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Everything posted by Twinreaper

  1. At least Scorch has some common sense. halo 2 had the most flawed campaign and most broken incomplete game in general. Halo CE wa just all over the place and you didn't even really know what the hell was going on. Halo 3 was ok, but not epic. Reach was better than Halo 3. Halo 4 was somewhere in between Halo 2 and 3. It had good moments and a real emotional ending, but ODST is where it is at. The story arc was tops. The way it captured the gritty behind enemy lines in your own town noir feel, was perfect. The music was great, and you really felt connected to the ODST squad through the storytelling.
  2. This is why they need to stick to their own language forums.
  3. Yahhhh! More console news for Halo. And yes, that was sarcasm.
  4. The only reason Ripa died was because he likes to torture and draw out his prey's suffering. If he was serious and right to the point in dealing with his adversaries, Forge would have been dead in seconds... Vadam has a weakness of being long winded, so unless he's gonna start talking his enemies to death after fighting with them...I'm gonna say no this one.
  5. Welcome to the gang Ghost! Im.sure you'll love your stay herw, and we also have many members who share your levwl of passion for Halo. We host plenty of events that you can participate in, and trust me, there a blast to do! I hope you enjoy your stay with us, and as always if you ever need anything, we're all here to help.
  6. So.wait, all my Halo 4 stats in general.are being reset even if I only play on a 360? Is so, thats some bull****. Erase all my lifelong stats, and I will never pickup another match ever again. **** move MS...**** move.
  7. Ity would likely be a d-pad toggle or possible re-assignment of the key pad similar to how Crysis does it.
  8. I'm not sure how I feel. I love Crysis more than Halo, so it's hard for me to accept seeing what i saw. But as you suggested, who kows. maybe these elements will blend and work well.
  9. It was real quick during the E3 trailer, here is the stuff here... E3 halo ground pound... Ok, now watch the stuff in Crysis 2, and tell me it's not a straight ripoff...
  10. Not gonna lie, first thing I thought about when I saw "adrenaline" or "suit energy", was Crysis ripoff. They pretty mich just up.and stole the ground stop feature they used at E3 as it is.
  11. I think the biggest concern or complaint really, should be that we were lied to in Reach, and further lied to in Halo 4. Bungie told us that we would be able to once again, roam around outside of maps like we did back in Halo 2. They specifically stated at E3 and in interviews, that they encourage exploration and that anything we see that is part of the map (not skybox) we could get to if we were tricky enough. Well we all see how that worked out. And they did it again in Halo 4. Stating that they put a lot of time into things outside of the map and encouraging out of map exploration. Again, we got zilch.
  12. Custom Edition doesn't get any play at all anymore that I know of. Most of all the action takes place on standard Halo PC. I did hear something from Kornman about 1.10 not supporting Opensauce though, which would again account for maybe the player list being so low. I know a lot of Custom edition gameplay was using Opensauce.
  13. I asked you if you jave ADD becuase you were seemingly not following the conversation and seemed confused. Yet again another example of sarcasm being lost on the internet. And by the way, I have ADHD and so does my son, so boo fricken hoo. If you really thought it was rude, perhaps you need to a. Lighten up or b, develop a better sense of humor. Either way, i'll just avoid talking to you all together then. Funny how poking fun at people and cracking jokes becomes a one way street with a lot of you guys. And you could have just as easily sent me a PM rather than bump an old topic.
  14. Not at all.Caboose, as my partner Kills has stated, we have both been playing both H2x and H2v since there realease to current day. I play everyday at least 5-10 matches, so over the coarse of. 10 years, thats roughly 35,600 matches. Not including marathon play days.
  15. While I agree on some points, stating Halo CE is the MOST skilled fps is a matter of opinion. Each Halo.does contain its own set of what we call "skills", to master it. At the same time, yes there will be a handfull of gamers who will rule and dominate across all titles, but that is rare and shows more of a personal.skill level, regardless of game or title. Just as players like Ogre will state its the most skilled, there are just as many other pros from other titles like Crysis and CoD who will argue differently. Again, its perspective and opinion.
  16. If your wanting to get 343's attention directly, you need to post over at Halowaypoint. But trust me, they venture over here often to.see what we post. You would be better off joining us and have some fun on this site. Just a suggestion.
  17. Wargod, that was the exact point I was trying to make, but I worded it poorly. And no, whoever asked, I am not speaking for anyone, as I said, I am.speaking in general as a long long time CE player like Wargod. As he is suggesting, a majority of players will likely rage quit due to the severe skill gap between CE and Halo 4. CE stands in a league all its own.
  18. ♫You love me for everything you hate me for.♫

  19. Well considering from launch plus the H2PC one...I'd have to put my self in the low 5,000-20,000
  20. Happy Birthday bro!!! Go out and party hard! 21 finally!!!

  21. Welcome to the forums friend! Sorry to tell you but we are not the official outlet for 343 Industries, we are a fan forum. Kindly navigate to the orange linked words located above our shoutbox. That being said, we do hope you enjoy your visit and hope you decide to stay and hang with our friendly bunch here on the site. If you ever need anything, feel free to find me in the shoutbox or shoot me a PM. Once again welcome!!
  22. Me again...resident meanie and all around member of hatred who has nothing nice to say to anyone ever... That was sarcasm...kin of. Caboose the Ace.
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