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Everything posted by Twinreaper

  1. As previously stated, your ability to dominate other players does not constitute nor does it give any leverage to making claims that you know the game better, or can say what shouldn't or should be included in a game. Games are media, recreation, and subject to each and every individual's interpretation. Please don't try to push the aspect of "pro" off to the community as if your all more knowledgeable or more important than the next player. That's both disrespectful and short sighted. As for your Dedicated Server claims, perhaps you should take a few coarses on Information Network Administration as well as Server Management. Everyone seems to think that a "Dedicated Server" solves all the problems with matchmaking. A dedicated server is nothing more than one single server or "servers" in a cluster or network infrastructure, that only deals with the communication, information or file serving sharing of one particular aspect of the network or service/services. Furthermore, depending on the network infrastructure and Front End used to run the server or service, THAT dictates how your connections are handled. Also please be aware that just because the servers for MCC are on "Dedicated Machines", it is still part of an overall rather large network that utilizes Azure as it's serving platform. Those servers are still passing and receiving information and connections that are being routed to them first. To put it simply, there is no credible evidence in the IT aspect of gaming, that shows that dedicated servers are any more efficient or stable than standard "cloud" based serving or P2P Host based gaming. Oh and by the way, Microsoft has been falling behind in the console war since launch. 343i alone has not hurt the Xbox One's sales any more than the horrid lineup Microsoft presented since the launch of XB1. Even had 343i knocked MCC out of the park, bringing the previous Halo's to the newer platform does not automatically give Microsoft more sales and marketshare. Sony launched the PS4 correctly, Microsoft did not. So now Sony wins the console war again similar to when the Xbox Gen 1 launched.
  2. Sounds like a connection error to me. Depending on geographical location, I know that matches might be hard to come by sometimes due to timezone differentials. But if you cant find a single match for either game....there is definatly an issue with either your connection or possibly a search filter.
  3. It sounds to me as if the game disc is failing to be read past the prologue bink cinematic. Youbmay either have one of those rare faulty discs, or it could be corrupted game install. Best thing to do would be to eliminate each possibility, by uninstalling the game if you installed it, and try running the game directly from the disc. Obviously if the game plays without issue, then its install related. If not, then you'll know its disc related.
  4. Digital download or disc version?
  5. Iirc, in both Reach and Halo 4, you can shoot at a dropped grenade and explode it with any precision weapon. I used to use that tactic when dealing with large swarms of enemies in both games.
  6. I develop add on content. Sounds, levels, render_models, animations etc. I lead a team that has released and developed add on extensions into Halo 2 PC. I have also worked on over a dozen applications that the Halo Communoty uses everyday for Modding, such as Opensauce and Entity. Halo is not the only game I have worked on. I have also worked on games like Crysis, Battlefield, Quake, unreal Tourny, CoD, Doom and many others.
  7. It could be the servers or the connection of the people your playing with. Either way I hope the issue gets resolved for you soon!
  8. They still include that functionality? Nice. What about precision weapons and dropped grenades?
  9. It's most likely a glitch or a memory issue having to deal with Predicted Resources. But it's not something you can fix on the Xbox One. It's just one of those bugs that happens likely to the emulation running, as well as the new engine alongside the old one. You'll want to submit an actual bug report over at Halowaypoint or through the game via dashboard or one of the report options. I'm not 100% of this, but it's defiantly an issue with either memory addresses or just the way the LIVE feature for co-op is being handled. Halo 2 originally lacked any client scripting syncing, which is why it didn't have co-op over live the first time around. Co-Op requires that both Xbox's have to sync game data between eachother.
  10. Lucas. Would you rather have to play an entire match of Halo multiplayer in the crouch position and only using melee, or walk backwards the whole time and only use plasma grenades?
  11. Hmmmm, then yes you seem correct with your observation then. Would you say the grenade is different in damage and radius than any previous Halo?
  12. It would help if you could state exactly which game in particular is giving you the problems. I can think of at least 15 different things can cause this to happen, but it depends on the particular Halo title.
  13. Is it possible there is simply some extra bleed through for damage? From my experience in previous Halo's, the grenades same roughly the exact same setting, within like 0.05 of measurement damage wise. The only thing different is the bleed through or increased radius in which splash damage and direct radius damage fall off. I'm curious as to what you think it might be in particular? Until homebrew comes around I won't be able to look at actual Halo 5 game data
  14. Just to make this clear....can you state how many members participated in the poll? Of those who participated, how many were the same person on a different site? And that's three sites, and it only encompasses the data of people who actually hit the poll button. Look at some of the polls on here. The percentages that are for or against it never exceed an number of like 50-100 actually taking the poll. So yeah if 10 people versus 2 or three people on each site take a poll. those numbers look gigantic, but in reality mean nothing. Like I tried to explain to you earlier....YOU cannot gauge an accurate number or percentage of people who like or dislike something, unless you personally can account, and show the data by person. Ad as others have already tried to point out as I have also....IT IS ALL OPINION! Laws of Physics are facts, basic mathematics are facts, video proof is a fact. Simply stating opinions does make it a fact that sprint does not belong in Halo. That's an opinion, a preference of taste.
