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LiQuid BioniX

Dedicated Members
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Status Replies posted by LiQuid BioniX

  1. I'm always looking for new friends on twitter.

  2. To one of our silent posters, Congrats to Bloody Initiate on becoming a Dedicated Member! :D

  3. Implement single term limits for the President of the United States and for all members of Congress. http://t.co/vChvC1O

  4. Why does everyone for some odd reason, seem to think I was ever at one time nice about anything? Am I supposed to be or care if I am or not? truth 100%, nothing held back....as awlays.

    1. LiQuid BioniX

      LiQuid BioniX

      I get to be the same way sometimes. I take as much crap as I dish out. Oh well ;)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Certain Affinity's Majestic Map Pack is available Monday! It is the maps Halo 4 has needed from the beginning. Thanks Certain Affinity! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/25973-majestic-map-pack-video/?do=findComment&comment=243753

    1. LiQuid BioniX

      LiQuid BioniX

      Maps look great! Looking forward to getting some more small ones.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. I thank you all for the Birthday wishes, but my dad died today. But again, I thank you all. *hugs* to all.

    1. LiQuid BioniX

      LiQuid BioniX

      I'm sure it's tougher than I can really imagine. I'm glad you have friends here you can fall back on though. I'm sorry to hear the news :(

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. Just got 18 kills and 0 deaths, but ne perfection commendation :( is it because we didn't win?

  8. Podcast is a wrap! Two impromptu guests make this episode even better!

  9. I'ts my first full day on and someone already liked me. To whoever it was who did so, thanks alot. Makes me feel welcomed :)

  10. The only thing I am playing until the true-skill system releases is Grifball. Every single match of mine today were full of noobs with active camo and boltshot.

  11. Am i the only Monty Python Fan here?

    1. LiQuid BioniX

      LiQuid BioniX

      No... I love it, because, you know, I'm NOT TOTALLY INSANE!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. My best friend who is a girl was yelling about how she was upset. She was really mad that she did not know why she was upset. I think i know why...

    1. LiQuid BioniX

      LiQuid BioniX

      I feel ya bro. Dem girls are freaking crazy. No offense ladies, but you are.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Why do wizards in Harry Potter insist on using quills.. What's wrong with a pen???

  14. I have noticed something, halo 4 is very ****** up. Assault rifles need tweaks, and the dmr needs a bigger reticle and spartan ops missions needs different maps not recycled ones.

  15. So I beat AC3, Halo 4, and accomplished almost all that there is to be accomplished in Skyrim. NOW WHAT?!?!?!

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