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LiQuid BioniX

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Everything posted by LiQuid BioniX

  1. Eventually. I'm in college and therefore don't have much extra moneys, but I am still really excited about the new Xbox.
  2. I'm just going to quickly state that many of these issues are known and are being addressed soon. Also, the reason that the AR is more powerful in this game is because no one ever used it in any other game because it sucked so much. It's finally a viable weapon now.
  3. This works in theory, but in practice it just fails. Bungie tried to implement a system and it didn't work. Make the penalty too shallow and nobody cares. Make the penalty too steep, and people who have to leave for legitimate reasons will complain. Basically, people will always leave the games early. When you're pissed, you're pissed, and the penalty doesn't really matter to people. This is why the Join In Progress system is here. It helps balance it out. I know there's flaws in the system, but they can be worked on.
  4. Podcast number two just wrapped. Now just to cut some of it down and it'll be up soon.

  5. We've already got our ideas, but we're always looking for more stuff to talk about, especially when it's from the community. I can be Halo related, have to do with the forums, or really about anything in the world of gaming! Don't be discouraged if we don't always talk about your thing. The podcasts aren't extremely long, but they will be weekly so we'll get around to yours for sure! Keep posting here when you come up with new ideas!
  6. It will be weekly. We'll get the detailed schedule to you all soon! Also, the connection will be significantly better in about a week!
  7. This is basically what the article is saying. Frankie realizes that there are issues, but they'll get fixed.
  8. For everyone complaining about Halo 4, and even for people who love the game, 343 (More specifically Frank O'Connor) released a statement on their thoughts on the game. It's a bit of a strange read, but I especially look forward to the next Halo after this one. Here's the article.
  9. The title pretty much says it all. I'm always the guy who is gung-** about getting all the achievements in a game and then I get to about 650 and don't get any farther. What about the rest of you? Do you go out of your way to get 1000 points?
  10. Actually really good! I thought the chase was hysterical, but in my opinion it was about five or ten seconds too long.
  11. Two things. Add community maps into the Matchmaking hopper. Give us a 1-50 ranking.
  12. I think they will, thought there's no way they'll return before the first of February, because the Dew XP promotion ends January 31st.
  13. People have nothing better to do than to grief... Maybe the server should be a little bit more exclusive.
  14. We are not the official 343 website. The site you're looking for is this one. Also, never put your email addresses on public forums like this one.
  15. Erik Todd Dellums, for those who don't know, is the voice of Three Dog in Fallout 3. He just tweeted this, a potential tease for the announcement of Fallout 4. All of you post-apocalyptic fans rejoice! Nothing has been confirmed, but this was an approved tease from him and looks like Fallout 4 is on the near horizon.
  16. Wrong place for this. It should be in the Other Games forum. As for that, my 2012 GoTY post is there. That's my opinion.
  17. Mobility no question. The shielding doesn't actually reduce the time it takes for the shields to begin recharging, it just reduces the time it takes the shield to recharge from empty to full. It's pretty useless.
  18. For those of you who like the fast paced action or zombie killing goodness of Call of Duty: Black Ops II, you're in luck, as long as you're on the Xbox 360, that is. The rumors that a new DLC pack was about to come out are true. The Revolution map pack will drop January 29th. It will be $15 on the Xbox Live Marketplace, and free for everyone with the DLC pack. The pack includes four new mutiplayer maps: Downhill, Grind, Hydro, and Mirage. In addition to that, the pack also includes a new zombies map. Perhaps the most interesting part of this release is that with the pack is also a new zombie gametype, called Turned, in which players can assume the role of a zombie and compete against other players. The map pack will come out for other platforms at a later date.
  19. There's enough of a multiplayer community to consistently play, but Far Cry 3 is NOT a multiplayer game. It's a fine and dandy MP and I really enjoy it, but the best part is by far the single player.
  20. I was with you until this. Are we playing the same game?
  21. Just to cherry pick a few: Mario Kart 64 Zelda: Ocarina of Time Super Mario 64 Extreme G Wipeout Super Smash Bros
  22. It's pretty sweet that Pokemon is finally moving to true 3D!
  23. Just found this source. Might want to add this to the article as it seems relevant.
  24. Nintendo has announced that two new versions of the Pokemon series, Pokemon X and Pokemon Y, are going to be coming to the 3DS sometime in October of this year. As you can imagine, this is huge news to anyone who enjoys Pokemon! The three starter Pokemon are Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie. Take a look at the announcement trailer below!
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