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Everything posted by Twinreaper

  1. My how time flies. 5 years today I joined what is now the BEST Halo Community in the world. Love you guys, heres to another five!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      We're a community that emphasizes community. Congrats twin!

    3. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Congrats on 5 years Twin!

    4. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Wowsers, 5 years?! You're a fossil, Twin! ;P Congratulations!!

  2. Thanks for the mention Drizzy, but I am officially retired from ALL things Halo. As far as H2V goes, I have already destroyed my lifes work of resources and moved onto bigger and better things. That being said I do wish all involved good luck with the project.
  3. Not sure why I'm putting this here, but here is a yearbook random pig roast from work? I don't know...just go with it. Delpen cosplay FTW!!!
  4. I am not translating this to Brazilian, so wither someone here can do it and post it, or you will have to use Google. The problem with connections in South America in general have nothing to do with Microsoft or any other service provider. The problem is entirely on your end and the country's pathetic infrastructure. It is all too common to see Halo CE and H2V server hosters in Colombia and deeper south, that have completely miserable server hosting ability and internet connection strength. To put it bluntly, you wont get any better service no matter how world wide cloud servers are configured. If you were in a part of the world with a better telecommunications infrastructure I would validate a claim that something needs to bw fixed. Asking someone to help is similar to asking for better internet service in Somolia.
  5. Let's be honest and unbiased for once guys. You CANNOT call Halo 5 a success on any level, nor can you call 343 a success and honestly say their direction is good. Halo 5 is the equivalent to Colonial Marines. No other Halo game has ever shipped more incomplete and broken than Halo 5. I'd count MCC but that was not all 343, as Saber and CA are also to blame. Halo 1 and 2 were in no way unbalanced. I'd like to see some actual game data facts to shlw how it isnt. Halo 3 was not any slower gameplay wise than 1 & 2. The only reason ot feels slower, as does the previous titles, is because of the increase in post Halo 3 gameplay. It is simple to play Halo Reach and 4/5 and then go play the prequels and feel sluggish. Bungie would never go back to taking over Halo, that isn't even a possibility no matter how much money would be thrown their way. As for Destiny comparisons, please stop trying to compare the development issues to 343 and Bungie's shortcomings. No one here at this site has any sort of right to do so, nor do they have any credentials or experience to back up those claims. At the end of the day you have to agree that on many levels that something needs to change with Halo. 343 is doing an utterly abysmal job and it is very very clear they do NOT listen to anyone and they have no idea what they are doing
  6. Correct, this is simply a fan forum run by fans of Halo. As for Xbox Support, are you positive they specifically gave you the 343Industries.org link in the chat message? If so, it would be helpful to post it so we can pass this along to the Mod team in hopes they can have this stopped.
  7. The Force Awakens..... More like A New Empire Jedi Returns To strike Back Hope. Utterly dissapoint. Much sadz, so fail...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      It could be the Phantom menace.

    3. Ash


      I really liked it, much more then A New Hope. Though i still think Empire Strikes back is #1.

    4. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      More than a New Hope? Everything Episode 7 does Episode 4 did better. Apart from sound quality, cgi etc.

