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Everything posted by Twinreaper

  1. I think when they say cheap knockoff, they mean it terms of the geometry they updated along with the shaders used. Granted yes, even putting a new skin on maps, gives them a different feel. But in this case, the geometry was changed drastically. If I am not mistaken, the map is actually longer width wise, in both directions. Also the odd rock placement around the map has given it a completely different tactical defensive/offensive feel. These factors alone besides the obvious difference in the gravity and player movement has made it feel like cheap knockoff. Had hemmorage, or forgeworld for that matter been given the classsic barren desert type shaders that we have gotten used to, the map may have felt a bit better to most players. Visual aspects sometimes overcome the actual feel of the map when playing through. but that is just my 2 cents on it.
  2. I should really try to get in touch with someon on the Live end of halo 2. Fact is, I would be overjoyed if I was able to use an app that could stream a Live style server for 360, that Halo 2 could use to play on. I got the horsepower and bandwidth for it, so I guess it's just a matter of finding out what type of server resource files I need, and if they would be willing to try to get something like this going?
  3. There are. Since the game is no longer supported now by Bungie or Microsoft, AKA no new cd-keys or disc maufacturing, I can't see how downloading a copy and using a cd-key generator or crack would hurt anything at all. After all, pirating only hurts a company when the company stands to lose a profit from a product. At which point, MS stands to lose nothing since they nerither support or manufacture it anymore. I can provide you with some links in a pm if you wish?
  4. Easy response for this one, count yourself lucky. Go to Waypoint and you can see the new maps. There are 7 in total. No new guns. Just tweaked Reach weapons to ressemble CE ones No new armor No new color anything Only new things are the trees available in the forge palette on Ridgeline, AKA Timberland remake. As for new things to make it owrth buying....is that a serious question, It's the first halo 1 remade to incoprorate new graphics.......what other than reason than that. Oh yea, Co-op capaign is cool
  5. I plan on doing a few things today on reach, so I will take a look and see if anythig weird happens with my totals. In the off chance that something is happening, it would more than likely involve the API's on the server end, not accepting or being properly initialized. Too many things can cause this to happen.....but none the less I will investigate for you.
  6. It is with great pleasure that I am able to personally host and provide this great community with a dedicated server for both halo PC and Halo CE. In the next few months we will be experiencing the newest updated version of this great game. It is my hope, that providing these servers to you, will help to fill a growing need to play the original against all comers, community members or not. Below is the official rotation taken straight out of the mapcycle.txt rotation documents... Halo PC Server Server name: ! 343i Community Forum Server 31 Server map Rotation ratrace "343i special" sidewinder CTF gephyrophobia team_race prisoner team_slayer timberland hunted icefields "sniper training" infinity team_king bloodgulch juggernaut dangercanyon team_oddball hangemhigh classic_team_accumulation beavercreek classic_ctf chillout hunted deathisland classic_team_rally longest classic_endurance wizard classic_slayer Infinity "343i special" Halo Custom Edition Server Server name: ! 343i Community Forum Server #1 Server map Rotation: h2_zanzibar "343i special" h2_warlock CTF Chronopolis_C3_Public_Beta0.2 team_race h2_ascension team_slayer cmt_Snow_Grove hunted precipice "sniper training" mtm_reach_hangemhigh team_king portent juggernaut Hydrolosis team_oddball hugeass classic_team_accumulation no_remorse classic_ctf immure2 hunted Ambush classic_team_rally [h3]_sandtrap classic_endurance downflow classic_slayer headlong_pb2 "343i special" Now, in order to play on the CE server, you will need the maps I have listed in the rotation. Go to http://www.halomaps.org and you can find them there. In addition to these servers, I have included a couple special gametypes as you can see from the mapcycle log. All maps and gametypes will remain as you see them for 1 month. It is my hope to vary the experience and change things up on both servers every month. Also, please keep in mind that just like the site, my servers are utilizing Gandanur, an administration extension tool. There will be admins online to keep the piece and ban/kick people as needed, so behave in there, and enjoy everyone!!!! SERVERS ARE OPEN!!!!!!!
  7. Well, seeing as how noone has posted anything, I will just go ahead and create a favorite playlist of mine. In addition, I am working on the map rotation for the CE server. I will post up links for the required map files so you can join in the CE fun. Look for the official server opening later tonight! That is all.
  8. Teamspeak is on-line and ready!!!! GO GO GO!!!

  9. ***Mods, please sticky this for the community**** It is with great pleasure that right now, I declare the Official 343Industries.org Community Forum Teamspeak Server open!!! Teamspeak is a great way to communicate with friends and teammates, when console microphones are not available. teamspeak is also a great alternative to using the shoutbox. Each Mod, Admin, and News group have their own private chat room, where you can all discuss importannt matters. Now as with the chatbox and this Teamspeak, there are rules to follow... 1. Do not get out of hand with language. I'm no saint my self, but don't spam curse words for no reason, and please do not direct them towards anyone. 2. Be respectful of all members, and those members in a power authorative rank. 3. Do not spam flood the chat portion or voice portion of the server. Doing so will get you kicked and or banned, depending on the number of offenses and severity or the infringement. 4. Do not try to circumvent or otherwise challenge my security skills. YOU WILL LOSE! Also I log all IP addresses, fake or otherwise I can trace all connections to it's home source....so be carefull! 5. Please sign in using your web forum username, not another different name. All names are added to my sql database, and can not be used by anyone else once you sign in with it. This helps to protect your identity and reputation. So now that you know the rules, heres the info you need. Go to http://www.teamspeak.com and download the teamspeak client. Once you have that installed and running, here is the connection info... Server address: Server password: 343i For those in the leadership roles here, you are all added to roster with the highest security privilege. The only members yet to log-on and have admin rights given to them is John-117, Spectral Jester, Twam and Bob. Anyone with admin rights already, can assign them the admin privilege when ever they are on together. Well, that's it folks. use it and enjoy!!!!
  10. One thing is for sure, they need to add some kind of more reralistic and logical Invasion game type utilizing the various drop pods, and heavy machines. Imagine a 16 on 16 or 32 vs 32 onslaught Invasion. One team builds it's default defensive vehicles and loadouts, while the other utilizes an offensive one, maybe like 2 scarabs carrying 4 troops each plus a driver, waves of warthogs, or ghosts or what not., etc... Once the map and teams are ready, you spawn far from the invasion point and rally your team to overtake their base or area. Epic win all around! It would be like 300 meets Halo!
  11. Halo PC Servers are online...

