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Everything posted by Twinreaper

  1. Self Destruct got it first. Did you like the poem riddle?
  2. I am never alone, I always have friends. Like a Jewish Christmas tree, our glow follows you until your end. Short and stout, energetic yet cowardly. We screech and jump around and shout out wildly. Your flatulence is so sweet, it's music to our ears. It burns your nose, but we could live off it for years.
  3. So there I was late last night, hanging out with the boys talking about our usual crazy ****, when out of nowhere, Twinreaper decides to jump in and start fighting with me. The nerve of myself for doing such a thing! Well, I made sure to capture it so Twinreaper can't go back and deny it. have a look and maybe a laugh or two...
  4. Sorry I got side tracked redoing my profile. If you have one, go ahead and post it.
  5. My profile has undergone a slight makeover. If you get the chance, stop by and have a gander. You might learn a few things ;)

  6. Ok, I'll post it up tomorrow. Right now, I'm worn out
  7. I also cheated Mayh3m. I opened up the Halo 3 maps and poked around the bsps. Found the highway sign and did a quick conversion on km to miles. Since I did the riddle before Total, I pass the riddle to the next person to post after this.
  8. Correct! It is indeed Ripa 'Moramee
  9. These cuts will bleed forever and I'll never heal 'cause it's the only way that I know it's real.

    1. Delpen9


      It'll heal. You can't tell your body what to do.

    2. Twinreaper


      I'll never heal. I'm forever damned and destroyed.

  10. CE never had it's own standalone multiplayer anyway, so we didn't miss out on anything. But yes, any remake from a previous system for Halo, will always likely use the current titles multiplayer, as to avoid any potential compat issues, or changing of supported features via Live.
  11. I have a spare code for Recon. PM me if you still want it.
  12. You cant objext to a ruling. My god, this whole thing is so ******* idiotic. Noone is using proper procedure, proper reprasentative guidlines. Just stop all ready. Noone wants to see the stupid Wololol thing, or see it in the shoutbox. This is yet another example of why I believe in Euthenasia, abortion up to age 18 and why animals eat their young.
  13. And that same majority are the ones who didnt play the game or have the same memories or time put into it. Im talking about the crowd that was between 18-25 when Halo 2 came out. Of coarse kids who played Halo 2 between 5-17 have a completely different perspective on this, as their memories are not as vivid. You still havent shown me what having an Anniversary Edition will do to benefit the community. It wont have its own original multiplayer, and it wont have extra levels. It will be a carbon copy of what CEA was.
  14. There is no arguments. Thats not how court works. Lawyers from.each side cross examine both the defendant and plantiff until either side feels they have made their case, then and only then does the lawyer or the party give a closing statement. You people need to watch actual.court, not these glorified horribly scripted day time court dramas. Furthermore, if you decide to.drop or.settle without going through the court procedings, the proposed drop or settlement still has to be agreed upon the judge. The judge does NOT have to.accept it, and can continue the case. YOU dont get to just decide its over.
  15. Nope. Certain words were used in the riddle to give you bread crumbs.
  16. Rea, you are on the right track, bit wrong species.
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