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Everything posted by doubleequis

  1. **Possible spoiler to some** This may have been covered already (sorry if so), I finally beat 4 on legendary last night (single player woo) and saw the chief's eyes and nose. Do you know if there are plans to show his face? I really hope not, I think it would ruin a good aspect of the franchise. I may be a gushing 27 year old fan-boy, but I always saw the Chief being me, you, or anyone playing the game. An idea for 343 if they feel like they need to show a face: use Kinect to render the player's face on Chief. If players do not own a Kinect have a skip in the cut scene. Again, sorry if this has been brought up, I'm at work and haven't had time to view all posts; and when I'm at home, I'm playing, not reading ha. I am very happy with 343 at the helm of Halo now. Fantastic game. Just wanted to throw in an idea and opinion for what it's worth.
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