Good day, evening night or morning. If you may have noticed this is going to be a post not asking but trying to get moderators and hopefully even Twam to truly think of making one. The other day I checked the forum and found Azaxx's thread showing off some of his fantastic paintings. I had seen lots of artwork before that also. Their are a lot of artistically talented people on here and I believe we should have a section of our own. A place where we can post our art, any type of course (Halo art being very appropriate and appreciated). I asked Absolute Dogand he said that high command have already thought about making one. Now I bet a lot of you are lost and are thinking about my early statement "trying to get moderators and Twam to truly think of making one". I'm sure some of you said in your mind "this thread is already complete and just retarded" but no, they have been thinking, but do you see an art section, no... This is where we, the community comes in.
Post what you think of this, is it a good idea worthy of it's own section or is this just a waste of an Internet page. Also, post your artwork! even if it does not go though we could still make our own, and please, make this be where you put your artwork where you want to get it noticed. I will soon be leaving my artwork here also, but I wont be getting my folder back till Tuesday. Also when you post your artwork please be respectful and don't post artwork that could be racist, sexiest, nudest... etc. I can't wait for some replies, and be honest. Thanks, Weather.