    1. Spitfire


      With no one on them :(

  12. Firefight is almost exactly the same as it was in ODST. The differrence evryone explains, is the differrence in the biped character you play as. the jump height is small, there are no shields, and the enemies are varied in conjunction with the difficulty setting you select. Along those lines, the elites are abscent, which makes for an overall different feel all together. It requires a different tactic of it's own. With reach, outside of custom firefight matches, it is a crap shoot with difficulty and map. The maps are much larger and more varied than ODST's. And same goes with all the above mentioned differences. Overall I enjoy Reach more and come to think of Reach's FF more difficult. Anyone who would argue that, has not been in a doubles match on legendary, and had a wave of 30 elites armed with rockets, spartan lasers and snipers, hunting you down at once!
  13. Welcome to the geatest 343industries site around. Glad you decided to make us your home. if you ever need help with anything in general, I am always available.
  14. True. it is not impossible, but first they would have to layout the source code. Then go about choosing a proper network model to base the engine's netcode off of. The begins the process of tweaking UI response, network allocation in memory, yadda yadda yadda..... very long process. Frankie stated that networking alone on the Halo 1 side, would require the entire team to devote about 2 to 3 years just to work it out perfectly..
  15. Setting up halo servers, and finalizing teamspeak...tomorrow is gonna rock!!!

  16. Before I put the official servers online tomorrow, I wanted to see if there were any suggestions for map rotations and gametypes that should be included by default. As for Custom Edition, are there ay really cool custom maps you feel should be put in? Deadline is Tomorrow around 5pm, that is when the servers will be live.
  17. Actually contrary to popular belief, halo Pc and Halo Csuton Edition are the sole reasons Halo became so popular and still remains popular today. There are at least 60 out of 352 servers active each day on halo PC, by my most recent nightly count last night. And XBKai and XBC see only around 3 to 10 full servers daily for the xbox version. Besides which, re-making Halo 1 into a full standalone release to be compatable with Live and all the trimmings it had, would have required a 2-3 year effort on 343i's part, which would ultimately lead to a delay in halo 4. Which would you rather have.......Halo 4 now, or nothing halo related for 3 more years?
  18. No, Teamspeak is a standalone CP app that works only PC. It has no function or support by nay game that I know of. but it can be usefull for those who want to play on live, and only have a microphone for the PC. You can simply get a bunch of friends, jump on teamspeak, and play some matchmaking without having to worry about proximity voice as well.
  19. Starting up our own teamspeak and halo PC servers...

  20. Forgive me father for I have sinned. 2 weeks ago during a CTF match, I unplugged my wired connection and then plugged it back in, forcing me to be temporarily disconnected from Live, then re-connected again. As you know, this forces everyone but you out of the match on your end and leaves you wide open to win and capture all flag scores. Not my proudest moment, but I did not have time to finish the match regularly...my wife was rushing me to get moving to finish shopping for the day. But none the less...I felt dirty.
  21. Good idea Fire....I should prolly look into hosting another Halo 2 server as well. So I guess all that is left to do now is, re-install my dedicated halo server 1 and 2 files and we can go have some fun!
  22. Good day fellow members, "Tech Guru" Twinreaper here with an exciting announcement. As you may or may not know, I run from my house, a private server where I host games such as Halo PC Halo CE, Crysis etc... Now that we have finally gained quite a following here at 343i, I thought it was only fitting that I should strt up our very own private chat server for our members to come together in and actually talk via Teamspeak. For those who do not know, Teamspeak is a PC app, that allows you to host a private or public chat server in which people may enter and use mic's or keyboards to communicate. Teamspeak is very popular with certain PC games, as it allows team members to communicate better in games that do not have microphone or chat support. So why am I doing this? Easy.....I wanted to find an additional way to communicate wand contribute back to this great community. Along with this Teamspeak server, I will also be hosting 2 servers for Halo PC with the name "343i.org", for those of us in this community who wish to play the game that started it all, together. Now, I have the server all setup and ready to go, but I need a few days to finalize some admin settings and what not. Before i give out this teamspeak server address, I will be giving it out to those in the higher up so I can before hand, adjust security levels. While you guys are waiting for this, please go to http://www.Teamspeak.com and download the client app. Also if you do have, or ever hwanted to play the original PC Halo, now would be a good time to dust off that copy and re-install it. Look for more on this and an official launch post sometime on tuesday afternoon. Stay classy 343i!!
  23. Sometmes. it really depends on the content or mechanic in question. I know absolutely almost nothing about the overall Halo story unniverse...just what I see in games.
  24. Actually adding in more than 16 players is not the server's own restriction. That restriction is hard coded into the engine itself. There are theoretical ways of overcoming this outside engine manipulation.....just throwing that out there.
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