some good points but elder scrolls is what sets it apart imo and the graphics look INSANE i think it should be able to dethrone WoW. And i LOVE swtor thats all ive been playing lately.
  4. I think it gonna be amazing BUT i dont want to play subscriber fees every month so i think it should be a one time payment like Guild Wars 2 (which ive never played btw). Discuss
  5. there is a guide on youtube that will show you how to beat each level in under 20 minuets if you do have to do it over again, make sure ur connected to at least xbl silver first.
  6. they should have hayabusa armor in an update
  7. I love borderlands one of my favorite game series ever!!
  8. the br is harder to use for everything but swat where the br is king because of its fire rate
  9. I have it on the iPOD its pretty awesome.
  10. you summed it up perfectly.
  11. I agree chief CAN'T be stopped he would destroy EVERYONE yoda luke vader the emperor
  12. Agreed. I was spoiled to perfect bug free reach and halo 4's glitches were a little hard to deal with in the beginning but im cool with it now.
  13. I love dual wielding BRING IT BACK!!
  14. Grif.


    thx for ur help i think im gonna go with jedi sentinel and boutny hunter thx again.
  15. Grif.


    I need help choosing between Jedi guardian and jedi sentinel. I also need help choosing between Imperial sniper and Bounty hunter. any input would be awesome.
  16. Nord all the way they have frost resistance which is helpful seeing as the land is covered in snow plus they look the best.
  17. All they have to do is just update the graphics and add achievements and ill buy it i love halo 2.
  18. Thats funny i think the game should be left alone in all honesty.
  19. Twilight is a terrible idea I hope they never make one.
  20. It would be way to unstoppable maybe put one in the center of the map and that way it might be fair but it would still be to powerful.
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