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Sadly Just AL

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Posts posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Mongoose is a close second, being a very fun vehicle to use, due to the fabulous double team action that is done with them and how chaotic driving one actually is. Due to the light weight, on well placed grenade can send it reeling in any direction, flipping and turning in midair or on terrain until it either stops miraculously... Or explodes.


    But my favorite vehicle in the series as of late is the Falcon. OMG, where do I begin? Piloting is easy and extremely entertaining, the warthog of the air has never been a cause of disappointment. Not to mention the amazing teamwork required to make use of it correctly, and of course the silliness that is a result of its purpose misuse. :3

    Such a great vehicle, even the campaign version, which is a bit more like a human banshee, just not as... Flippable.

  2. Multiple skins, that I can see doable, but creating your own patterns from scratch, now that will be much more complicated for 343 to incorporate, as it will require a higher programming... And sounds similar to making a Minecraft skin, so an increased variety of skins per armor set would be ideal. Also endorsable, I would be on board to see that.

  3. Halo 2 Multiplayer! :D


    As much as a peek at the latest installment's progress in gameplay and graphics would be nice, I can wait for it, but playing the classic multiplayer... That is way more important to me than Halo 5, to be honest. The campaigns were flawless, matchmaking was an art, and the experience in the games was pure ecstasy, I would not wish to put anything in front of it. We will have enough time for Halo 5 in the future, don't rush it, please, use the new bundle  as a buffer so more time can be put in Halo 5's development, I think it needs all the work it can get to be as amazing as the series' pinnacle in Halo 2 and 3.  

  4. Fuel Rod, actually. Rockets are useful in the sense that they can lock onto vehicles, but only aerial ones as of late, making them a bit more useless, paving the way for the Spartan Laser's Anti-vehicular superiority. Not to mention that the Rocket Launcher is the assault rifle of heavy weapons, as you simply need to hit near your opponent to kill them... Though using it at short range is fatal. The Fuel Rod is more accurate, requiring direct delivery of the projectile in order to attain a kill, and is not as taxing at short range as the Rocket Launcher. Sure people complain about the bounce effect of a Fuel Rod, but I find that feature the best part about it, due to how many tricks you can accomplish with them if you know how to use the weapon correctly.

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