Everyone here is a Halo fan. That means that you've probably been around for the Bungie games as well as Halo 4. We all love Bungie (sometimes too much), and with the release of the Destiny ViDoc, everyone is abuzz with those same feelings as we have all had in the previous Halo games.
I love Bungie as well, and I'm very excited for Destiny to come out. I think, though, that it's important to remember that the ViDoc that was released is just that... a ViDoc.
Lots of edited pieces and talking head shots sound and look cool (and provide good information), but by that same token, they don't really mean a whole lot when it comes to the final project. Much of the concept art will remain the same, but the way that the game actually comes out playing and looking could be radically different. Just take a look at this picture, showing how Borderlands used to look and how it actually came out out looking.
While I want people to be excited (people like myself), I also want to make people more aware that many of these things have the potential to change. I see people already saying that this game is number one for them when we don't even have some sort of beta release. None of the ViDoc gameplay footage even shows combat!
I love Bungie, and I'm sure Destiny is going to be great, but I want to make sure that people temper the insane excitement just a hair, enough so you can be really excited, but still be open to change. I'd hate for Bungie to make a conceptual change and have people be extremely put off by it.