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  1. I'd definitely be interested, I love custom games and I love seeing what the community creates, as a forger myself I request that you sometimes be available to help test some of my own maps. Add my GT: quikster7797
  2. Congrats on going into forge! I first started forging in Halo 3 and I remember my first map being a kind of "Defend the Hill" Type on Valhalla and although it was very basic in both forge and gameplay, I recall me and my brothers having tons of fun on it. The point is that even basic maps have the potential to be very fun maps. One tip I have for you is this - don't be afraid to look at other peoples work and see how they did things, you might discover a new way to make a hallway that you would have never tried before. Also don't be afraid to dive in, I remember on Halo: Reach one of the first things I did was gawk at the new features (Phasing was a breakthrough, as well as coordinates) and then I built random maps with my family that had no other purpose than to be fun to mess around on, as I slowly figured out more and more of the ways of doing things, i began to create actual competitive maps. Send me an invite if you want help with anything and as always, Happy Forging!
  3. Hey Guys! I've run into one annoyance in halo 4's forge and custom gaming. Its not custom games anymore!!! Half of the options are already chosen for you, remember in Halo 3 and Reach how it was possible to edit EVERYTHING, thats how we ended up with so many crazy mini games like Speed Halo, but 343i has gone and messed it all up, now we can't choose many things in our custom game options, namely in the flood gametype. I was trying to do a "Flood Survival" gametype in which players must search for weapons on the battlefield but my weapons do not spawn and I can not find the option to make them spawn anywhere! Also the flood loadouts are uncustomizable, it is impossible to give a zombie a gravhammer, which means no speed halo, and also many mini games like duck hunt are now impossible, if there is a way to make these things happen please let me know, otherwise I would like to know why they aren't there anymore, 343i has ruined infection for me. As a side note, does anybody know how to contact 343i directly?
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