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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. Binding of Isaac... time to play it once more.

  2. Mm, a nice JUMPstart to the day.

  3. Hiya there, Moon. Welcome.
  4. Not at all, just in 3 and 4. I loved that in halo 2, your color scheme and personal emblem were your most outstanding and iconic features that let you stand out from the rest. Much more unique than armor, but I do enjoy customizing my Spartan, don't get me wrong. Just thought it was unique, that's all.
  5. Hiello there, Onyx. Welcome to the community, bud.
  6. Hmhm... Maybe some freelancing is to be done here. Which side will pay a better fee for my services? But honestly, I'm going with GDR. A republic with a decent leader is quite a productive population.
  7. Mm... Most likely Reclaimer, as the wraith and vehicular action is grueling... Not to mention sniper alley, where one misstep will leave you at your last checkpoint if you're not cautious and observant.
  8. Hi Green, nice to meet your acquaintance. :3
  9. Halo 2 Multiplayer! As much as a peek at the latest installment's progress in gameplay and graphics would be nice, I can wait for it, but playing the classic multiplayer... That is way more important to me than Halo 5, to be honest. The campaigns were flawless, matchmaking was an art, and the experience in the games was pure ecstasy, I would not wish to put anything in front of it. We will have enough time for Halo 5 in the future, don't rush it, please, use the new bundle as a buffer so more time can be put in Halo 5's development, I think it needs all the work it can get to be as amazing as the series' pinnacle in Halo 2 and 3.
  10. Fuel Rod, actually. Rockets are useful in the sense that they can lock onto vehicles, but only aerial ones as of late, making them a bit more useless, paving the way for the Spartan Laser's Anti-vehicular superiority. Not to mention that the Rocket Launcher is the assault rifle of heavy weapons, as you simply need to hit near your opponent to kill them... Though using it at short range is fatal. The Fuel Rod is more accurate, requiring direct delivery of the projectile in order to attain a kill, and is not as taxing at short range as the Rocket Launcher. Sure people complain about the bounce effect of a Fuel Rod, but I find that feature the best part about it, due to how many tricks you can accomplish with them if you know how to use the weapon correctly.
  11. It was a good ride, but all good things come to an end. See you in another life, perhaps... Or Halocustoms, since I'm There, too. :3
  12. Salutations, Diana! Nice to meet you. Welcome to the lovely community!
  13. Well... At least I still have my personality...

  14. A large map project would be lovely, kinda like a group quilt... Adding unique pieces created by the community that had made it in the first place.... I would definitely like to join in on this. :3
  15. The old days of shoutbox land... and back when I used to say Mmmmkay... Mm is a very versatile tool, you see. OH! And let's not forget the enter key freakouts. -__- Good times, indeed.
  16. I wasn't really talking about the blade being unsheathed, but rather the swipe... it is a bit... exaggerated.
  17. Nice to meet ya, Matt. Welcome.
  18. Dedication is near... but I will not reach for its hand.

  19. Of course! Having just a monotone character is dull and can get old quite easily, which is why it is excellent to have versatility and diversity with characters in-game, even in campaign during the Arbiter missions in Halo 2 and of course multiplayer campaign in Halo 3. The characters that I see being made are covenant, most likely elites, due to the fact that it is modeled the most similarly to a Spartan basic... So a Promethean is not in the cards... From my guess at least.
  20. Not too versatile in my podcasts as I rarely listen to anything other than music. Team Epiphany Podcast: As much as they have no steadfast topics, I thoroughly enjoy it. Makes me laugh, with such a beautiful combination of personalities, it makes for a great show. <3 Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCANBW6ACWi9huiCfbKk1pbQ Rooster Teeth Podcast: As you can see, I'm a fan of comedy podcasts, and this one is pretty fantastic. More serious than TE, but still lovely to listen to. Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzH3iADRIq1IJlIXjfNgTpA Those are pretty much it, I'm not a big podcast guy, so you shouldn't have expected too much. :3
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