  15. I loved the equipment of Halo 3, and I think they should scrap the abilities and go with the equipment. I was never quite comfortable with having an ability or item that I could constantly use without using it. Equipment took a bit of strategy to use properly and you only got one shot to make it count. idk...just my opinion on it.
  16. Where's your proof of this? Noone has access to the hardware API's needed to accurately track player population or participation in the Beta or with the MCC. Unless you actually went around to every single player who was online, and they responded with an opinion?
  17. Proof of what? I'm not the one who linked a single website or a single "false tracker" site to support a claim. You haven't shown any proof of anything other than what one single site claims. Proof to solidify a claim such as "majority of players hate sprint" can only be legitamely backed up as proof if you provide the actual sources to prove it. One single site isn't proof. As for console shooters, kid I have played more console shooters than you ever will in your life. I'm a developer, I know the mechanics of consoles and PC's far better than you ever will either. And to correct you, aim assist does exist on the PC to support players who choose to use a controller over KB/M. As for your claim about shots...false. I have personally applied tag tweaks that negate all aim assist on the Halo 2 PC version, and all it does is increase the amount of actual as you put it "skill" to land a shot. And for the record, I a have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. I haven't claimed a fact in anything I said. If I had or wanted to, I would have done so with actual PROOF and the time required to do so. Please, continue to flame around and post false information and technical knowledge about the game and it's players. I'm lol'in my pants over here.
  18. I've actually been wondering this myself. It's no great big surprise of news, that the Xbox One and 360 both use different versions of the Live platform. MCC's servers are not compatable with the original servers still running. It is not unlikely, that we will see the original Halo 4, Halo 3, etc.. servers come down and only the MCC variant Live ones remain. One of the biggest reasons to having the MCC was to shift Halo to the new platform. The reality is, 343i and Microsoft could care less about pleasing you, and more about selling their hardware and getting you to shift to a new platform. And what's one of the biggest reasons to keep your 360 around? Halo! Xbox One had no Halo title to draw you in until MCC. At least the 360 had backwards capability to allow Halo 2 to be played on it until Halo 3 came out. With the Xbox One, we didn't have anything at all Halo wise for a full year.
  19. Physics wise, a lot can go wrong when the ricochet settings are involved. Even if the ricochet is specified at a set degree or power, sometimes there are instances where the collision and physics don't quite work when dealing with a lucky odd angle, or anything similar. Even in Halo 2 PC, I have tested a map of my own and had some funky ricochets with bullets, grenades etc... But like Brony said, it's a beta. the earliest beta in halo's history, so I'm sure things will be worked out to a more acceptable degree by launch.
  20. I'm not sure how to break this to you, but the most popular maps in Halo's history, are symmetrical maps. It allows for a more even flow game wise,and doesn't give one team an advantage over another geographically. Dual weilding is iffy. Halo 3 didn't have 100% dual weilding the same we had it Halo 2. Halo 2 is the ONLY game to allow dual weilding of any weildable weapon. The needler was NOT dual weildable in halo 3, and in Halo 3, each weapon was given a handicap if dual weilded, to decrease the damage dealt by each shot. I can't argue my opinion against the armor. I do not like the updated armor or Spartan look of 4 or the beta either. But to say it's becoming like CoD...no. I would say it's becoming slowly what Quake was...which is an Arena shooter, one the first true ones. If they took out the abilities and ADS it would be on par with what Quake did, but still wouldn't be 100%.
  21. That's your play style, and playstyle alone. if you have an issue getting away with sprint but others don't, then you need to examine your choices during gameplay and or learn to use the environment and surrounding structures better, along with split second choices as to cover areas. Games should NEVER be handicapped in the mechanics front, to assist or help players who make bad choices consistently. The only time a feature or any assistance should be given, is if the core mechanic in question has an overall poor effect on gameplay as a whole. And the only company who can gauge such issue accurately is 343i and Microsoft.
