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Michael Wyatt Holland

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Everything posted by Michael Wyatt Holland

  1. I am a huge halo fan and have been since combat evolved. I think 343 has done quite an amazing job on this game and am very pleased. I tried sending direct emails to 343 but can't seem to find the right emails to get anyone. My biggest and only problem is that the co-op is only 2 players and there is no other outlet for 4 players local. Do people not play together anymore? All of my friends are upset about this. Yes we can play custom games but that gets old real quick when the skill level is so diverse. In previous halos you could glitch in up to 4 players in firefight and campaign but so far I have seen nothing that lets us do this. I know we have the capability to do this so please fix this and let us play 4 player local everything. I move that 343 sends a patch which fixes this, please. Thank you, Michael Holland [email protected]
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