  8. Is anyone really surprised by the banning policy? 343 has soley destroyed Halo by far more than just a percentage of the player base, but also by serious game reporters (paid for and trendy review sites don't count). Since the complete downfall of Halo 343 has to perform damage control the only way they can, by strictly enforcing and policing their own forums. They can't control what comes out of websites they don't own, but they CAN control their own. They will do whatever it takes to save face and only promote a positive outlook on a quite honestly abysmal track record and new franchise saga. Anything positive or otherwise you would have to say them will only fall of deaf, single minded ears, as it is quite obvious 343 has no desire to actually listen to the fans or even attempt to produce a title that taps even a 1/8th of it's former developers glory.
  9. It could be your router. Can you confirm that your router changes are being held, and that you have a manually assigned IP in your Xbox network settings? One common problem is that the console will automatically be assigned a random IP every time it is powered on, thus negating any ip port forwarding.
  10. If it specifically tells you that you have "Moderate NAT", then you already know what the problem is. Your Xbox needs NAT to be strictly off, and you need to forward your ports through the router firewalls. In all my years of gaming I have never once encountered ANY error that a large majority of players face since Halo Reach in regards to how the Xbox systems respond in terms of server connections. Needless to say, people need to learn how to setup and maintain a proper home network before coming into forums and charging the developer with an issue. Go through all the searches Google has to offer about home networking and Live ports, then come back if the problem hasn't been resolved and please post in the proper place. Aka... one of the other thousands of repeat threads we have about this kind of stuff.
  11. Melody is correct. Microsoft has unofficially discontinued support and service for Halo 2 Vista. As of now, the only way of playing Halo 2 online is via Project Cartographer, a community project to replace the master server listing and bring the ability to LAn game to halo 2.
  12. The answer is simple and not hard to figure out. In order to indeed keep things fair, you did not get credit for the kill because you and your team DID NOT contribute more than a majority of damage. Just like an MMO, you cant simply jump into a battle right before its over, land the kill shot and expect to walk away as the winner. Life doesnt work that way. And to be quite honest, what you did was extremely lame. As for the second example involving the Tank Master, it is clearly a case of health/regeneration or improper gaging of the enwmies health. Lag can also play a part in this as it is likely that your shots didnt hit enough despite what you saw on screen. All of this is besides the point. The point is, is that Halo 5 focuses on and rewards teamwork. You dont get more req points just because you got a medal, so outside the medal earning you closer to an unlockable, I dont see the issue here. This is the first thread I have seen with this type of issue, so unless a majority of players are just too lazy to post about it, it to me seems like an isolated incident stemming from poor connections.
  13. First off, this is NOT the official website for 343 Industries. No one from here is going to call you back. Second, wrong thread. Introductions are for you to actually introduce yourself to our fan community, not posting a useless video. Now moving on..... I haye threads like this. To what extent and actual belief do you have tk state that you propose a general overview or collective feeling about how older gamers of the franchise view Halo and its direction? For someone who claims to know Halo so well, you picked a tech Demo from E3 Halo 2? For what purpose? Maybe I'm missing the point but I see no relevance to posting a half arsed stitched together demo that was nearly impossible to produce in design or theory. There is a very good reason why this demo is NOT the game we got with Halo 2. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the direction Halo 4 and 5 started to go in. We now live in drastically different times culturaly and technology wise and it is quite common and logical to see such a drastic change for the franchise. As much as I dislike it myself, I can systematically and logically evaluate, compatmentalize and fully understand where the franchise is heading without allowing emotions or nostalgia to effect my experience. That being said, again I personally do not like Halo 4 or 5. BUT what I dislike even more are people who impose their own view and try to pass it off as a "I know what the Halo fans want" type of directional view. Sufice to say, you do not. Nor does the video give you any validation or showcase why your opinion should be valued over everyone elses.
  14. Explain what exactly? This is NOT a 343 website so we cannot explain why the system banned you. My best guess would be that since you experienced lag initially, there was a problem with the connection. The last match you quit was likely the last one recorded before the limit was imposed. Knowing the systwm, it is logical to assume that the lag prevented the ban from reaching your end before you started another match. Although it cannot be proved outside an official 343 response, this does seem reasonable as I have never heard of a ban taking place mid game.
  15. I did a quick Google search and found this gem. Not sure if it will work, but try it anyway. 1. Delete the profile from the console by going to Settings > Security, sign and passkey > remove from this Xbox. This will not affect the account or delete anything. It will just refresh it. 2. Press and hold the power button and the bind button(gray/silver button with ))) lines on the left side of the disc tray). The console will turn itself off. 3. Unplug the power cord from the power outlet and the console and leave it unplugged for two minutes. 4. After two minutes, plug the power cord back to the power outlet and the console. Make sure the power brick LED light is Amber/Orange. 5. Turn on the console by pressing and holding down the Xbox Guide button on the controller 10 to 15 seconds. 6. Re-download the profile by clicking the sign in icon found at the upper left most of the dashboard > Select Add new > Enter your Microsoft Account email > Enter the exact Xbox Password.
  16. You still don't get it. Simple players would not understand nor be able to comprehend the intensive amount of work even if a simple version of AI was placed and compiled into each map. You don't just simply click a button and Ai is placed and functioning. How would you build zones, paths, trigger volumes and about 10 other fields of data? Those quick few items I mentioned require them to be located and defined BEFORE a retail map is even compiled. Why do you think you never see a map released without AI, get an Ai update? I will admit that the Forge system does have some very clever float and enum editing methods, but there is a limit to what can be edited, how it can be edited, and what will NOT result in the map completely breaking due to sheer stupidity.
  17. In regards to Halo 4, it won't benefit much hardware. Xbox One utilizes emulation to make 360 game compiled engines and code, run with the new hardware. Because it has to be emulated, the specs and abilities are equal to the original platform. Similar to PC emulators for PS2 and Xbox original, regardless of how powerfull your PC is, the emulator still runs things pretty much equal to the original console. The only real benefit is memory management and CPU priority. Suffice to say that the only way to see a real improvement in Halo 4 itself, would be to take the source for it, and have it recompiled and tweaked for the new gen platform.
  18. Are you ready for Pokemon Go?

