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Everything posted by Twinreaper

  1. #1. It takes more time to tell the Xbox to pause, play or switch to things than it does to push one or two single buttons. #2 Kinect games is neither a busy development asset nor the future of gaming. See Wii for how well motion control has been doing, or the PS3 motion control. Yes Kinect is different, but the concept is the same. #3 *snip* #4 If the Kinect is always on and can respond to your voice when the console is technically powered off, how do we know the console connection or the camera isnt accessable in the same way? Big Brother type question for you there. *snip*
  2. Forgive me for stating the obvious, but should we really be inuding riddles on items that are NOT fact based or true documented history/lore? Didnt he say the answer is based on what most people believe may be true due to nothing more than clues hinting towards what the answer may be? If thats the case, then any answer is correct based on the perspective and view of the player who was exposed to said hint.
  3. Yeah.... sounds logical. Sorry I ever doubted such groundbreaking physical proof and logic. I'll be on my way now...
  4. Clahalomydia, from not playing Halo with protection. Causes severe itching, redness and soreness of playing appendages. Side effects include becoming a Herpa Derp Derpin7. To soothe and calm inflamation, rub cold mixture of 3/4 sheeple spit and 1/4 Raspberey Icee to effected area. Apply twice daily till symptoms subside.
  5. Exactly, just rumors. No reason to get sad or bothered. No one outside 343i or MSG has any direct correct information about what is being worked on. Let the idiots with their Youtube channels and blogsspin their bull**** rumors. Stuff like this does nothing more than hurt a franchise, hurt its players and cause tension when its not needed. Its all done for publicity for those who are spreading the bull****. My advice, sit back and relax. When we need to know sonething, 343i will tell us.
  6. Still dont see why you folks think or believe an Anniversary edition for Halo 3 will happen? On what grounds and conceptual proof is that belief based on? And please dont bring up CEA as a factor as why. That game was done for a specific listed reason.
  7. Halo 2 ended because the Live version changed. Halo 3 along with ODST will likely see an EOL sometime around the release of Halo 5. Financially and resource usage wise, it would not make sense to keep 5 different versions all running along side eachother. And depwnding on when they decide to EOL 360 Live support, it could potentially end somewhere in the 2-3 year range. I will say, after going back and playing H3 MM, it doesnt feel the same as it did when I played it all those years ago. It just feels so slow and sloppy compared to when I boot up Halo 2 PC.
  8. Well.Silent it has been fun having you around. You always will have a place in my top ten of the site. Take care and do great things my friend!
  9. A top list I didnt make?!?! Must be Azaxx's doing Congrats on makin the list guys!
  10. 7.99934251/10. Love how it reminds me of some.crazy Lazerbeak Transformer on steroids.
  11. Good question. Iirc, I found this place by accident while researching 343i and Halo.development. What a strange 3 years its been.
  12. Well it's been a while since I did any work with machines, but I'm not entirely sure 100%, that it won't work in a phased state. Phased is basically the nice way of saying an object has a "stabilized" setting. in the objects physics model tag. Judging from when I did use machines in halo 2, using the doors only opened from one end, or other machines didn't animate at all. I haven't done any research into machines fro anything post Halo 3 though. Either way, it's a feature that would work.
  13. Technically adding machines (doors) would be simplistic and require nothing more than adding the machine palette to the editable sections. The only problem comes in when you place the doors. In order for them to work properly, they have to be placed so they do not collide with any other piece or map geometry. Machines iirc, cannot be phased and still open properly. Aside from that, the machines would only require an additional.spawn for a " phantom power".
  14. Yes the pistol is only tweaked for the Anniversary playlists.
  15. Correct. Like they did with the title update for Reach, they also changed about 7 key floats to up the magnum to more closely ressemble the CE version via the Megaloscript.
  16. Im in GT is of coarse... B4M Twinreaper, but lets be real, everyone knows me
  17. Does it have anything to do with the slip space journey of The Audacity?
  18. Not sure what the **** I just walked into... but I guess Im a PC mustard? For shame.... the PC will always be superior, but consoles have their place. All consoles are good and whether one is better pertains to the user. Nothing wrong with supporting your console, but hating others based on false accusations and no education is poor form.
  19. Well let's see, I play Team Slayer and the Actionsack type selection one, can't remember the name though. Both more often than not, contain Forge as 2 of the selectable voting options...and of coarse everyone votes for the lame ass Forge variant maps.
  20. Ex[pect more disturbing avatars and sigs in the near future. I'm gonna do my best to roatate them all weekly or bi-weekly if possible.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delpen9


      I like the one you already have, but if it better compliments your username, then I may accept this change.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I think The Toxic Avenger is in order.

    4. Vinyl Scratch
  21. Shouldn't we get an actual clue as to whether it is an object, place or person? Clues are too vague alone....
  22. Adjutant Reflex or whatever...I remember Adjutant something...
  23. That was sick! You did a great job bringing the Digital Purgatory concept to life. Keep this shiz coming man!!!
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