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Fox McCloud

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Everything posted by Fox McCloud

  1. I feel awful. :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fox McCloud

      Fox McCloud

      "I need a doctor...I need a doctor..." No forget Dre. Give me some Dr. Pepper.

    3. Fox McCloud

      Fox McCloud

      I refuse to sleep.


    4. DoctorB77


      Sleep will help a headache. Go chug some water and put some water on a towel and place it on your forehead or behind your neck. I had the same thing yesterday and I woke up feeling great.

  2. See you in the forums. I might be able to work something out.
  3. The first course of action will be to have a "Starfox" playdate on XBL. This upcoming Saturday @ 6 EST. It will be full of fun. Playing various games: Halo 4, Halo: Reach, Halo 3, CoD, etc. I will be giving away prizes. MS points, and game related content. Be there. I will be also having a quiz on this blog. First to guess right answer. Gets a like, and gets a coll avatar reward. Can I get this pinned? I don't know the course of action for that..
  4. Man. I am wagering my options...I will get to yall.
  5. I am calling this my own. My name fully represents Starfox, and the main character...so I feel as if I have the right to "un-officially" begin a Starfox blog.. Post anything and everything about Starfox here. I will monitor this, and have various Starfox quizzes and Polls. I think this will be fun for all, and just maybe us Starfox lovers can all be named after Starfox characters. DO A BARREL ROLL!
  6. Yur Teamate is looking for a casual, but competitive clan...I want cookies. :3 Lemme just say I wreck at swat. It is a proven fact. So you're basically looking at a free agent swat specialist. I will be looking at the best opinions, and will have to look at maturity of the clan, skill, and how fun it is. Entertain me. McCloud out. options*
  7. Survivor "Halo style". I signed up. Can't wait.

  8. Welcome to the forums!
  9. Good. Your staying. I almost died...
  10. Go hard in the paint.

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