ok sure a well timed and aimed bolt shot blast can kill you at close range. but its rather easy to avoid if you are aware of your surroundings.
1. bolt shot is completly useless at long range
2. you can see everyone on your radar. and with the promethian vision ability you should not ***** about people hiding, if its that big of a concern to you then use promethian vision. dont come online to ***** about it.
3. if you dont have a CQC weapon like a sword or shotgun why are you getting into a enemy's face so they can bolt shot you?
4. seeing as all loadouts also include a weapon with a longer range than a boltshot why dont you use it when you see them coming as i already made it clear that if you dont suck at the game you should know where people are.
so as i see it the boltshot is mainly for dealing with noobs or people who charge in like idiots, as any intelligent person should be able to deal with it rather well as i do.