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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Oh hiello there, nice to see you decided to give us a try! Welcome.
  2. Oh my goodness... I have been so ignorant...

    1. Delpen9


      What are you now?

  3. Actually, that is the Layout, just looks odd due to the fact that I only used the scene at which the Spartan is down, dagger already lodged. Nice vid, BTW.
  4. It's good to assume that set such as Recon, Mark V/VI, Scout, and so on and so forth, though after seeing the multiplayer beta, I now think that the armor will be a bit more round... And perhaps bulky, which I hope it is not. I'm not a fan of chunky armor. -__-
  5. Well, other than CoD and Minecraft, it is possible to have GTA events... That is if there is enough people who possess the game.
  6. Salutations Thunder! Nice of you to... Roll in. :3 Anyways, nice to meet ya, hope you enjoy your time around here!
  7. Summertime Sadness... Tis a real thing.

    1. Delpen9


      I can get on Xbox Live any time I want now.

    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I actually won't be on it as much.

  8. Hiello there, Ghost! Nice to meet you.
  9. I have made my additions and it is now on my fileshare. Enjoy.
  10. Already thought about it, lol. You should first look at which side pays the best.
  11. It's good over here, how are you, Falchion? Nice to meet you by the way.
    1. rrhuntington


      No...This is our fight, and I will see it finished.

  12. School's over!.......woo.

    1. Akali


      Lucky ¬_¬

    2. Vaulting♥Frog


      It will be back in a couple months

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I know, exciting is it not?

  13. Wow, it indeed was quite a packed recap... Also, conviniently on Arbiter day. (6/17)
  14. Mongoose is a close second, being a very fun vehicle to use, due to the fabulous double team action that is done with them and how chaotic driving one actually is. Due to the light weight, on well placed grenade can send it reeling in any direction, flipping and turning in midair or on terrain until it either stops miraculously... Or explodes. But my favorite vehicle in the series as of late is the Falcon. OMG, where do I begin? Piloting is easy and extremely entertaining, the warthog of the air has never been a cause of disappointment. Not to mention the amazing teamwork required to make use of it correctly, and of course the silliness that is a result of its purpose misuse. :3 Such a great vehicle, even the campaign version, which is a bit more like a human banshee, just not as... Flippable.
  15. Multiple skins, that I can see doable, but creating your own patterns from scratch, now that will be much more complicated for 343 to incorporate, as it will require a higher programming... And sounds similar to making a Minecraft skin, so an increased variety of skins per armor set would be ideal. Also endorsable, I would be on board to see that.
  16. Salutations GamerMan, welcome to the community.
  17. Why do spiders have to be so icky? ;_;

    1. rrhuntington


      because of stickys


    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      The are demon spawns of hell.

  18. Heya Sloops, saw you earlier, nice to officially meet you. :3
  19. Tis time to thank one of your best role models, Happy Fathers Day.

  20. Salutations Mr. Mean, nice to meet you.
  21. Halo 2, I will most likely make my online residency in that sector, as it is the multiplayer I miss, and would love to play once more... And forever. :3 But along with that, I think I'll also be playing Halo 4, as it is now on a new gen console... With dedicated servers this time, which I presume and deeply hope will skyrocket the game's performance. Can't wait.
  22. Salutations, K. Welcome aboard, nice to have you.
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