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Everything posted by nofatchicks6920

  1. It makes me sick to see how many ******** are out there for every saint. Maybe it's just human nature...
  2. I'm not going to sugar coat anything here, this is awful. Just awful. It's not even like the players are going for weapons or even thinking about tactics. They're just running around with Magnums the whole time.
  3. I like the appearance of the new generation of Spartans, as well as the return of the BR and a ton of new weapons.
  4. Wow, talk about hate. I know, I'll probably get flamed at, because I'm American and I got the code and "MS likes me more" and everything, but it's not like 343 will never give Europeans the other specializations. They'll be unlocked when the community "reaches milestones", according to 343. I wish I could help more, but all I can say is be patient. That's all that can be done.
  5. My only complaint is that I actually am supposed to pay for it now (I got it when the marketplace was showing it as free). But really, OP, Really? What do you expect to accomplish with this? Do you think 343 will say "Oh my god, this guy is flaming us on the fans' forums, we should totally listen to him!"? You're like the one person who was claiming that if they complained enough on the forums here, that 343 would have to listen to them, and make Halo 4 exactly how they wanted (I'll probably regret saying that, that person might start up again). So quit whining, and just play the damn game. Is it really this big a deal that you can't play the DLC playlist?
  6. I love the SAW. It just shreds everything to pieces. I also like the Sticky Detonator and Railgun a lot.
  7. I hope everyone had a merry Christmas!

    1. Father B

      Father B

      good food, good company and good wine? you bet your bottom dollar i did. and right back atcha, bud.

  8. I didn't think of that. That's a great idea.
  9. Well, it did overheat once and I had to send it in to MS (that was five years ago, though). Honestly, I just take good care of it. Seeing as how consoles these days can't take much damage before they break, I've mostly kept in in one spot, on the TV stand in my living room, and I also keep the air around it well ventilated (learned that one the hard way). Too many people are dumb enough to think that they can drop their Xbox down the stairs and expect it to work. Okay, I kind of exaggerated there, but you get the point. People overestimate the durability of these consoles. Seriously, I once dropped my SNES down a set of concrete stairs and it worked fine. My friend dropped his brand new PS3 a foot and a half on to a wooden floor and it breaks.
  10. Does anyone agree with me that we need new enemies to fight in Halo 5? Sure, we did get the Promethians in Halo 4, but the Forerunners have been a long standing part of the Halo canon. In general, they're still nothing new. The Covenant are getting old as well, seeing as how they've been the enemy since Halo CE. Perhaps a more interesting twist would be rather than fighting the Storm Covenant, since they're similar to traditional Covenant, instead fighting the remains of the main Covenant, possibly led by a new Brute alpha male. Does anyone have any other ideas?
  11. My Xbox 360 was purchased in 2006 and I have no problems. Did you check the discs for any damage by any chance?
  12. Loadouts are becoming standard in all FPS games now. CoD by far isn't the only one, and Halo had to catch up at some point. If Halo 4 were a Halo 3 clone, the gameplay would just be too dated for an FPS by today's standards. I agree on the campaign and Spartan Ops. Flood isn't bad if you ask me, but traditional Infection should be brought back as well. Only a few Bungie employees actually jumped ship to 343. People need to get their facts right. OP, you're definitely not the only one on this point.
  13. So I just finished the Pioneer Specialization today and I'm at SR70 (I did Wetwork first). I then went to go start the next one when I noticed that, other than Operator, of course, the rest of them are all gone! I got a code and entered it, and I have no idea what's going on here. Can anyone help or am I going to have to go on the Waypoint forums, put up a thread, and hope that I may or may not get a response?
  14. I'm up for it. GT: nofatchicks6920 Be careful when playing with me though. I've had some network problems lately so I've been lagging like crazy the last few days.
  15. No kidding. I'm kind of lucky that I ignored every text from my girlfriend yesterday, because one of them could have been mine if I didn't.
  16. If you want true skill to be visible only to show off and insult those whose number isn't as high, then you're a disgrace to gaming as a whole. Does anyone even remember when gaming communities even had class? You represent everything wrong with gaming today, obsessed with rankings that account for no merit in real life, and take them as some sort of actual accomplishment that will be of some sort of significance one day and just shove it in people's faces. I can't stand people like you on Halo, people like you ruined the Halo community, take your pathetic, 12 year old, MLG wannabe, K/D obsessed, teabagging *** and go back to CoD where you'll be among your other pathetic friends. /RANT
  17. 1. Jun is MIA (to the best of my knowledge), it was either Linda or Sheila who died protecting Halsey. 2. They could, I'd like to see Fred make an appearance, maybe even have a few flashbacks to when Kurt was alive.
  18. Semi-Auto weapons can be used at farther range, and one headshot to an unshielded opponent kills them. With automatic weapons, you don't have to be as accurate, but it does require a little more damage to get a kill once enemy shields are down. Strategies: Semi-Auto: Aim for the head, stay at mid range if possible. Auto: Stay close and aim for the chest.
  19. This challenge was only for the MLG pros and the 12 year old MLG wannabes who do nothing but play Halo all day. If you base the ranks off of cumulative score, then all you have to do is play a lot to win. I think 343 failed to realize that people have jobs.
  20. And now, for the next three days, I play the waiting game...

  21. Username: nofatchicks6920 Country: United States of America Keyword: 343 Industries
  22. so the world disappoints yet again, but I still have a terrible day. Something always manages to screw me over at some point...

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