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Everything posted by snqrls

  1. 5 shot kill with a 1.6-1.7 second killtime. If you want an honest analysis, I think the boltshot is op and the primary reason why camping is at all effective in a match with instant respawns. I can see it happening, and have seen it happen, except most teams fight for those camping spots. Sure, once they're there with a shotgun, I tend to stay away and the game stagnates for a bit until someone spawns with a way to get in. However, not every map is complex. Even abandon has a lot of easy access routes to take away map control, so to be honest, I don't get why you're complaining. Campers in adrift get grenaded, you can't camp on haven, complex is in some respects a poorly designed map for 4v4, abandon has like 5 different routes to the central building, and solace is difficult to camp on cause of the incinerator canon, and open access.
  2. Uhuh. I'm starting to think you're new to the series, if not completely ignorant of military command. It's actually very simple; the chief is a senior nco, and has saved the human race several times. As an actual war hero he is deserving of some trust if not latitude when it comes to arguing for a plan of attack. That del rio didn't even consider his insight or intel is unbecoming.
  3. Yahuh, there are faster killtimes mate, and it does counteract the new defensive abilities. Very few maps feature significant camping and of those that do, there's a good deal of ballance in that none of the power weapons spawn where they are. As to pv, I doubt you've noticed the user becomes visible on the radar, since your argument was along the lines of... 'well if both teams have pv and know where eachother are, then it's pointless'. One, that was never the point since of course it means they know where you are regardless of whether they're using PV; two, promethean vision limits the benefits of camping and that was the point; three, you can always use a hologram to distract them; four, get a grenade perk so you can create some sort of buffer room before you go in; five, wait, don't suicide, pickup a rocket when it spawns and just blow **** up.
  4. Lower the vehicle damage just a smidge, and decrease the aim assist or rate of fire by 0.1 seconds? That'd make it better.
  5. dominion and capture the flag will too... as was mentioned in the bulletin.
  6. On adrift I've noticed people trying to control the hallways, but yeah, it doesn't have much map control. I think there needs to be a respawn timer in 4v4.
  7. The number of trolls on the first page alone. Look del rio was okay, but his decisions were only undesrtandable if you assume he had no conception of context, no awareness of who exactly the chief was, and what exactly his 40 years of service meant. Treason? God damn, you guys are using all the hyperboles you can think of aren't you? Truth is not even palmer wanted to arrest the guy. What it comes down to is del rio was put off by the fact, infinity was dragged down due to the chief being there, and couldn't bring his head out of his ass long enough to consider the bigger picture. Instead he was understandably more concerned about the unsc's flagship and his job than the stupid **** that brought him to requiem. In short, he was a bad officer, who when things got tough went into denial and projected his stress and irritation on the easiest 'thing' he could find. He was very human, but as a leader, he wasn't fit to command a flagship. That, and frankly, the disrespect he ouzed despite the chief's legendary status, his survival of the ark despite all probability, and his saving of infinity several times over was quite deplorable.
  8. I think you're just having difficulty prioritizing loadouts per the map you're in. A lot of camping is easily countered by PV and a few grenades w/boltshot. It's also a lot more offensive than it was before, and a lot more fast paced due to the fast killtimes. Sprint for instance isn't op in this game.
  9. the above. most of the games i join are in the first 200 bracket and most times we manage a comeback. Of course, the fast killtimes, ordanance drops, and instant respawn help a little to ballance things out when you're under by 7 kills. It takes away from the gameplay like that though, so it'd be nice to have a bit more emphasis on map control through a 3 second spawn timer.
  10. The problem isn't the ordanance drops, it's the sniper due to the frequency of dmr use on valhalla. Most of the other weapons have been ballanced such that in any 2v1 you'll lose despite having a saw or needler or sword or power boost. If they do delay the ordanance drops, and make them harder to get, they'll have to necessarily buff what weapons come from it or else it'll feel lackluster.
