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Everything posted by Twinreaper

  1. You cant drop a case or charges once the trial ends and the jury deliberates. The only time you can drop or "settle", is mid trial. The jury made its decision and as such, the verdict and fine stand. Additionally, we the jury after reviewing testimony and provided Microsoft documents, we also impose a 42 hour community service probation installment on top of the fine for both parties. May god have mercy on your pitifull souls.
  2. The beginning part where you exit the plane and hqve to get passed that mech dog...i died 12 times before i got passed it. They didnt teqch me to run and slide, and they gave me no waypoint. Thats bqd direction concidering they give you all of 7 seconds before the dog comes in and kills you. Aside from that, after you destroy the first turret bunker, the game kept glitching and I couldnt exit it. The door wouldnt open and even restarting didnt fix it. Poor design, poor direction, and the whole game felt like every other fps opening. Crashing in a vehicle, defending against a hord of invading enemies, etc. I do hate it....glad I didnt pay for it.
  3. Dont bother. The game is worth maybe $20. I was highly dissapointed with the first hour of play. Its sloppy and they make no effort to guide players. The gameplay is like playing Dragon's Layer. Certain objectives and situations rely on you having to figure out how to escape or how to gwt through an area. Needless to say, i died 12 times after the first mission started because thwy failed to direct the player. Cant imagine the rest of the levels are any easier.
  4. None of the above. The riddle uses clues as to how to go about figuring out who it is.
  5. You cannot buy a company at your age Caboose. You have purgered yourself by stating YOU started it, and that the the photographs of your company ARE YOURS. Business laws forbid the purchase, direct ownership and or running of a company by anyone under the age of 18. Therefore, you have lied under oath. It is impossible that you registered the business and conduct the business. Told you guys I could end it quick. Anyone wanna regret not picking me as their lawyer now?
  6. Should have picked me as a lawyer....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twinreaper
    3. Twinreaper


      damn...no emots in status'

    4. Rue


      You could be mine, too! Just because you seem like the good lawyer type.

  7. ****Suddenly a representative from the Federal trade Committee storms into the court room**** You're honor, I must object to this case in every way shape and form. I have here legal documents and sworn testimony from various Trade officials and Government employees that neither company exists and is NOT a registered business. Allow me to elaborate on something the court needs to hear. Under federal and International trade rules, a company, entity or intellectual gathering CANNOT be run, owned or have any signed legal document or contract if said individual is under the age of 18. All minor property owners, heirs or inheritors must be represented by a third party individual acting on behalf of the minor. Said individual is also the only party whom can legally enter into a signed or verbal contract with any business, entity or subsidiary there-of. Neither party has any valid or legal claim over the property Trademark in question. I would ask the court to negate any further proceedings and allow the Trade Commission to re-open the purchasable equity of the aforementioned Trademark for WOLOLOL. I would also ask the court to order into official judgment, that both parties from this moment forth, be restricted to ever use the WOLOLOL brand or mention it ever again!
  8. One of you is close, but I can't say which one.
  9. I'm guessing it is up to me to make the next riddle? Okie dokie then. I shall have it posted by 4pm today EST. Not very good at riddles, but here goes... Internal Affairs a son with no heir Violent in spirit and declaration with fiery ruthless dedication follow me until death we shall forge with no regret Quick and easy it shall not be mere toys and trinkets at my feet Preserving what must always be ever collective of the three I'll harvest your soul in silence no more shall you cause such defilance Do you know, can you see? My faith and my loyalty?
  10. Trademark legal.cases are argued by both parties and their respected legal council. If this is a case between the trademark.WoLol, then you both have to prosecute and defend from one another to the jury for a ruling. Hence why as a prosecutor, I have to represent one of you. Which means we need another lawyer in here.
  11. I know what a prosecutor is, but one is issually invloved against someone. In this case, you are proposing that the party I represent is against both you and jxzaw. I dont think you understand how legal procedings work fully. If im prosecuting someone, whom am I prosecuting? Who is the party I represent as the plantiff? Who is the defendant?
  12. Since you didnt reply to my pm, who do I represent?
  13. ^^lmao Not even bleach or molecular thearapy could do that. Im.as rotten as they come!
  14. Dont believe the hype everyone! Anyone whos anyone knows, you dont find the forum, the forum finds you!
  15. If you think the Xmen referrence was bad, wait till you see the movie. 2 hours of my life ai cqnnot get back. Welcome to the forums bud!! We're all a little crazy, some more than others. Watch out for that prick Twinreaper. He's a real sociapathic meany. Crap, I think he heard me....
  16. So the problem comes down to 343i making recon not as "cool"? Please get the **** over yourselves. Its armor and nothing more. Wine about things that matter in the game, not a silly character flair item. This whole thread screams "I have nothing better to do than ***** about a 7 year old game".
  17. DOCTORS! I don't need no doctors, who needs doctors, what doctors, who's a doctor, keep the doctors AWAY!!!!
  18. BZ, I would head to the local clinic ASAP! Apparently you have been diagnosed with... Forcitis Imaculatus. Forcitis is a serious condition caused by strain induced from thinking one has "force" powers. This disease may cause swelling and or leaking of the anus when straining, itching, rash, nausea and complete bladder control lose when bending over. Lucky for you we have Obi-Wan's Rear Admiral Cream. Apply a generous portion between both cheeks and around the inner thigh to maximize lubrication and soothe sore areas. Apply 9 times daily until effected areas clear up or you realize your not a Jedi. Side effects of the cream include, involuntary vomiting, lose of consciousness, fever, heavy sweating, possible Gerbil death, amnesia and or loss of all motor skills. Ask your doctor if your healthy enough for sex while taking Obi-Wan's. But WAIT! If you act now and call within the next 15 mintues, we'll double your order! You'll get 2! tubes of Obi-Wan's Cream, the Butt Towel, and Obi-Wan's Light Saber Anal Plug...All for just $9.99! Call now! 1-800-286-7589 (1-800-BUM-PLAY)
  19. Tartarus. More specifically, The Fist of Ruk?
  20. Correct me if I wrong, but Cortana gaining a physical form was due to manipulation of Hardlight, not some final rampancy evolutionary step for an AI. Similar to how she encased Chief, and strapped onto the Didact.
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