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  • Location
    Dover, Kent , UK
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UmaraiL's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. add UmaraiL to join my clan were competitive but just want to have fun
  2. add UmaraiL you fit our specs we do have clan tags and colors but u only need them in clan games and we would like you to use a single loadout slot up if u dont mind for a active camo loadout message me aswell so i know who u are
  3. if u sent me a freind request and i havent appeared on your freinds list i may of accidently declined send a new one please. sorry
  4. here is all maps and info from a MLG player on my twitter ... your welcome halo 4 fans add UmaraiL and we'll talk on Xbox if you want to join my clan and follow me if you wish i appreciate it join the stealth ******** today @StealthBastards
  5. any british members add UmaraiL and we'll talk on xbox and anyone who wants a clan but cant start it up or only has a couple of members we can make you a team leader and your recruits can stay in your squad remember add UmaraiL and we'll talk on xbox mate
  6. add UmaraiL and we'll talk on xbox mate
  7. add UmaraiL and we'll talk iv allready created it a bit but if uve got previous clan or guild experiance i will make you a teamleader
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