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Cassandra Saturn

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Everything posted by Cassandra Saturn

  1. welcome to our community if here's anything else you need, feel free to give us a call!
  2. welcome to our great community, feel free to ask any one of us for help or other etc. we're here
  3. Welcome to the Community! i hope you'll take time to ask one of our great community members
  4. they're really sooooo old! lol. just found them in my album. those are from my old Trial days.. i was just noob lol. i was known on here as Anakin Starkiller lol enjoy!
  5. oh decided to be good girl this time :)

  6. but the next xbox were said to have only downloadable games, not hard copy of games.. if you think of it way, we're pretty much in Digital Age...
  7. welcome back sir. since i don't know you, but i hope things will go great this way in our new year! new year = new life = starting over again.
  8. i thought you'd like to read this Memorial MP Service for Robin Sachs (Voice of Zaeed Massani) topic on BSN. i'll give you a nice starting topic on what it looks like over here. it was posted yesterday. Topic: hey folks i know some of you don't visit other ME3 related topics, but this is something i thought you should know. Rest in Peace, Robin Sachs (Voice of Zaeed Massani) you will be missed. but your characters will live on forever in thanks to you. and i'd like you guys to remember him by donning his armor color and whatever weapons you use, play as Zaeed Massani for Robin Sachs, it would be known as Zaeed Day. i hope you guys don't mind it. i'm gonna do that today. edit: for those that don't know how it happened, Robin Sachs was found dead in his home four days later (February 1st 2013) due to heart failure. (still not confirmed if that failure was the cause) he was living alone at that time. "Robin, thank you for everything you have done for us over the years. you will be missed greatly."
  9. i did few times, i even did the headless part lol. it was confirmed way way back then before Rockstar confirmed it was set in SA. fixed that for you! and yes i reccommend you should try out GTA games. well you now know.
  10. yes, but in Original SA, you can go underwater, but you'd have to hold breath and do it fast.
  11. take a look at License plate of Cheetah, you can see it says "San Andreas"
  12. me too. it's actually set in San Andreas era in modern look.
  13. Cheetah Mountain Bike Submarine Shark Beautiful View of Largest Open World of GTA V. F-35 "Hydra" those are SAME things that was supposed to be later used in GTA IV, but it's only used for GTA V
  14. well in late 2012, i originally guessed the date on GTA forums and they blatantly cussed me out and they tried to get me banned so i left long ago. only to turns out i was right. the date were: November 15th - 17th 2013. what he means that we hope to get the chance to explore underwater with underwater subs and whole alot of new ways that was originally supposed to be used in GTA IV but was later changed for "performance bs" if you get the drift. PS3 was capable to handle GTA IV's full Memory of around 20-50-60 GB of course it was halved because of all those stuff you see here on GTA V are proof that was supposed to be used in GTA IV.
  15. this is thread #8 for new theme of other cars. here are the pics. we have only General Lee here but we have Hazzard sheriff and Deputy cars at work in progress garbage. this is thread #9 for new theme of other cars. here are the pics. this is thread #10 for new theme of other cars. this is thread #11 for new theme of other cars. here are the pictures.. WARNING: they are bit too NSFW.. lol.
  16. this is thread #7 for new theme of other cars. here are the pics.
  17. thanks, you're not only one.. here are many of us that does this.
  18. this is thread #6 for new theme of other cars here are the pics. old version
  19. this is thread #5 for new theme of other cars. here are the pics. and the Car. SEU stands for Speed Enforcement Unit. this car is actually the last of Speed Enforcement Units. this baby can top 200 miles per hour on straight line. phew, it takes real balls of steel to keep the girl under control.. here's the video of this girl. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZe9E4Wk4eg
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