    1. Melody


      Of course I am, It's going to be the single best thing to ever exist in the history of Pokemon.

  19. Miceosoft has the same issues, it just isnt publicized besides hotmail email adresses and Miceosoft account information. But the general public is far too stupid to put 1+1 together to realize that ALL Live accounts are directly linked to email accounts. I didnt say the security was the best, but at least Sony admits what goes on, in comparison to MS whom always stay tight lipped and denies everything. By contrast, Sony has a much more stable network base than Microsoft, regardless of what it publically published or talked about. If you want to split hairs on the matter, Live can easily be taken down but the desire and effect is not as big as it is for Sony...who still dominates the Video Game market 3:1
  20. It is likely a backhanded f-you from 343/Microsoft. It's no surprise or hidden fact, that the 360 has trouble with the new version of Live that went through. Not that it was ever really good considering the whole Azure/Cloud push, but in all honesty you can't expect anyone there to care or put real resources into the ancient hardware and software governing your Live experience on Xbox 360. My best advice to you is to either invest in the new gen Xbox or make the switch to PC or Playstation. In all honesty there is absolutely nothing that Microsoft has besides Halo to keep people buying their crap. They have beyond the worst customer support, there Live Network is a bigger cluster f than an episode of Hoarders, and their library of 1st party games is almost non existent. Fact is, Playstation and Steam/PC General do it better and always have. Playstation may not have had the flair or features of Live, but at least the online experience has always been reliable with the least latency.
  21. The point that you are missing, is that every piece of armor so far, was shipped in the core game. The pre order exclusives simply unlock armor that is already present within the core game. So in reality there is no "special" armor that magically gets added to the game through use of a code. Moving on....who cares? Armor is the biggest blatent flair filler crap ever created. Their armor and animations are filled with horrible clipping and even worse IK animation. I've seen better animating in lame local car dealer commercials. I understand that the new "it" thing for the new generations of gamers is customization...but when it greatly outweighs actual content and support, it becomes nothing more than an annoying money grab, just like the REQ System. If you really want armor to feel unique and special, it should be limited to no more than Reach had, and make them unlockable by Mythic style achievments to enckurage some actual real replay value. As it stands now, Halo 3 armor unlocking took longer than it did for me to unlock armor in Halo 4. I cant judge Guardians because I refuse to buy an Xbox One.
  22. This comes as absolutely no surprise at all. Company issues aside, Microsoft knew full well the state of the partnership they had and the financials/internal trouble that Lionhead had. Yet, MS still used them to push Windows 10 and their "commitment" to PC gaming. As I see it, it was all a sham and there was no clear intention of following through with anything. Lionhead may have a bad reputation in the Gaming Business, but Microsoft overshadows everything a majority of the bad companies do. So what's left now? Halo Wars 2? What a joke....
  23. Admittedly yes, the series has lost it's serious grounded story heirarchy. From my perspective, this is primarily due to 343 and their lack of willingness to support, recsll, retell and otherwise work with previous lore/stories, and instead forge ahead while developing their own sense of story within the Halo Universe. However, I do have to acknowledge that for the past 15+ years, we have become acustom to a "Covenant vs Human" storyboard heirarchy. It would simply be a logical progression of our thinking when it comes to Halo, to dismiss or becone dismayed by Hal's own inevitable ending of the Great War to make way for the next decade of historical and menirable combat driven storyline. The main problem is, 343 has shown twice, how utterly incapable they are of creating original content to