  11. I used to play a lot of bad people. Though that stopped at some point and my kd is more reasonable.
  12. Likes... well, variety in gameplay and playlists. They're not all slayer, and there are a lot of different ways to play any one game kill times offer a fast paced game and counteract sprint and several other defensive AAs. JIP. Not so much because it jumps you into random games, but because most of the time they're 1 minute in, and it gives you the option of quitting if you don't like the map if you get a queu. Instant respawn on btb Dominion Forge Maps Banshee maneouverability Easily destructable vehicles. IT's good that they don't allow complete map dominance anymore. Rating system. It seems to me there are a lot of very close games in halo 4. Some of that may be due to the deminished emphasis on map control, though conversely I rarely feel like I can't compete with the other team. Power weapons are ballanced Dislikes Plasma nades... it's far, far too easy to stick someone in this game. Boltshot makes camping so rediculously easy Instant respawn in 4v4 ruins gameplay Promethean vision in objective gametypes is overpowered. Its range must be nerfed. The dmr should probably be nerfed. There's a bit too much of a crossover between the br and it. Spartan ops cliche characters and lack of heart until recently. A few issues where I think the campaign could have been improved immensely. lack of 4v4, btb maps until update
  13. they kinda encouraged boosting with that 18 reigicide challenge teh other week...
  14. You still have a chance of recovering in 4v4 so long as you know where the guy is ahead of time. The problem with btb is the dmr.
  15. just fyi there's a true skill rating system in the background so if you're good, then you'll start playing with and against people who don't or at least infrequently troll. Personally, I don't come across very many betrayers these days... except for myself. Most recently some guy with full shields hid and let me die just so he could pick up the kill. I then spent the rest of the game trying to throw it. Yep... gotta releave the tension somehow.
  16. I agree to an extent. Though, most of your issues about map control, camping, and fodder vehicles can be easily fixed either by the person's playstyle, or by simple ballance changes like decreasing the armor penetration of the dmr and its killtime, or upping the flinch for snipers and making it so it transitions over into quickscopes. As to random ordanance drops and instant respawns, these have no place in competitive 4v4. it's nonsensical since on one hand it promotes teamplay and map control, but on another takes away from it on small-medium sized maps. I like the fast pacing and streamlined experience, but it's not fun when it feels like any single kill is pointless. As to the objective gametypes, i think a lot of those are very haloesque, in exception to dominion which is a completely new addition.
  17. seems to me the br is better at taking out assault rifles and the like due to the slow and maneouverability. I'd only use the dmr on large maps, and possibly on adrift and abandon if I had the firepower perk on me.
  18. snqrls


    Maybe lag? I haven't noted a bad killcam before, so perhaps if there's too much lag they take it out.
  19. the idea behind being ranked by win/loss is that over time, and a lot of games, things even out, and you're actually rated by how much you contribute to a team. Granted it's not the best system, since it takes a while to sync up with the player's actual skill, but it's the easiest to implement. As to other methods, that'd take a lot of experimentation to strike the right ballance between win/loss and actual performance. On the otherhand, I do think an accurate system is best, and I would prefer it if your score can still influence the amount of change in true skill. For instance, if you had twice the performance value of anyone else on your team and you still lose, you shouldn't be rewarded for cleaning up after them, but if you did contribute a disproportionately large amount, there should be some understanding of context. It's just more emphasis has to be put on having a comparitively large assist count. It wouldn't be fair to count one-shot on a spartan as a kill or even more than a kill, but conversely if you're playing that role on the team and boosting their k/d's you deserve recognition for it. They do this to some extent with wingman and so on, but again, more in this case would be better.
  20. There has to be some challenge to use non-utility weapons, though, it doesn't so much matter whether it takes precision or strategy. And the issue really isn't ballance either, it's gameplay. In halo ce, 2, and 3 there were dominant weapons everyone either had with a loadout or immediately went for, and that's fine so long as everyone knows what the hax weapons are. This does however limit the variety and sandbox of the game. I think, as it stands, the AR is situation specific, and can be outdone by either the battle rifle with its slow, a well placed grenade, or the dmr. On most gametypes it's hard to use and ballanced by the fact it's hard to get the position you need to make it work unless it's something like dominion where cqc is encouraged.
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