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    kram sandwich

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  1. Its like deja vu from this to my mind If this site didn't have rules........ i'd be cussing a blue streak..... honestly, i was a huge forger in halo reach and my friends and i were extremely excited about halo 4 and the forge..... however.... i got the game, opened it up, and went to forge just to see what it was like and then i was going to play campaign. I really couldn't believe it. It SUCKED. I'm not really knocking 343 and thanks alot for continuing halo but you downsized! I've never seen a game series downsize in a next game! Games need to bigger and better.... polar opposite of forge. This is for anyone who reads this and works in 343..... This is a little excesive but u just lost one more customer when halo 5 comes out unless the largest part of halo reach is fixed....... Peace
  2. I've read every response of this thread and it seems like we would be just as well just put in the halo reach disk and play forge on that. It sucks how much forge was downgraded but i could really just live with them bringing back forge world. it would allow for us to make those great big racing maps and more versatile forge experiences. They spent all this time on "lighting" and "terrain" and "looks" of forge but i dont know about everyone else but i play forge for the game-play not looks.
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