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    Nova Scotia/Acadia
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Prophet of Regret

Prophet of Regret (10/19)



  1. Happy birthday dude!

  2. And this would be the third year in a row a family member is sent to the hospitable indefinitely before Christmas. No wonder mom and I have such a sense of humor, I think we need it to keep going. lol.

  3. I'm exited to find out about the original Nova. Without him I wouldn't be respected Nova, Or anyone at all.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Buns
    3. Zaguroth


      You are the original Nova.. unless he gave his account away.. or you're just trying to see how many people you can fool...

    4. ΠΘVΛ


      To please Azaxx (excited)

  4. Congratulations on the gaming girl AD! We'll have to play Halo 3 again sometime, I had lots of fun playing on Last stand a while ago. We should all play it. For now, farewell!
  5. Hey Elf! hows it going?

    1. Zelda


      Good. Yourself? :)

    2. ΠΘVΛ
    3. Zelda


      Its been a rather long time since you've been on. lol. :)

  6. To the Australian anime enthusiast, Pokemon player, and mannered mudkip whom taught us that friendship is magic. I. Am. Inferior. You have taught me a lot, lots of it I use almost everyday. You are honest, have never asked for rank, treat everyone equally, and have never changed yourself and the way you appear for anyone else. These are traits I and others aspire towards. To convey these traits, is damned hard but for you it is simple, it is you and for you to reach this rank was only an amount of time, with the amount of time and work you give to this forum. Azaxx, you've been though a lot these last years, but I want you to know that, that is only a small part of your life. With the passion you show and give to this forum everyday, the smiles you put on peoples faces, the thought out conversations you contribute to and with your incredible humor, you can do whatever you want! And like this, it will come. I'm looking forward to our new/old protector of the shoutbox. Continue teaching the inferior green members of the forum. Teach something to the old members too! Do your thing Azaxx, it wouldn't be the same without you. Love 'you'.
  7. Hipster friend: "I remember Arcade Fire before they got famous *sigh*" Me: " Yeah... you know, I watched 'Beez In The Trap' when it only had 5 million views" *silence*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ΠΘVΛ


      ^Oppa hipsta' style

    3. The Stig

      The Stig

      I subscribed to TMW when they only had 200 Subscribers... And I saw "Thrift Shop" by Maclemolre and Ryan Lewis when it only had 300 views.

    4. Zelda


      Nova! Long time no see! :D

  8. Watching old Halo 3 machinima's. They're so bad but 'classic' and I love them.

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      A few of them We're really good.

  9. Roll on thou! deep and dark blue ocean roll. 11/21/16

  10. Serena from Halo Wars. I know Halo Wars didn't have a perfect campaign and what we saw of the characters was little, but what we did see showed emotion. Serena strikes me because of her sarcastic and prude humor. It's something I love to give, and get. We also know she has a short life span and she would not live to see her colleagues wake up from Cryo. (She's also clothed and I respect that)
  11. I guess this is a day late (though we should remember and respect the people who have fought for our livelihood everyday), but I'll say something anyway. Be you Allied or Axis, White or Red, Strong or weak. You fought for what you thought was right, and what you knew was right. The people back home. It is thanks to you the world is in such a peaceful state right now. You give though peacekeeping and give though peacemaking and all of us are honored that we don't have to give as much today. Lots of you gave the thing everyone fears to loose, and those who didn't now face struggles and memories of the torture they went though. For us. Lets hope that someday we wont have anymore veterans because of peace. But we will always remember you. Love Nicholas.
  12. Hm, has anyone ever tried escargot? and I'm serious, how did it taste?

    1. Jam



    2. Snipe MD

      Snipe MD

      Just like the animal, the true flavor comes...slowly

    3. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Never before, a lot of people say it tastes nice though. :)

  13. The picture with the aqueduct looking bridge is amazing, incredible. I'm just wondering what it will have to do with the game, or if it will have anything to do with it at all. It isn't the last city, and thinking that there would be another city or sister cities that have been beaten back to med evil building methods by the alien evil forces is unlikely. It maybe a "back in time" story piece, perhaps the last city is almost made with it in mind, or a city that at one point been in the same situation as the last city. Questions, questions, questions. Hmm, thanks for find Omega!
  14. It's not hard living up to me, but my brother has surpassed me by a landslide, he's going to the first private school founded in all the British common wealth. I'm very proud of him, but wow I can't help but feel somewhat jealous when he's going to 'hogwarts'. lol.

  15. My cat ran away today. Dad had left the door open. I called his name shook some treats, and nothing. I was in the basement about to cry when I see him jump up on the deck, I ran out to get him and when I carried him inside he was rolling on my legs and jumping up on me. he has dirt all over him and looks like he had a pretty tough day for a fat indoor cat. I'm so glad hes home.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryu♥Hayabusa


      Those Microchips are worth any cost to be able to find your friend if they ever get lost.

    3. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      My dog ran away and never came back. He was all like "Hashtag YOLO Swag" and ran as fast as he could. (True story)

    4. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Hey Forum Dinosaur

      ! #YOLOSWAG is my thing! >:(

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