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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. I can't say I hadn't ZAW this coming. Congrats! :3
  2. Wiell salutations Brad, nice to officially meet you! :3
  3. Hiya there, ZHO! Nice to meet you.
  4. 7.8/10 a tad too much gray, with the BR showing little of itself... And the lens flare is better with the colors... But still just doesn't look right.
  5. I am sorry to say that I don't play it as much as I planned to, mostly on Halo 4 for events an commendations, also on Reach, trying to hit my Inheritance. I rarely hop on it... Maybe I should...
  6. Group projects are fun! Especially when you do 75% of the work. :3

    1. Delpen9


      I was once as lazy as you, until I bought a shake weight.

    2. BeckoningZebra1
  7. Mm... Must be close by then if it's about 86 miles... The Portal to the Ark?
  8. The mystery is........BEES!

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Damn their honey making abilities!

    2. Delpen9


      If I was a bee I would eat my own poo.

  9. Hmhm, amusing Mayhem. But of course we would love to see this return, as it was a feature inherited during the franchise's pinnacle game and story, Halo 2. This ability adored by the players due to its efficiency and speed of execution, leaving you with only a mere reload to stress about... which is not that much of a drawback. Sure, I'd like to see it come back, SMGs maybe, but if that package were to slide with me with minimal friction, I'm afraid it will demand the return of the Brute Spiker, maybe the ONLY automatic weapon, aside from the SMG, that I like; for its appearance and performance of course. So... bring it back if you will, but it will all matter on its conduction, because no one can say they are a stranger to the phrase "Good things gone bad".
  10. Hiello there, Doomsday! :3 How's it going?
  11. The Laryngectomy, of course! The way the assassination plays out is very nice, and just something about the brutality of it is really exquisite, kinda reminds me of the ones we saw previously in Reach. Not to mention how uncommon it is, as it takes a precise, angled hit to achieve it.
  12. The sun has gone dark.. The Eclipse is here.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      And all the populaces of the world prepare to take pointless selfies as a select sane few get the F outta dodge...

    2. Delpen9


      The moon peers at us, red and angry. The eclipse is here.

  13. Well... They are enTITLEd to it.... But Halo: Reach and Halo 3: ODST... And Wars all had titles, though some were not completely in succession with one another, though it changes the fact that they possessed a label in no shape or form at all. But since it's a new Saga, it's nice to have a nifty little banner. BUUUUUUUUUUT'T! It could also be pointing towards a theory that Halo 5: Guardians could be much like ODST... Not completely on track of events after Halo 4, but still enough to tell a piece of the entire, much more complicated and convoluted story.
  14. Fabulous kills... Kinda.... Fantastic assassinations? I got you covered. :3 But the best medal is of course the Extermination, very challenging, but very cool when you hear it announced by the narrator...
  15. Sounds like it was bread for destruction and toasting opponents.
  16. I will happily accept any kind of weapon skins, because they do make them look very nice, such as the Imprint and Bones skins were. But attachments? That's a no go, loadouts were already enough, if any attachments are to be made, it should be fore the armor, the weapons remain monotone in original shape and performance.
  17. Name: Lunatic Primary Weapon: Lightrifle (NO scoping) Secondary: none Grenade: Pulse Grenade Armor Ability: Hologram/Thruster Tactical Package: Mobility Support Upgrade: Stealth Recommended for Rumble Pit and Double Team. Assassinations are your friend, use that stealth since the Lightrifle is only for looks... Also used with 10 sensitivity.
  18. Actually, a time distortion equipment would be an interesting touch. It is carried as a grenade, but can ONLY be picked up off the map, just like the power drain was in Halo 3. Its purpose is to project a field with a 2 yard radius that slows down time by about 45%, and is unbiased, so if you or a teammate enter it, you will attain the same consequences. A double-edged sword... If used incorrectly.
  19. Well salutations, Mr. Catalog. Care to exchange turn signals? :3
  20. Hiya British! Nice to meet you. Hope you like it around here. :3
  21. 8.8/10... The lens flare is not centered in the hole of the A... Sorry, OCD. But also looks out of place with all that red.
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