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Everything posted by zzxx4

  1. zzxx4

    Omega Spartans!

    to me it sounds like a load of bs that guy probably dont even have a job lol
  2. yesterday was a really dead day i dont want today to be like that post what ever your likes dislikes ideas for halo uhm let us get to know you!!!!!!!!
  3. im a halo geek to lol but i havent read the book with it in it yet ig
  4. ok i keep hearing forerunner what is it i either forgot or never heard it so can some one please tell me
  5. zzxx4

    Halo 4

    i meant the freakin unsc come to get them and they fly away
  6. yea but how would your controller diconnect ?????
  7. zzxx4

    Halo 4

    i ddnt meen to put that
  8. zzxx4

    Omega Spartans!

    no because unless he works for 343i then he doesnt know
  9. yea but i would rather them make a halo 4 first
  10. im retty sure it is really 343i but yea i might be rong.. probably ot rong though
  11. zzxx4

    Halo 4

    i think it should have him fly to earth like sch1march said but he lands and he has to make his way to a ship but on his way he finds info on what the covenant are doing
  12. zzxx4


    tell your friends and ppl on live about us we need the members
  13. the images looked photoshopped and they cannot make odst 2 because they do not have the rights to halo anymore
  14. yea you are... but he will calm down
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