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Everything posted by snqrls

  1. Okay, so your entire post ignores the actual issue, whatever, but hold up, are you trying to supplement your argument with something irrelevant already.... look, the only loadout weapon which can do that is the boltshot, so your point here only detracts from your overall position. Anyway.... arguably the only difference between a dmr and an assault rifle is with one it takes skill to get up close to use it effectively, and with the other it takes skill to aim effectively. For different levels this will mean very different things for game ballancing. At the lower ranks for instance, assault rifles will show up frequently since the best kll time the players can manage with a utility weapon is far longer than the best case scenario. In the end, the automatics aren't ballanced by how much damage they do, but how easy they are to handle up close. And the reason why the assualt rifle has roughly the same killtime as the dmr is because its ease of use in cqc ballances out its lack of utility. Ultimately, you're overestimating just how much a small effective-range means when we have tons of places on 4v4 and btb alike to take advantage of having an automatic weapon. Not to say it's easier than in past sandboxes, since there is some damage to compensate, but it doesn't need a buff either. Now, of course I'd approve of harder to use automatics in exchange for more damage, but then that's a little difficult for 343 to do. Besides, as is, I think the supressor and storm rifle can kill even faster than the assault rifle.
  2. im a lone ninja... but I don't respect co-ops either. Can you change this poll so that I can vote no on that front?
  3. if this was for the campaign, I'd think you were a wuss, but after playing a mission on heroic... holy ****.
  4. You'd need a hardlight shield too... actually, that's my prefered ability. It has so much utility its rediculous. It both allows you to live far longer than you should and survive grenades or AoE that you never should have otherwise, but it gives your team time to rescue and support you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- However, and I appologize if this has little to do with the OP, but I'd probably recommend a different set for every 4v4 map. Solace: 2 hardlight shields, 1 regeneration field, 1 camo. Reason for no PV here is because of the wide open map and easy access routes. There isn't much camping cause it's unfeasable, but oddly enough the hardlight shields are good exactly for the same reason. Due to the limited cover when being approached from multiple angles, and the numerous power weapons here, the long sightlines and a regeneration field all compliments a personal defence matrix. Haven: 2 Jetpacks, 2 hardlight shields. A few key long sightlines make it so you want to fight from afar, and the jetpacks let you take advantage of weaknesses in the other team, while the hardlight shield minimizes your own. Honestly though, this would only work with quite a few grenade perks, since in cqc the team would be outmatched. Complex (offensive): 1 PV (obvious reason), 3 Active Camouflages. The central building is critical, but you also need someone to detect enemy campers to gain control of it. To this ends it's useful to have a teammate with promethean vision even though he loses out if your team does capture a key position. Besides, 3 cloaked boltshots in a small but hard to nade room is a scary thing. Complex (passive): 1 PV, 3 hardlight shields. The central building is still critical, but this mashup allows you to run around the map with an easy to use cover, and collect power weapons. It's just a different way to go about the map. Adrift: 1 of both, or 2 hardlight shields or PVs depending on calibre of teamwork. 1 Active camouflage, and one thruster pack or regeneration field. I think it simply depends on the respective teams in this case. For instance, a hardlight shield does the exact same thing PV does to campers so long as you have the teamwork to make use of the pig that suicides with one on. As to the camouflage, it helps with confusing the enemy and adding for an extra surprise, and the thruster pack allows for a little more maneouverabillity to both (and easily I might add) get behind cover, or dodge a shotgun round. It's a personal preference for a lone wolf type of player honestly, cause the regeneration field + 2 harldight shields + 1 AC greatly aid a team in capturing and keeping a hallway. Abandon: Oddly enough, I wouldn't recommend PV on this map, since with a proactive team camping isn't as effective as it should have been without the numerous pathways to the central, whatever it is. However, 2 jetpacks + 1 thruster pack + 1 hardlight shield could pull off a reasonable defence or capture of a key location on the map. there's a lot of cqc action and cover so the thruster pack and hardlight shields are obvious choices, while the jetpacks allow you to confront the other team on equal footing. Why I wouldn't include a regen field is because you can't actually hold down a position on this map when there are instant respawns. Simply put, the team moves around far too much for it to be useful.
  5. To the video. YEah, sorry lol, I had the sound off. First off, the automatic weapons have similar kill times to the dmr at their effective range. Utility weapons should give you a fighting chance regardless, but saying the assault rifle is under powered despite it's something like 1.7 second kill time is terribly dumb. Now as to camping, yes, you can respond to it with solid teamwork even on rather closed maps like adrift, but it stagnates gameplay, cause there's really no effective way to break them without taking on some considerable risk. That the boltshot allows people to camp so effectively despite everyone spawning with two grenades is destructive to both other loadouts, and to gameplay on maps like adrift and complex. On solace, the insufficient warning, and the lack of response time to a charged boltshot is stifling to say the least, but because of the open terrain and numerous pathways, it's not nearly as large a deal even though there's no possible way PV can make itself useful unless its an objective gametype.
  6. i can see how it's better for maps like haven or solace, if given a suitable team that can focus fire.
  7. How is this not irrelevant and shameless, self-plugging footage of yourself murdering noobs?
  8. They seem like basic forge replicated maps. A lot of the archecture is similar to that of complex's, and a lot of terrain is similar to that of vortex's. That isn't to say I won't get it, just for the new designs, but I'm not as impressed as I was by the concept art.
  9. the game is fun. And I'm actually getting better and playing against better players now. It's wierd. Even though I played arena in reach, I havne't had this feeling in a very long while.
  10. Well first off, it's very easy to use if you haven't already, but also, its effective range is a very big hole in your argument, and you seem to ignore it. There's simply too much utility in a map that supports camping for it to be ballanced. That, and oddly enough it can beat automatic weapons, just like a shotgun given cqc range, even if there's no prior chargeup. Also, without PV, it's very hard, if not impossible to respond to campers in time to not die unless you have either a hardlight shield, a teamate nearby, or an assault rifle.
  11. In some maps I've noticed there's a definite propensity for rockets to spawn near where the battles are taking place, or most recently, in the center of the map.
  12. Let me clarify. 1. Promethean vision isn't an absolute counter to boltshots, and while it is handy at finding campers, you can't use it all the time on a map with a lot of corners or hiding spots (adrift or solace), and isn't effective on larger maps. Besides, by making the boltshot so strong, it encourages continual camping throghout a game, not only making PV absolutely necessary, but stagnating gameplay. 2. Going into cqc is a good decision depending on what weapon you bring to the table, what weapons you think they have, their shields, and the position you are in. The fact that it beats out the assault rifle, or other primaries at their most effective range is indicative of it being overpowered. Yes, sure, you can adjust your play style accordingly, but that isn't what we're talking about. 3. Power weapons. Guess what, the boltshot has a similar range, and beats the sword and most certainly the hammer in cqc. I wouldn't say it deserves to be an ordanance due to it's limited utility even within its effective range, but when used right, which isn't nearly as hard as it should be, is overpowered for a secondary, or even primary in some circumstances.
  13. When I try to fire a burst off of the boltshot, there's a delay on the first shot for me.
  14. snqrls

