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LiQuid BioniX

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Everything posted by LiQuid BioniX

  1. Exactly. I'm saying that I can recognize that some stupid people could construe that as inappropriate, but the fact that they think it's inappropriate is, in itself, racist. Stupid people doing stupid things.
  2. I can see how it could be taken as offensive, though I don't agree with it at all in any way. Seems like people get offended extremely easily these days, and as soon as that happens everyone freaks out. Oh well, you're welcome here!
  3. Funny. People call for the Gauss Hog to be nerfed because it's OP and then people come back and say that vehicles should be more overpowered. I enjoy powerful vehicles. I think there's something to be said for teams that have a guy who's job it is to destroy/control the vehicles. I also think that things got a little bit crazy in Halo 3. Enough said. As for the OP, I want to say welcome to the forums! Hopefully you choose to stay! Good post, by the way, I do appreciate the organized and respectful fashion in which you presented your argument/opinion. To quickly comment on your statement about the flag carrier, I think the pistop + flag is cool idea, but might need some tweaks. It changes up the game, but one thing it does is it almost makes the flag a power weapon as it is a one hit kill. It's a different game, that's for sure.
  4. I think that AFK'ers should be booted, yes. My only issue is that the system which determines "AFK" has got to be improved. If steeper penalties are implemented, other systems should become much better in order to avoid confusion.
  5. http://imgur.com/AoV2p95 Me, hitting a rail while skiing a couple of weekends ago. Cool, right?
  6. Are we talking Dew XP? Because I'm almost positive that that promotion ended the first of February.
  7. I'm with you. I'm also with you when you say that you'd like to see it come back. It was the most innovative gametype that I've seen in a long time and I loved it.
  8. Seconded. Seems to me like they wanted to establish the universe before the second game so they could flesh it out later.
  9. Nope. That'd be super, super weird. He's never been emotional about anyone except for Cortana, so why start now?
  10. Sounds to me like some sort of hack/cheat...
  11. Traditionally, Rockstar enjoys March releases, so I'd bank on that.
  12. I'm interested to see how people who use this for Machinima will work around it, or if they'll even have to.
  13. I am confused by the OP. Why wouldn't you be able to just sit in first-person?
  14. It's possible that the hammer is a bit more random, though I'd find it hard to believe that it's EXTREMELY random.
  15. I'm pretty sure we discussed this on the podcast xD Sarge does on a daily basis.
  16. I'm with you on that point, I'm just saying that MANY games are taking pieced from the Call of Duty 4 model.
  17. The game is similar. It's an FPS. It's how current-gen FPS games are. I agree, Halo got away from it's roots. I concede that point. I don't, however, feel like it's a bad thing. In addition, CoD didn't invent all of these systems.
  18. I am so happy someone knows what I'm talking about!
  19. Shooter: Thinking back, it's gotta be the original Medal of Honor. I had so much fun with that game when I was younger! RPG: Ni No Kuni. New JRPG that just came out. I hate JRPG's and this game was fantastic. Strategy: StarCraft II. Cleanest, most competitive RTS on the market.
  20. The members take care of it pretty quickly. Also, almost everyone who is sent here by support just creates an account and has like two posts. I'd say few come to stay.
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