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Sadly Just AL

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Everything posted by Sadly Just AL

  1. You can make threads, I believe, but 5 valid posts are required to use the shoutbox. Also hiya.
  2. TL;DR. 6.8/10. No pretty pictures. :c
  3. Well, I think this mcthugginugget is most likely an antagonist on the ONI front, since the chief is hiding from them in the first place, sent as a bounty Hunter to track him down. But since this lad is no Didact, Covie, or Forunner skudz, I'm guessing that he'll strike at MC at first, but may uncover that he is innocent and cheesily trade sides, favoring the chief. The fact that a few people, and I (though maybe not for the same reason), think that he may be a negative character is due to his appearance, as his color scheme looks to take a polar opposite feel to the Chief's.
  4. Hi Darman. :3 Nice to meet you!
  5. Soar throat... Mlah.

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      Try some frozen water ;D

    2. Rue


      Gargle salt water!

    3. Akali


      Try boiling ice water ;)

  6. Maybe a Forerunner rail gun that shoots slowly (at 1.3% speed of the current unscoped light rifle) a three shot kill... Unless the trigger is held down, activating a charge shot that is a one shot kill at a SPECIFIC range, so that it is not boltshot-ish.
  7. The Grav Hammer is a very powerful tool at close quarters, good for multi kills, trick-jumps, and even vehicular disorientation. Although it can clock almost any close range weapon if used correctly, it is very taxing if you miss the initial shot, leaving you open. The sword is much more optimal. Lunge is fantastic, and surprising, since it can't be predicted easily or blocked. It is easily hidden, unlike the Hammer which is as stealthy as a brute chieftain, and can go toe to toe with it if you know how to take it on.
  8. Leadership.... We need someone who is "bread" for it and knows how to "communicate". I nominate Bnus. :3
  9. Needle-Rifle Sniper. Acts similar to a sniper, two shot body kill, or a Supercombine explosion detonated upon headshot. Would be more equalized than a Beam Rifle, which possesses a faster fire-rate than both the Sniper and Binary Rifle. Would be nice to see... That or bring the Needle Rifle back... We already have a BR and DMR.
  10. The ONI Symbol is on the Spartan's chest plate... It looks rather like the King of the Hill mastery emblem.
  11. Non-overcompetitive gametypes? Sounds beautiful. Downloading all of those, nice work Zan. :3
  12. Well, well. Tis I, your local neighborhood Sparky, here with a relevant topic... Weird, right? But anyway, one of the most outstanding gameplay mechanics that has been introduced to Halo matchmaking is the assassination, a whole step up from the basic back-smack, this one is much more... Satisfactory. It is a highlight for screenshots, lovely for showing off, and the fact that there is little that is more enjoyable than watching your opponent squirm while you execute them. We see them rarely... sometimes way too often, but few pay attention to the specific movements and methods to obtain certain assassinations, so it is my duty as a fellow Assassination Lunatic to offer some tips and tricks that you can take home and tinker with. :3 So here we go... Basic Assassinations: Kickoff: First up, we have one of the most common assassinations, firstly as it is very easy to do. All you need to do is melee the enemy at directly the south of their body, without your shoulders being parallel to their back. It involves sweep of the leg to disorient, followed by a swift burial of the dagger into the back of the neck, leaving only the kick disposal of the corpse. Usually gained by straight chase. Vertebreaker: Firstly, this one makes no sense, as there is not enough grip for spinal shatter. But it envolves pinning the arm of the spartan while forcing their body over your knee with your other arm, pushing down until their "Vertebrae breaks", Gained by approach from the left side between 30 to 60 degrees. Laryngectomy: One of my personal favorites, this assassination is actually very rare. A spartan victim is tilted to the right, helpless as the executioner penetrates the throat, dispatching and then revolving the carcass over to the left. Obtained by striking to the extreme right of the opponents back, right between Layout and basic melee. +Credit to the MawrTRON for the name, it fits sooo well. Layout: another often seen assassination, where the opposing spartan is gripped by the back armor, and layed out flat, leaving them open to the impending blade that will impale itself in the collar of the frontal neck area... lots of movement in this one. Easily achieved by attacking from the right, after the 45 degree mark. Lynch: A very blatant throat slitting, so I'm not going to give it an ingenious cover, but it is an assassination that is performable mostly while on an incline... but it can be at times received when the enemy is crouched and at a very small sliver at the left side as well. Spinal Tap: This one makes my skin crawl when I think about it, as it is the covering of an opponents visor with your left hand, forcing them to busy their hands trying to remove you... this allowing your right hand to unsheathe and then sink your knife into the connection of skull and spine... ugh. Mostly found on the left, after the point of the Kickoff. Throwdown: Seen with Elites in Halo: Reach, the tackle is not a very new concept, finally resurfacing