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LiQuid BioniX

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Everything posted by LiQuid BioniX

  1. Podcast number three will be up in a matte of minutes!

  2. Podcast number three will be up in a few minutes!

    1. Minuette


      Orly? I thought I sabotaged it! NOOOOOOOOOOOO

  3. Podcast three just wrapped up. It will be up in the next two days!

    1. Zaguroth


      podcasts? for here?

  4. Podcast three just wrapped up. It will be up in the next two days!

    1. Minuette


      Sarge is bad immature little boy

  5. I just don't understand the point of transportation in most random matchmaking games. Rarely do people elect to work as a cohesive team. Usually, it's two people who run around or others who go lone wolf. I see transport serving purpose in games like Battlefield 3, but maps aren't big enough and the gameplay doesn't cater to the slower moving tactical gameplay, rather quick, think-on-your-feet style of tactics that Halo usually offers. I'd like to see a new vehicle make an appearance, one that allows for more weapons capability rather than transport.
  6. Podcast number three starts recording in about three hours. Excited?

  7. As long as I'm higher than Sicko.
  8. Follow @343CommunityPod on Twitter!

  9. I think it's an awesome idea. There are lots of weird cases like that but I've yet to run into anyone cheating, and I like the competitiveness out there. Also, free stuff is free stuff.
  10. Gotta be either the Xbox or the PC. I do fancy myself a little bit of a PC gamer.
  11. I've got it for the 360. I love Battlefield! I daresay I enjoy it more than Halo. Unfortunately I think it's PC only, not Mac compatible. I don't have Bootcamp at the moment.
  12. I would find it extremely hard to believe that 343 wouldn't add that in. Doubles, Snipes, and Grifball are all going to be coming to stay in the next month or sooner. That has been confirmed. I would bet that the objective gametypes in BTB would be coming along soon as well.
  13. So I'm at college and don't currently have access to an Xbox. I hopefully will soon, but that's not guaranteed. In the mean time, I'm looking for some computer games (Mac compatible) that you guys enjoy playing. I don't have many. So far, the games I have that I play are: Diablo III StarCraft II Realm of the Mad God Counter Strike: Source Team Fortress 2 Space Pirates and Zombies Limbo That's basically it. I enjoy First Person Shooters the most, but I'm always looking for suggestions!
  14. Azaxx hit the nail on the head. If you'd like to be on the podcast, PM me with your timezone and when you are usually free. It'll get better and better as we go along, and the guests are going to make it much more interesting.
  15. Snipes and Doubles are coming back in the next month or sooner. That has been confirmed for sure.
  16. Ladies and gentlemen of the forums, I present to you the second episode of the 343 Community Podcast. Enjoy! Make sure to leave feedback. http://youtu.be/Fd4w0jtFN4o Also, quick plug, make sure to follow @343CommunityPod on Twitter. We'll be announcing news, guests, and also giveaways exclusive to the Twitter feed.
  17. You're probably right. I'm speaking from personal experience and my skill level is much higher now than in CE obviously.
  18. The first one was a super grind after the first two assassinations. The other games play so much better as well.
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