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Sadly Just AL

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Posts posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Well... They are enTITLEd to it....

    But Halo: Reach and Halo 3: ODST... And Wars all had titles, though some were not completely in succession with one another, though it changes the fact that they possessed a label in no shape or form at all. But since it's a new Saga, it's nice to have a nifty little banner.




    It could also be pointing towards a theory that Halo 5: Guardians could be much like ODST... Not completely on track of events after Halo 4, but still enough to tell a piece of the entire, much more complicated and convoluted story.

  2. A weapon that shoots bread.


    You may customize the type of bread, the section of the bread (crust, insides, golden-brown bottom bun) shot, and what sort of baguette comprises the barrel. The weapon, as you may have already guessed, will be modeled after a shotgun. 

    Each individual part of the guns anatomy will be addressed here:

    Gauge/chamber- a sawed off Twinky (on both ends)

    Trigger - Pretzel

    Receiver- An eclair

    Magazines- Holds paninis or cornbread

    forearm- Hoagie bun

    Stock- Triangular quesadilla   


    There will be a signature bagel around the tip of the barrel. 


    This gun's damage will be proportional to the amount of explosive yeast powder used. This yeast powder can be gathered from flora on more ecological maps. Specifics are yet to be determined.  

    Sounds like it was bread for destruction and toasting opponents. 

    • Like 1
  3. Name: Lunatic

    Primary Weapon: Lightrifle (NO scoping)

    Secondary: none

    Grenade: Pulse Grenade

    Armor Ability: Hologram/Thruster

    Tactical Package: Mobility

    Support Upgrade: Stealth

    Recommended for Rumble Pit and Double Team.

    Assassinations are your friend, use that stealth since the Lightrifle is only for looks... Also used with 10 sensitivity.

  4. Actually, a time distortion equipment would be an interesting touch. It is carried as a grenade, but can ONLY be picked up off the map, just like the power drain was in Halo 3. Its purpose is to project a field with a 2 yard radius that slows down time by about 45%, and is unbiased, so if you or a teammate enter it, you will attain the same consequences. A double-edged sword... If used incorrectly.

    • Like 3
  5. Well, I think this mcthugginugget is most likely an antagonist on the ONI front, since the chief is hiding from them in the first place, sent as a bounty Hunter to track him down. But since this lad is no Didact, Covie, or Forunner skudz, I'm guessing that he'll strike at MC at first, but may uncover that he is innocent and cheesily trade sides, favoring the chief.


    The fact that a few people, and I (though maybe not for the same reason), think that he may be a negative character is due to his appearance, as his color scheme looks to take a polar opposite feel to the Chief's.

  6. This thread is literally so awesome ohgoodness


    How about a Needler Machine Gun that fires a rapid barrage of needles that DON'T home in on targets and could function as the SAW in terms of Time-To-Kill but a shorter range and about the clip size of two needlers.


    I also think some sort of Forerunner Assault Rifle that had an alternate fire mode that was like a mini incineration cannon. I'll develop on the concept later.


    Maybe a Forerunner rail gun that shoots slowly (at 1.3% speed of the current unscoped light rifle) a three shot kill... Unless the trigger is held down, activating a charge shot that is a one shot kill at a SPECIFIC range, so that it is not boltshot-ish.

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  7. The Grav Hammer is a very powerful tool at close quarters, good for multi kills, trick-jumps, and even vehicular disorientation. Although it can clock almost any close range weapon if used correctly, it is very taxing if you miss the initial shot, leaving you open.


    The sword is much more optimal. Lunge is fantastic, and surprising, since it can't be predicted easily or blocked. It is easily hidden, unlike the Hammer which is as stealthy as a brute chieftain, and can go toe to toe with it if you know how to take it on.

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