  22. I stopped taking you seriously, when you tried to tell me I don't know what the difference between competitive and casual is, and linked a dumb Teambeyond site. TeamBeyond is a site dedicated to just the people who are so uber Proz..omfg...... That site is not a complete culmination of opinions throughout the literally 100+ active Halo sites available on the internet. Nice try trying to claim that some silly site has members that KNOW more about competitive gaming than anyone else anywhere on any site in the world. I could literally claim to be the foremost expert in Astro Physics by copying and pasting stuff, or extensive talking about the subject, but it doesn't make it true. That's YOUR opinion of the members of the site. Again, you show no proof other than a failed attempt to say that sprint doesn't belong, which is completely opinion by the way, and YES it can be argued against or for it. I can site, layout and explain a multitude of differences on how sprint DOESN'T break a map by showing you detailed 3dsmax views of the maps themselves, which I have done before many times here on this site. As for your comments about quick scoping....a child can do it with one eye, I can do it with my toes....its a video game. Pushing a button is not a skill. If it is...your gonna do well as an elevator attendant in your near future. And to touch on your Sabre Interactive and Certain Affinity comments.... Sabre did do the campaign remake for both CEA and H2A, but Certain Affinity did all the multiplayer map work for H2A, and they contribute mostly to the MM experience. 343 Industries has relied heavily on those two to help with the games. And just for reference, the MCC does not have any "ported" maps. All maps are running the same exact engine they ran back upon initial release. This may be a huge shocker for you, because your a kid. But there are other things in this world that make a population dwindle quickly. For instance, here a few things that are greatly different now, than compared to 1999-2007 the times at which Halo 1-3 released. 1. Economy. Things cost more, not everyone has the money for a new system, games or subscription services long term. 2. Job Market. Again, no job no warez. Jobs are more scarce than they were a decade ago. 3. Competition. There are more titles to rival Halo now, then there were during Halo 1- 3. 4. Not everyone plays on Live. I know that might shock you, but there are people who like to just play offline. 5. School/Real world Times are changing bud, you HAVE to work and got to SCHOOL. Parents may be lazier now yes in terms of how they handle their kids, but stuff is more expensive now...requiring work And for the record, it is a widely popular opinion, that almost every site you COULD visit and gauge opinion from, WILL NOT be the opinion s of 100% individual players or the entire population. Most people believe, including 343i and Microsoft, that most of then people whom take polls or participate in "hate/flame" threads about issues, are people who are mad or disagree with how or what is in a game. beyond that, how can you accurately guarantee that each poll choice or thread reply is from a person WHOM IS NOT a member of another site under a different user name? You can't. Fact is, most players don't take the time to register on site and become actively involved, they instead spend their time simply playing the game and send feedback directly via Xbox.com reporting or other in-game tools. Sprint is an OPINION, how it's used why it's used and whether it belongs along with other abilities is OPINION. You have shown no concrete proof to back anything you claim to be a FACT. But good try? Lolwut? No really, good try....I was amused thoroughly by your reply. Oh and real quick before I forget, like I said, console shooters are given a handicap to begin with. try that quick scoping skill you claim to have on a PC lol. And for the record, maps are not easy to make. maybe you should spend some time learning how to craft a map from scratch, lay one out, compile it and test it, then tell me all maps are crappy. I can validate my claim as to whether or not a map is lacking and why as I have developed over 100's directly in my time. Playing a map and making one gives you an entirely different perspective and understanding on how and why a map was made the way it was.
  23. Generational differences only compensate for the engine evolution aspect of the Halo franchise. Sprint was a feature that was supposed to be included in Halo 2 and 3. If you watch the VidOC series of the development of both games, you clearly see that due to keeping the games linear was more important than adding the features they wanted. Also at the time, engine development was limited. Software wise, it takes the industry on average, 7 years to completely utilize and harness the capabilities of hardware to it's full extent. For example, look at the graphical difference between Halo 3 and Halo 4. That being said, in recent years since 343i took over development in house for Halo, we have seen it stated many times that they included a more traditional sprint feature to speed up gameplay. While I do agree that sprint speeds up gameplay, gameplay can be sped just as easily by having smaller maps and or larger amounts of vehicles on maps that are larger. In Halo CE through 3, sprint would be nice yes, but because of the way the maps are laid out and the spawn assigned netgame equipment, gameplay is already solid. Almost forgot to add this as my point to the whole thing Maggie. Mapping a controller and adding additional button assignments in an engine is simplistic. Had they really wanted or felt the need to include sprint as they wanted as far back as Halo 2, they could of with ease on the v1.2 Blam! engine
  24. The population died a large amount due to MCC releasing, but you can usually find a server or two thats full. Halo and Halo CE still thrive like a mofo though. For myself, I do mostly tag and engine work with Halo, so most or all of my current Halo 2 PC time is usually map making or creating apps/workarounds, to improve the game. Check out h2pc.org. It's the official home of my team, the H2MT.
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