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Isaac E Ternal

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Everything posted by Isaac E Ternal

  1. don't feel that bad Euro folks....I have been playing since day one and one of the first level 70's and it's DEC 2 and NO EMAIL HERE either.
  2. Wrong, JetPack is the only load out that nullifies a players movement/map awareness/ mastery. Being able to make jumps or balance on rails in stride to jump to a higher ground for an escape is rendered useless vs the jet pack. Agree that Wall Hack is pretty lame as well but I D C about it cuz 1) i can see when they use it 2) I never get killed from someone using PV, so what if they know where i am it doesn't give them a CHEAP advantage, they still have to come around that corner and fight.
  3. lets be clear you are not refering to me with that retarded comment because I clearly stated "I AM OK WITH THE CAP" I play still cuz it's fun, i just wanna see the next specializations. Personally i don't see what it matters how fast people rank up compared to others...i mean I had just reached NOVA in reach when halo 4 came out....and there was people at Inheritor like 3 months after REACH's launch. Did it effect me? No! Do I care if someone is the highest level a year before im at the 4th highest...NOPE. it's a game...let people play, no need to play big brother and try and control how fast people rank up. XP cap for a day is fine. but like i said before that's my opinion, I don't care either way...I don't play to unlock stuff or level...I play cuz i enjoy it and if I get shiny objects due to playing then cool...if not Im still going to be rockin out the MM cuz i love playing.
  4. i don't mind the cap...I've been at 70 for a few days now (largely due to Doritos 175 games worth lol) but when the cap is lifted it would be nice if my level slingshotted up from the games I've played and got NO xp for while sitting at 70.
  5. and every thread has a token A'hole who takes everything as offensive when it's meant to add a little humorous shot NOT belittle people. All I'm saying is I'd rather not see someone placed above me when I go 17-5 and they are 21-37 <-- that's not a skilled player, Justified calling a noob, bk, or leroy jenkins.
  6. Ahh well that makes sense, thanks for the info - as long as a decent ranking system is coming out then that's cool.
  7. Please Please Please take away XP for deaths, so those noobs that go 20/30 don't get 300 xp and top the game xp leaders, that's pathetic that a Leroy Jenkins Feeder gets more xp than someone who goes 15 and 5 with a ton of assists. If you suck you should get less xp. PERIOD I like less for a loss...or how about NO XP for a loss...just the points you earn based on performance. or give bonuses for those who go positive. otherwise people just run out and die just to get as many kills as possible to get more xp. NEED A DEATH PENALTY. that would bring a little more legitimacy to peoples ranks as it would be nearly impossible for a garbage player like exampled above to hit level 70 in anywhere near the time a skilled team player does. and while im mentioning things i think need tweaking...I love everything about halo 4 but the one thing that ruins the game is JET PACK. seriously WTF is the point in well designed maps, cover, multi levels when none of it is good for anything when people can fly way up in the air and needle or lob nades over cover, then it takes forever to even look up and find them and you can't focus on ground attacks. Jet Pack is garbage, for noobs, and it's just DUMB and doesn't belong in Halo. Make a playlist for Jet"fudge"Packers... AND WHERE IS GRIFFBALL??? i mean you advertise it in all the previews and there's no playlist?
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