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Fox McCloud

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Everything posted by Fox McCloud

  1. Yeah, slayer is to easy for me. It's like stealing candy from a baby. It's pathetically easy with my barrel roll reflexes.
  2. Forge world people. Do you see all the open space you can build on? Hands down FW. Forge Island is flat sure, but the Islands are limited. Forge World is so much more open.
  3. Oh my gosh. This is a tragic article Ed. Man. The cops are trained to shoot on sight but wow.
  4. Edward, you have indeed came a long way. I left and now I come back to see my old friend as the MoM! Keep enjoying this month in pink!
  5. Titanfall with a campaign I am going to get it now!
  6. I am sorry to say I wasn't in those two million.
  7. Awh. It didn't work. Sucks to be me!
  8. Hm. After Christmas is the best time to play Halo multiplayer in my opinion.
  9. Haha, I didn't know that glitch existed to be honest.
  10. I'm still older than you! xD

    1. Azaxx


      How wouldn't you be?

    2. Fox McCloud

      Fox McCloud

      Well, I don't know. Foxes age slow.

  11. Yeah this is just a community form. But I liked you're ideas dude.
  12. I would totally do this. Considering I love HW.
  13. Welcome to the forums dude!
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