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Everything posted by xVelocixRaptorx

  1. I like having a signiture again, Bungie.net kinda dissapointed me since they didnt have one, but if its to much to ask, I'd like to see avatars come along side our posts as well. If anyone else besides myself is a GFXer, we could establish a GFX shop or something so EVERYONE could have sick custom signitures, (and future avatars)
  2. *gasp* Hallelujah!!!!! So will there be GFX shops? I can GFX but I dont do it much anymore.
  3. So many topics about this on Bungie forums. It literally impossible to do that without screwing up forge for the rest of the community. Everyone would have to download it in order for it to actually make sense, because It would cause confusion to many gamers that want to join another persons forge game but are unable because they don't have the coding for the new objects. This would either have to be free or in a title update and I can't see 343 or Bungie doing that. Very good idea and I would personally love those objects but the coding for the game would just screw up in an epic purporsion.
  4. ODST was a fail. ODST 2 i don't even think I would want to look into its general direction.
  5. Im just wondering if anyone else had it... If you do its "legal" to boost achievements on it so hit me up with a FR and hopefully my PC's crappy connection will actually connect...
  6. will avatars and signitures be apart of this update?
  7. Anyone wanna brag on there stats? Make a list of medals ur proud of. No one cares if you boosted them so don't even..... LEGIT: 8 Exterminations, 7 Skullamanjaroes, 4 Perfections, 4 Killionaires (Grifball so idk...), 1 or 2 Be the Bullets (I forget), and of course a Pummel! K/D Ratio: 1.369 Rank: Hero (90,000 Cr away from Legend, no boosting/firefight AFK)
  8. pretty epic. So a complete overhaul to the site? Sounds awesome already
  9. Be social! Send messages, friend requests, etc. Play some Halo maybe Mine is my username on the site, I also have a link to my Halo Charts stats in my profile.
  10. xVelocixRaptorx

    Halo 4

    that plus Cortana is desending into rampancy. The only thing I beg is that there will be a Grunt vs. Grunt gametype xP
  11. i'm truely sorry, it's just my opinionated statement. I would just rather progress through John-117's story line. To play CE all over again would feel like I was 7 and buying Pokemon Silver right after I beat Pokemon Gold.
  12. Hopefully Marty O'Donald will work with Bungie AND 343i in the future. Marty's music makes Halo what it is. Also, i wouldn't mine it in any other game either!
  13. Jeremiah is in charge of playlist updates, not 343i. That's why on the B.net forums his title is "Playlist Fungineer". He is also responsible for Alpha Zombies and Action Sack gametypes.
  14. Bungie isn't telling us anything. The only leads are Bob's and Data Pads... Care to clear up any misunderstanding?
  15. Trust me, 343i did a great job on Defiant map pack, especially Highlands. Whatever Halo they make, its gonna be epic.
  16. Hey 343i Forums, I registered today. All I can say right now is that i love what 343i did with the Defiant Map pack and I'm excited to see how 343i deals with Halo in the future. Although im new here, im not new to any Forum, I've been on the Bungie forums for nearly 2 years so i dont troll or spam or anything.
  17. I didn't really enjoy Halo CE, nor would I want to play it again.
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