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Everything posted by ΠΘVΛ

  1. ΠΘVΛ


    From the album: ΠΘVΛ's mess.

    This is a "thing" I made, It kinda looks forerunner but not totally. My plans for this design are, scrap the body, modify the head piece and make my own helmet that looks like it.

    © Me!

  2. ΠΘVΛ


    Hey guys, a friend of mine has started doing some Halo: Reach commentary, I thought it seemed right seeing as though we are a forum based of Halo and it's new foreseers that I post this and help him out. Like I said he is just starting out but he is being very professional in his commentary. It would be nice if you guys could also help out and Subscribe. Thanks guys, it would very appreciated and nice to have him doing something he really loves and get his name a little out their. -Nova. Here is a link to his channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/facetiousmuffinman and I would recommend watching his 4th video, I was really surprised.
  3. I remember welcoming you to the forums! Nice to see you back Luke. Everyone needs a break now and then. Time heals all wounds and I'll be happy to see everything like it was before. Now, I'll take the pleasures of grabbing some champagne and party favors, are brother is back, let us rejoice.
  4. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/8856-a-little-halo-story/ Added a little more detail and some names, thank goodness. I could spend days thinking of the right names.
  5. I survived 8 hours of math studying so far, I say 2 more for today, then probably another 12 tomorrow... Hope this pays off;

  6. Vplus and I decided to later and this was after Fire and Azaxx went to sleep. Vplus made this, but I'm pretty sure he has already posted it somewhere on the forum.. here it is again!
  7. O.o Derp, you have way too much time on your hands xD. Here is a picture of a castle I made for a friend of mine: Here is a little house I'm making myself in creative: And here are some pictures from the playdate!: Thats me on the far right, Azaxx on the far left and Fire in the middle! More: Me again and Vplus next to my playdate house! We had an awesome time.
  8. King is right, damn I hate leaving my back-back at the door of convenience stores around town. They should have some respect. Oh no, I'm going to steal hundreds and hundreds of cents worth of merchandise! next thing they are going to pat us down exiting the store. But... I can also see where they are coming from... Who has lots of spare time and likes to spend their time senselessly causing grief to others for fun? Teens and elderly people. But seeing as though teens are more connected with the internet I would assume they are the ones senselessly attacking our home.
  9. Twin, when I grow up I want to be just like you, (the Mexican restaurant being a huge bonus! Yum indeed!) if there is one thing my mom wants to drill in my mind is speak for yourself and yourself only, other people's opinions do not matter but it is always good to keep an open mind. Anyone with eyes can see the changes my friend. I'm quite happy you said that, actually I still have a smirk on my face. Feed people false opinions and they will never change, you have to be honest even if it hurts sometimes. Twin, your a great role model, but although I don't believe it's going to the dump, and if it does I will personally dig it out myself if it comes to it, but I believe the staff have things under control. Danny, another amazing interview. Twin was a great choice.
  10. I hope this works out for you Twilight. It has been nice knowing you, but why does this have to happen?
  11. Very mysterious. Dara, very well put, everything. Your name could imply male or female. Sometimes I wish I could be so mysterious like that but I'm very open, or at least very open compared to you . If you are keeping it hidden because of something, it does not matter what gender, race, age or what your beliefs are on our little utopia as long as you mature and treat people the way you wish to be treated yourself but I believe your secrecy comes from your love of riddles. Very, very nice. As for what I picture you as, my creative and halo obsessed mind instantly thought AI. That is what I will picture you as, your holographic avatar will simply be a 'Joker' card. You should have a great time on here, hope to see you around.
  12. Welcome to the one year club . Fire, we all have our problems. Lots of people like to go out and tell people, trying to make people feel bad for them, but you didn't. Losing someone so close yet you stayed so true to yourself. You knew who you were and you'd know you would get better. I could only wish to be half as strong as you. You have contributed so much to this forum you well deserve your position as a mod, you all do. The best damn dream team I have ever seen. Seeing as it has only been a few months I hope that you are feeling better. Happy to be seeing you for years to come. You have kept your flame alive, let us and the forum be your fuel
  13. Here is a self portrait I did a little while ago, I was a little hesitant to post it but, ehh what the hell Also my Forerunner concept is almost complete, it was an 'on and off' project so I will be happy to update on that also
  14. Why, what a great turn of events, I hope you will be able to pay back your mother Anarchy. Your a great member to have around and I'm glad you will be with us for longer !
  15. Everyone needs a little life touch up from now an then, hope you clear the rust Vitamin and that you'll be gleaming under the forum's space back-ground soon enough Good luck!
  16. Laz . You will be truly missed. You have been online nearly 7 days since the timer had been started, thats something lots of green members can't say they have reached. You are worthy of your color my friend, I'm glad we share it. I'm going to look at the good side of things and will see you soon. If not, it has been an honor knowing you.
  17. This is a late reply, but even still when I read these comments it gives me that warm smile. I seem to have spent my time on here like a sloth. I don't plan to start posting like crazy, but it will be something, hopefully I will be able to thank you with it but till now only words will do, Thanks
  18. So far the Halo 4 trailer has made more questions than answered.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      well it can't answer all of them, they need to save some for the actual game to answer

    3. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      But it was still awesome!

    4. ΠΘVΛ


      Yeah it was awesome, but it almost feels like we could piece it together with information we already know, guess we will just have to wait.

  19. I think she was talking to the captain. Look at what we do know, clearly they want to leave the planet implying the force on the inside has grown too strong and must evacuate. It could also be the Didact talking though Cortanna like gravemind did. I was thinking they could imply Forerunner tech to the AI's and make them live longer, perhaps in her rampancy she has become self centered or the reason she wants to stay is what is killing her. Knowledge. There would be lots of new information on the planet for her to 'consume'.
  20. Aww shucks Total . I'm looking forward to Ubisoft, Assassins-creed and Halo are the two big game series I follow. Also Sony because of some cross platform games that may be announced from them.
  21. Well rooted indeed. I have seemed to have grown around this forum like a tree grows towards the sun. My posts, my branches. I grow slowly over time but need fewer nutrients making for a long life-span. My leaves, a shade of dark green, you can say what ever you want, that green is 'Inferior'. Placed just next to people who have committed crimes against Twam green isn't in the best spot, but I support it and wear it proudly and hopefully for a long time to come! I have made a lot of friends on the forum and have had boat loads of fun. I know 100 posts isn't that much of a monumental event, actually I bet this is the first ever significant 100 post topic, lol. I figured it has been a year and almost a month now... might as well. I would like to thank everyone, our mods for safe guarding our little utopia, Twam for creating and managing the growing community, members for contributing their opinions and being very mature and the staff for expanding the forum to a level outside just the confines of Halo and levels and activities outside the forums barriers. It's this forum that gives me some hope about humanity these days... again, thanks
  22. Halo for a day, it shall be the best day ever! WYR never go to school or go to school?
  23. Can your Dad adopt me... please? I would take the games, I still have my old Elite and it works just fine. Or you know, you could put the money towards something els if you have a lot of games or if you haven't pre-ordered the limited edition of Halo 4 you could do that.
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