in Halo 4. Just the same, involves the attacking spartan lunging at the adversary, pinning them to the floor. While the opponent tries to wriggle free, the killer propels the blade into the forehead of the victim, abandoning the body at completion. Occurs when you strike while both of your shoulders are parallel, and on occasion when you ninja and hit the exact same location... Not to mention it is very versatile and shows up in other technicalities. Hugz: Adorable... lol. This is the dropdown assassination that we see in Halo 4, similar to the Reach version in the sense where both involve the snapping of necks. But it shows the spartan latching onto the back of the victim and dropping them to their knees, until the neck-breaker dispatch is accomplished. Rare by itself unless from a map with high elevations, jetpacking, or of course my method of 180 or backdrop... Also designated as Ninjaing. Grounded: Also known as a failure to launch, this is the midair assassination... which also makes little sense in its execution. While intercepting the jumping or jetpacking, your character will grip the shoulder of the unlucky spartan, preparing them for the blade swipe of the other arm... dunno how that works, doesn't make sense how it's so easy to withdraw it. Obtained by meleeing at an opponent that is off the ground, but only counts as an Airsassination if both of you are in the air before the strike. Special/Gametype: Organ Rupture: The sword is always a fun looking assassination, now resembling the Elite on Spartan version in Reach. The enemy player will be once more stopped by the shoulder before being hoisted into the air by being impaled by the Energy Sword, kinda like an armored Kebab. Happens every time, even in a dropdown, but can be interrupted by a Lynch on occasion. Disintegrator: The dropdown ball-assassination, and a very fabulous one at that. Rare, but doable if the player is unsuspecting or by method of ninjaing (Preferable). Your spartan will land, forcing the enemy to their hands and knees, leaving them to attempt crawling away, only to have their hopes... and skull... crushed by the oddball which you slam down onto the back of their head... they will disappear into Forerunner Petals. Happens every time. Uppercut: The basic ball-assassination, with no jumping required, but a very cool looking one nonetheless. The carrier of the oddball will turn the opponent around so both are face to face, steadying them with the arm that spun the enemy around initially, then absodidly hemorrhaging them with the skull... letting the Petally remains rain down like confetti. Can be interrupted by Spinal Tap, and possesses no airsassination. Capture This: The most anticipating and difficult to achieve features, even rarer than the Laryngectomy, as it's hard sneak up with the flag marker over your head. In it, you will knock the enemy off their feet by swiping the flag across their face and then "You Shall Not Passing" it right into the center of the helmet. Works every time, BUT can be interrupted by a Layout, which replaces the dagger with the flag, which also happens in a Grounded. A Hug can occur, leaving the flag on the back of your spartan. And yes, this is a loose little tutorial for you guys and gals, hopefully helpful for identification and the way you can plan out your sneakyness. Obviously, no access to Covenant and Forerunner enemies is withheld by the constriction of theater mode, so I can't study them very well. BUT I may add some flood assassinations later, though they are also difficult to access... shotgun helps none. Oh well... We will see. Until then, Thanks for reading! PS: FEEL SHAME
  13. Dominion was the first playlist I touched when I first got my hands on Halo 4.... And I absodidly loved it. The gameplay was very fun, despite my initial gripe of it replacing Invasion, but those specifics quickly dissipated when I actually got into a game. The way it plays is smooth, which is a bit rare in some playlists in Halo 4 where all the games seem to bleed by fairly quickly, a relief. The weapon drops do hinder it a tad, but not as bad as the 6 grenades that get chucked into a room like King of the Hill, lol, though these only pose a small annoyance. All in all, Dominion is what big team objective playlists SHOULD have been, and I will gladly accept it in future Halo titles with open arms.
  14. Fishy... :c I'm gonna miss our little fish, you were a nice guy and fun to converse with... And make puns about. :3 Hope to see you later, or maybe sooner, whichever one is best for you.
  15. "They seek him here... They Seek him there..."

  16. I like that it's not just clip compilation, and that you had some nice perspective angles as well as transition creativity. Very nice.
  17. Mm... As much as I hope that Haven returns in the next title.... I do not wish to see Infinity settings. But good eye.
  18. I recently got out of a Halo clan, (thank goodness I did), but we spent minimal time together, especially when I took a three month hiatus. It really depends on your clan set up and people, because if you get the wrong crowd, it's not going to be a nice experience.
  19. Hi Sensual, nice to meet your acquaintance.
  20. I'm free! I'm free! I'm clan free!

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      ^He's free! To do what he wants!

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      He's got the Golden Ticket!

  21. Hiya there, Senguie! It's nice to meet you as well.
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