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Everything posted by ΠΘVΛ

  1. Bad news, my dad didn't pre order the game... I thought I would have to wait a week to get my hands on it. Good news apparently my EB games over stocked on Halo 4 copies, I'll be playing when my dad picks it up tomorrow :)

  2. 545 days I have waited, with just one to go... I'm not sure if I can make it!

    1. Zaguroth


      *Shoots you* Nope! Guess not!

    2. Donut
    3. Azaxx


      Tough luck I have 11 hours XD

  3. No consideration really. I have already found out, but to ruin it for others is just wrong. There should be a way to report messages and hopefully deter people from doing it.
  4. I'll have to message her via Xbox, I wont ask why she left for it could be personal, but is not too serious in the way she could return? I really hope so. Chease was a good friend to a lot of people.
  5. That's the perfect description of me O.o ... I'm the chief, lol.
  6. Happy Thanksgiving Canada! hmmm turkey..

  7. We've been in space for a long time... like the Pillar of Autumn blindly jumping into slip space, we've kept our hopes high with a brand new developer, taking us into the howling dark with precious cargo, the beloved Chief. Many doubted them, they thought the whole thing was a large suicide mission but we, we knew. It's been an unpredictable journey, many friends lost but so many more gained. Now it seems that the time has flown, and it really has. Times and minds have changed. The plan is clear, we are out of slip space, everyone is getting ready, Installation 04 is in sight... Halo 4. All we have to do now, is land. I'd like to thank you all for standing not only to mine, but to each other's side and to 'forum' the community 343i is, it's not over yet, but I cant wait to play on it's surface when it is. "and Cortana, let's give our friend a warm welcome"
  8. It does look awesome and I do like your confidence to show who you really are and what you care about, I know it could be harder for you to get a job.. but there is always long sleeves and I know many people with tattoos and they are perfectly fine, my art teacher has her whole right arm covered, lol. I'm sure my mom would kill me but I've been thinking for a while now to get my symbol (my avatar) done of my left hand palm... maybe in the future Again, looks sweet!
  9. Welcome to the year group Total, with all the pleasure in me I can't wait to welcome you into your second year, I'll be glad to see you along the long journey but for now, thank you for staying around. As you said many friends who are no longer here, sure there will be those ... twigs that break off from the main trunk, but those twigs that held on become branches and... well I'm not totally sure were I'm going with this, I hope you'l understand in some way. Congratulations, hopefully next year I will discontinue with the tree metaphors, I guess we will both see .
  10. ΠΘVΛ

    Master... Duck

    From the album: ΠΘVΛ's mess.

    A helmet I made, it's not complete yet and yes it is so posed to resemble a duck. lol

    © Myself

  11. ΠΘVΛ

    Rsz 1rsz dscf1752

    From the album: ΠΘVΛ's mess.

    My own coat of arms? why not?

    © Myself

  12. An AI, forced to in-cage it's loving creator to benefit them both but what seems like torture to it's creator. Sorry dad, you will understand in time...

  13. I guess this goes out to Biggles who's birthday is today, but is not here so celebrate it. I've had silent differences about his personality, but a birthday is a birthday, happy birthday Biggles. Have a good one.

  14. *sniff sniff* They grow up so fast. Chease, I remember when you were once green like I. The gif of the shark smacking the keyboard made me laugh, but also told me you had a sense of humor, we talked then became xbox friends, then... real friends. I'm glad I could watch you progress though the ranks and become more of a defining member of the forum. Cheers, now to wait for you to reach 1000. :3
  15. Sorry legs :( , you're welcome dignity! :D

  16. We do follow a company making games rated for people 18 and older, If you get offended when someone says "ass" then you have been in a coma for the last eight years of your life. I know I'm not 18... but I know I have the maturity state to play Halo, to kill and to know about every word you could think of, and it's meaning. I agree, but disagree to the adult section, when you are 18 you are an adult and if not, you better have the maturity level to be one, the whole forum would then be an "adult section", but your right, it doesn't feel like it. Have a nice Hiatus Mystic
  17. What is real, what is imaginary? Most of my personal side is non existent. I have been living a half "virtual" and half "real" life. I always thought it was normal as a kid to imagine crazy things, put myself in situations for long periods of time experience things life did not have to offer, or did it? As a shy kid when I was in places with people I was too scared to talk to and didn't have enough confidence my brain did something I didn't even want to think about, I created my own friends. I knew they were not real, nor did I believe in their presence but they held a foundation in my mind, years went by, we did almost everything together and I felt real emotion. I would almost test my brain out, when they would die, I would physically cry. As of last year I really wondered about my mental state and why I couldn't just let them go, I thought I was crazy (that could totally be true! lol). Today, I am no longer shy, although they still roam the streets and sights I have also created, a whole city. (I laughed a little on the inside when I watched inception for the first time ). I know what is real and the fun I had in creating everything was something great, I have no regrets in the time I wasted then, now and in the future because life is life, always live it to it's fullest. I know this is very off topic but it was nice to get off my mind and to actually write down, thanks for reading.
  18. Should I exercise, I really should... but the TV and BBQ chips are calling.

  19. Well... if life was a blockbuster. I have thought of this for years. About 4 kilometers east of my house is a fresh water well and a native reserve nearby where many of the elders and some others know how to prepair raw animals and create natural bows an arrows, and the most respected, their natural medicine. My idea would be to forge a large group of people to work together in a community where everyone is treated equally to reduce any back stabbing. Wall the community and have someone on guard at all time. Then it becomes a game of time and to wait it out till a cure is found or until every zombie is slane
  20. School is flooded out! http://i.imgur.com/uO9Dv.jpg ... but so is Tim Hortons! D:

  21. If the weather is good, all is good.

  22. Still fresh and everything so familiar. I must shape my future... by acting now. - thoughts from Nova.

  23. Sad we couldn't hear the sounds. I love how active camo is looking, but I hope while using it we can still hear the sounds around us. The narration was a tad annoying but I'm sure I would be even worse if I got the chance to play
  24. As long as there is no Dubstep! I don't mind it, I feel it has it's places... in the remix CD NOT the original soundtrack.
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