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Happy Spanner

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Everything posted by Happy Spanner

  1. I have bought the limited edition of Halo 4 and and I dont have the DLC maps. How do I get them?
  2. It dosent even the odds so much as, load them heavly in the non-vehicle users favor, making vehicles redundent.
  3. Personaly I think you're point is irrelevent. Let me explain, you say you could guard the lazer spawn, right? but there are at least four guns on the map capable of killing the Banshee (lazer,bazooka and two snipers) and one Banshee couldent guard all of them. So there were enough options open to begin with, thats not even counting the opposing Banshee. So when you give potentaly every player in the match a power weapon, something such as a Banshee will lose its value and in doing so brake the flow and balancing of the game. So you're upside is not really a big enough one.
  4. I seccond that a Social Big Team, like we saw on Halo 3, would be perfect.
  5. I feel like thee should be a Big Team Slayer playlist option for match making. Now im not talking about Infinity Big Team, myself among many others I have spoken to, think that the option to order power weapns after as little as three or four kills is somewhat overpowerd. That is not to say that there is no place for Infinity Big Team, for the most part it is enjoyable, but on Ragnarock for example this feature can seem at best 'gimmicy' because of the excessive amount of 'camping' snipers due to the ordenace drops. I think that adding the playlist option of a core Big Team will end this sometimes frustraighting problem by adding an alternative to it.
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