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Everything posted by York

  1. Halo 4 Legendary was a joke, i'd say it was the equivalent to the Heroic difficulty of... basically any Halo game that came before it.
  2. I honestly hate Regicide. I'm not the type to rush in guns blazing and try to take someone down if I can avoid it. I'd much rather use the element of surprise to my advantage... which is nearly impossible when you're the king in Regicide. I'd rather have the lead with no bonuses than be given over shields and a giant "Kill Me" sign above my head.
  3. Tough decision to make... while I believe what Halsey did to the original Spartans was monstrous the fact of the matter is that John wouldn't have been able to accomplish half of the things he did if he wasn't a cold hearted killing machine above all else. He didn't care whether he lived or died, how many creatures he had to kill in order to accomplish his goal, how high the odds were stacked against him, and he didn't let his emotions get the best of him on the battle field because he had none. John is the prime example of human efficiency, but is the sacrifice worth the end result?
  4. I wouldn't either. What Halsey did to the original Spartans was monstrous and lets not forget what her original motivation was: using the Spartans to put down HUMAN rebels. The fact that the Covenant invaded and that the Spartans were a key asset in humanities survival is the only reason that I don't completely despise her. I find it odd that Cortana is a compassionate, selfless ally while Halsey is a selfish old woman with a God complex. If it wasn't for Halseys over abundance of knowledge i'd see to it that I was her executioner.
  5. I think everyone here is missing the key point... a Marine killed a Spartan
  6. Just got a 19 - 0 perfection on BTB Exile without a vehicle *Bows*

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      Very nice :thumbup: *wishes emoticons worked in statuses*

    2. Azaxx


      *wishes Drizzy's wish never comes true*

    3. Church
  7. *Imagines a Spartan getting shot with the needler shotgun for the first time* Cover the door they're co- *gets shot* OUCH! What the hell is this!? What kind of sick minded person thought of putting a bunch of pink spikes in a SHOTGUN!?
  8. Obviously the Brute Chopper is the best. It has guns on it, is easily maneuverable, can take a beating, and can splatter a Warthog and any vehicle smaller than that.
  9. I usually have a hard light shield loadout on in Extraction, that way I can use it to cover whoever is placing/converting the beacon.
  10. Halo 3 had far better maps. Since there were no ordnance drops you had to fight to control power weapons and move strategically through the map. Example: The Pit. Most people tried to keep control of the energy sword and the building it was found in by huddling in the small room, although the sword wielder could be flushed out by tossing grenades through the window near the ceiling on either side. Now you can just spawn a scattershot and take out anyone you see on radar if they're close enough. I could keep going on about why Halo 3 is better but this argument is really all that's needed. Maps are everything.
  11. Wait... there isn't a medal? Come on 343 now that's just sloppy. One of my funniest memories of Halo 3 was getting a perfection with the banshee on Valhalla. I mean really, how hard is it to shoot a banshee down ?
  12. This should be in the gamei invitations section, but a good idea none the less. I'd be more than happy to join you in a few games if my mic wasn't broken
  13. I doubt we'll ever see online bots in multiplayer. The only game I've ever seen them in is Gears of War and I can honestly say that they ruined it. If you had a bot on your team you could pretty much count on losing that round.
  14. Got my new tattoo done earlier and I absolutely love it :D

  15. Working on improving my guitar skills, may try to do a few covers acoustic covers once my vocals and playing are on the same level

  16. ....And this is why people come here instead of Waypoint when they need help.
  17. I managed to snag a few Resident Evil games and i'm in love with them
  18. I'd love it if join in progress became an option. I'm sick of getting stuck in matches where there's maybe 5-10 kills left in the game and the only reason i'm there is because some sore loser couldn't suck it up and finish the session.
  19. My favorite playlist USED to be BTB. But when you only have BTB slayer it gets old fast. Bring back BTB objectives 343
  20. Very useful to new players, hopefully this will get stickied.
  21. The addition of the things you listed doesn't make Halo 4 a "bad game" the ineffective manor in which they were implemented does. Halo has always been in its own category as far as game styles goes and 343 tried mixing it with CoD. The CoD system + the Halo system doesn't equal a good game. With more fine tuning and adjustments the load outs could work, but I feel that the changes needed to make them work would either A.) Make them less diverse and less game changing (Not a bad thing in my opinion) or B.) make the game feel more like CoD than some people claim it does already. I wish the game was more like Halo 3 , but it's not. Times change and the Halo franchise has switched hands so get used to new ideas and approaches to the system. All this being said, I can honestly say that if 343 doesn't get it together in Halo 5 i'll be moving onto CoD, at least they have their system running smoothly.
  22. This video is so dead on that it's sad.
  23. What do, what to do....

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