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Fox McCloud

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Everything posted by Fox McCloud

  1. Fox, I am your father.

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I'm sure there are laws about that.

  2. Yeah, we just got off topic...
  3. I hope you understand in no way was I trying to blast OP. I was trying to say something else. I understand his issue. I was just trying to say you guys could take care of it.
  4. DD, I understand this. I was just making a point in general. And sorry about my colors. I fixed them but yeah.
  5. Um. Wow. Your post was just a little ignorant dude. I mean Halo 4 imo has had no problems with hackers or the like in my time of playing the game. Like people said maybe it's your connection. THIS IS A COMMUNITY FORUM. This is not a place where you come and complain. But I will leave our wonderful mod team to help with that sire. Keep Calm and Halo on.
  6. Hm. I will have to work harder to get in this list. I didn't even know it existed.
  7. Yeah, there are some users that use something other than skills. Steroids? I think not.
  8. Nobody said anything about it not working.
  9. YASSS. We should do this. It would be so much fun!
  10. That sounds awesome. We really should sire!
  11. This brings up such a great point. They should have added vehicles for the forerunners..
  12. I'm always searching for a clan... I am really good at swat so yeah!
  13. If anyone wants to still do this. Hit me up! I would love to go through the experience!
  14. Add, and invite people. You know the drill!
  15. Me and Sparky joined this site a day apart! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fox McCloud
    3. Zaguroth


      Odd.. Both your profiles say 23 of November for me..

    4. Spyro


      lol, silly canadians. :P

  16. Just add me, and we can play whatever suits you friend!
  17. Dude, invite me sometime! I will play with you,
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