    BoltShot OP?

    Not if you can shut down positions on the map by just having a boltshot in your arsenal. It's not like it's a primary and prevents the player from carrying a dmr or anything. HEck, it's range is at least 3-5 times that of melee distance, and it's kill distance seems as large a power weapon or sword. It's a miniature scatter shotnwith the only difference being how many charged shots you can fire per duel. And even if you don't kill them you can just fire a quick burst of pellets and they die fast enough.
  15. It's not possible to fight at a greater distance when you're capturing a base on dominion, or it's 4v4 on a small map. Also, I'm an sr-55, and I'm just now having enough. Depending on how much spartan ops you play, or how much bigteam slayer, you'll have a different expreience.
  16. its the exact same thing as the dmr. If you can use it, there's nothing else that compares given close quarters, which makes it overpowered. But lag, yeah, that's another problem, but a few too many people can use the stickies effectively for my liking. If there is no alternative, I'll just have to start using them myself.
  17. 53/3... did you not get a snipe?
  18. I'd like the throw time to be bumped up a smidge, and the heatseaking to be nerfed against other players. This would make it harder to use, and give the soon to be naded a chance to react. As it stands, I can't help but feel it's a noob weapon due to quite a few very bad experiences on haven and exhile, but primarily I dislike abilities that have no counter.
  19. I don't personally use them, but having one guy spawn with a set each time and go just outside of melee range and chuck one at you is stupid. There's no counter to it, since there's not enough time to get close enough to kill them too (and even then, it's a sure fire way to lose an ordanance weapon or spree).
  20. it makes it too easy to camp since it's as easy to shoot as a shotgun, and is effectively stronger than the hammer and sword because of its kill distance. Also, since it charges fast, it's difficult to react in time without promethean vision. Just overall, it can nullify the difference in skill and tactics and give just about anyone who's had practice with the thing, an easy kill.
  21. There's still a behind the scene's ranking system, so I think it's rather depreciating of yourself to site all the lame noobs you've been playing against nickle... in other words, since you're such a dummy, you're playing against noobs who spam grenades and camp cause you in turn suck. There's nothing complicated about it, you've failed to adapt, you can't shoot even with aim assist, and you need someone to help you find out where the other team is.
  22. i've personally used it against br users, and the killtime is similar.
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