push Halo beyond the established borders of what we expect. I would believe that if Bungie had not left the franchise, we would have seen a very different Reclaimer Saga, and ones who progression in both story and multiplayer would have placed Halo back at the top if the FPS genre. Now that last part may simply be an opinion, but it is an opinion based soley upon the previous developers work, dedication and slready proven results, weighed against what we now see. As for the scientific aspect, I draw my conclusions and debunks from the data that the actual lore has provided, versus what we actually do kniw acording to real world physics. For the most part, Bungie and 343 fill in no blanks and provide nothing in terms of inner workings, explinations or any other attempt to validate the technology. As a point of reference, look at Star Trek. The entire concept of Star Trek back in the 60's proved widely impossible. Yet, the writers and Roddenberry did a supremely wonderful job of referencing actual physics and space-time mechanics to validate the possibility of such events, and further they actually cant much be argued wrong or simply hypothetical. For another reference point, look up the technology used in the series. You will find blueprints, schematics, technology overview pages and fictional interviews. Then look at Halo. You will find nothing but half concocted "it just works" explinations, and a ton of incorrect scientific, physiological and genetic data with wildly incorrect explinations. To end this already way too long post, the series isnt credible anymore and it hasnt been since Staten stopped being the end all be all of story telling for Halo. If the series wishes to be what it was story wise, 343 needs to be more honest about their failures, their shortcomings and dedicate themselves a lot more to ground themselves into a more stable story heirarchy.
  24. Not saying that I disagree with the view of Halo going downhill since Bungie exited the franchise, but you really need to do a much better job of supporting such claims. Comparing ODST to a H5 Cortana isn't exactly a "proof of concept" direction. You are comparing a Halo Universe human during the 2552 Human Covenant War. A time period in which technology was not advancing far, and the investment within the Spartan Program was non existent. Further, AI development was apexed with Halsey's creation of Cortana with Forerunner technology assistance. A factor that was not intended within Oni or the UNSC. Flash forward to Halo 4 and 5 and we are presented with a leap in technology and genetics thanks to Forerunner research, and the end of the Covenant War. By this time, the year is 2559. 7 years have passed and humanity has had time to incorporate both Covenant and Forerunner technology into their existing development. From a scientific perspective, this 7 years is a mirror to oir own current development cycle in terms of hardware/software. This being said, it is not improbable nor is it unrealistic to see such a drastic change. It is however drastic feom the players perspective since we dont actually see the day to day advancement and we only get to play the game from point specific time frames. If you were to properly argue the drastic changes you would need to properly outline the acrual documented technology leaps, and use a realistic point of refefence to discredit them. Such as the entire Spartan Program, how the augmentations are created, and the armor configurations. Such as, how can armor offer protection in such thin layers? Or how can a suit that is a mere 1.3 inches in thickness, possibly contain hydraulics and power assistance modules? How can you graft a ceramic composite onto a child, and that graft NOT inhibot the process of oscification? You have the right ideas, but are severly lacking the ability to express it in a constructive or factual manner. My advice? Learn to argue better or you will find yourself on the wrong end of a very ugly stick.
  25. Adding something like pickup priority would be a horrible idea. Who's priority would this be ideal for? Not everyone likes the same weapons nor is well versed with certains, over another player. Forcing a choice to a player is NEVER a step forward, nor does it propogate balance.
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