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Everything posted by nofatchicks6920

  1. Damn, talk about depressing... I've been told by my own parents that they don't love me, that they think I'm nothing, that I'll never get anywhere in my life, but this... I couldn't imagine how hard dealing with this could be. I'm really sorry to hear about all this. I honestly don't know if I could hold up with all that, especially seeing as how cancer tends to be hereditary, I wouldn't only be living in depression, I'd be scared of suffering a similar fate. You really are a strong person, Zelda.
  2. I disagree. Think what you want, but this isn't a ripoff of CoD.
  3. LOLed at the weather forecast. I heard that it's all going down at approximately 5:11 AM (Central US/Canada time). Seeing as how I normally wake up at 6:30, I'm pretty sure I'll be okay as long as I wake up tomorrow morning.
  4. Two hours to go. I eagerly await what the world shall do to me tomorrow...

    1. DoctorB77


      I wonder how Azaxx's Apocalypse went.

    2. Azaxx


      It's fine. 3:18pm and no troubles. Only idiots believe the world's gonna end today/tomorrow

    3. Zuko 'Zarhamee

      Zuko 'Zarhamee

      The Mayans were in our part of the world Azaxx.

  5. Idiot, raging complainer, or troll? I can't tell.
  6. 343 won't see this, just gonna let you know... 1. I agree, honestly. 2. It's a great counter to campers, unless you do nothing but camp yourself, Promethian Vision isn't a bad thing. 3. If anything, it makes it harder on people who just hang back and wait for their teammates to do the work so they can just cherry-pick headshots with their overpowered DMRs. 4. It's a damn video game, quit your complaining. 5. I agree, but K/D shouldn't be the main argument of this. 6. This isn't CoD. Bad argument. 7. I thought you were complaining about K/D. Wouldn't this only help it, unless you are bad and just won't admit it. 8. It's called burst firing at range. And yes, you are quite ignorant, OP. EDIT: I saw 'broken' in the tags, this is now nothing but an ignorant rage post by default.
  7. Agreed entirely. This ******* deserves nothing but the most painful death possible. I'm normally one for humane capital punishment, but I think we could all settle for a good old fashioned quartering, maybe with a few bullet wounds, he could just bleed out in pain afterward.
  8. I don't but I have three ex-girlfriends who do and all desperately want to try and get back together with me before Friday (desperate f**ks). I personally think it's ridiculous, but there is a very remote chance of something bad happening. A CME from the sun could knock out electrical devices entirely if it hits the Earth in the perfect spot, but the chances are slim at best. I'm not worried at all. Think about it, what have I already survived in my 15 years of life? 2000: Y2K Planetary alignment (who in the hell actually believed this would end the world?) 2001: CME from the Sun 2003: Something was supposed to happen here, can't remember if it was a CME or a meteor or whatever. 2006: Rise of the Anti-Christ on June 6th 2011: Rapture I was actually in the middle of a baseball game when the clock hit 6. The batters must have been scared out of their minds, because I struck out the side in 3 pitches each AB. 2012: December 21st (Pending) This is laughable. I'm going to wake up on Saturday and not give a f**k. The theories I can think of: CME: This one is actually possible, but the chances of the CME knocking out electronics on Earth are slim. Planet Nibiru: This is pathetic. Wouldn't NASA have detected a large celestial body nearing the Sun by now? And who the hell thought that the planet would be visible anywhere on Earth by May? Sudden reverse of magnetic poles: This supposedly would either reverse the Earth's gravity (which is impossible) or reverse the the Earth's magnetic field, which would cause massive climate shifts and extinction of many species. De-Stabilization of the Earth's crust: I honestly have no idea what would cause this. I just know it's bulls**t. New Madrid Fault Massive Quake: This really only affects the US, but it would supposedly there would be such a massive quake that it would sink the east bank of the Mississippi River From Louisiana until northern Wisconsin. Nice try, stupid conspiracy theorists. I'm pretty sure we'll all be fine.
  9. I'm having few problems with lag anymore, but dedicated servers are always nice.
  10. *Sees 'Bungie'* *Throws cinderblock at self*
  11. Since my girlfriend and all her friends will be busy hiding from the fake apocalypse, I should be able to get on Halo 4. Send me a message. GT: nofatchicks6920
  12. I think I'd try an Elite. They seem like they'd taste like alligator. Alligator is delicious...
  13. Sorry to hear about that. I really hope she's holding up okay. To be honest, I have to admit that the violence in video game today plays a large role in the cause of this, but the impending "apocalypse" may also be brining out the worst in everyone, albeit this would be an extreme example. We're still a little less than a week off, just think of what may happen if this is any indicator of what's to happen next Friday.
  14. I'm back after having issues with the site for a while. Hopefully that never happens again.

  15. I'll play if you want. Message me. I may not be online for the next day or two, though. Internet connection has been pretty bad. And did your friends jump ship to Black Ops II by any chance? Because if that's so, we should all throw cinderblocks at them for their poor taste in games.
  16. Finally got snow for the first time since February today. What the hell took you so long, nature?

  17. Guys, this is the wrong forum for this. You're far better off putting this up on halowaypoint.com's forums. This is just the community site.
  18. Personally, I don't find the DMR a 70/30 weapon in close quarters in the slightest bit. There are many other weapons far better suited for close quarters combat, such as the AR, SAW, Shotgun, Storm Rifle, Suppressor, etc. What I think the problem is is that 343 thought that making the DMR magazine contain 14 rounds instead of 15 would justify giving it an upgrade in fire rate, since now you can't get 3 kills on one magazine, which clearly didn't work out. Too many people just spam the DMR because it can be fired faster than the Battle Rifle, making more effective at close quarters, and since its scope is also more powerful than the BR's (meaning larger zoom), it can just as easily be spammed in a long range fight. Overall, the DMR is just an overpowered weapon in its current state. Nerfing the BR so it is a 5 shot kill and upgrading the DMR's fire rate (the scope was already the way it currently is) simply made it by far the best mid range weapon in the game. There are also a lot of Reach noobs on Halo 4, and most just use the DMR because that's the precision weapon they're most comfortable with by default.
  19. Halo 4 has literally unlimited potential with War Games, and there's a lot of good ideas out there on the forums so far. If you have any ideas for future playlists, game types, gameplay tweaks, etc., post them here. I'll get it started: Split War Games playlists into two categories: Standard and Competitive. Competitive playlists will have a visual rank (probably 1-50), and will have set loadouts from which the players can choose from, whereas the Standard playlists contain War Games as they currently are. For Example: Competitive Gametypes: FFA Team Slayer BTB SWAT Team Snipers Team Doubles Team Objective Standard Gametypes: Infinity Slayer BTB Infinity Slayer Regicide Flood Grifball Action Sack Community Playlist (shown below) Bring in a community playlist containing player-made maps and gametypes. Bring back one of the UNSC flying vehicles. Make the Battle Rifle a 4 shot weapon like it was in Halo 2/3.
  20. What I don't get is how businesses say "happy holidays" at this time of year yet for some reason they always decorate for Christmas. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of political correctness?

    1. CandiBunni


      It's not really "political correctness". It's including every holiday around this time that people celebrate.

  21. Run until you pass out. When you wake up, continue running. Repeat until you find secure shelter or die. You're casually walking down the street one day and the Locust from Gears of War suddenly ascend from the ground. You are surrounded and are being held at gunpoint. What do you do?
  22. The first time I play through a new episode, I always play solo. Afterwards I normally will play co-op.
  23. You can't play anything but campaign unless you install the second disc's content.
  24. If you finished level 70 and have no other specializations, then you won't continue to get XP. You'll need to unlock more to continue.
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